At this time, Roger appeared on the bottom of a deep sea.

The strange thing is that he can breathe directly in the sea water without suffocating.

Having experienced the realm of inner demons, he can understand that this is a characteristic of the idealistic world.

As long as you subjectively think you can do it, then there is a high probability that you can really do it.

Magicians recognize that places like the Star Boundary are dangerous and must be extremely careful every time they explore. This is because the rules there are very different from those in the material plane, and many of them are contrary to common sense.

If you don't have time to think so much in an emergency, you may be in trouble if you bring out the muscle memory of the material world.

Reckless adventurers who are not experienced enough, no matter how strong they are, may be beaten to death by the natives living there.

Roger entered the ocean of consciousness for the first time, but because he was sent in by the Queen of Evernight, out of his trust in her strength, he believed that he would not be in danger, so he directly avoided the possibility of drowning in the first wave.

After observing for a moment, he couldn't see how far away there was a dark seabed. He was just glad that he didn't have a phobia of the deep sea.

Not far away, he found a girl with red eyes and a stubborn expression.

She was only wearing light pajamas and was tied up with water and grass in an artistic way. Her beautiful figure was on full display, and she had a blasphemous beauty.

That beautiful little face with a mixture of sadness, pity, helplessness, and anger reminded Roger involuntarily of the Queen of Evernight on the city wall.

Your Majesty's figure is much better nourished than the half-dragon princess. If you dress like this, then tie it up again...

Kinda like it!

Damn it, why does that woman's shadow seem to be everywhere now?

Roger realized something was wrong with him.

Roger, Roger, you LSP has fallen!

She didn't react at all to the beautiful girl with white hair, red eyes and dragon horns. Instead, she just wanted to attack Her Majesty the Queen, who was becoming more and more difficult to see through and had even learned to seduce others?

Roger stood there and did not immediately come forward to say hello to Tasika, but felt that he needed some time to calm down.

The encounter in the realm of inner demons and Queen Eternal Night's victory over the inner demons changed a lot.

But he himself seemed to have undergone quite a change...

The most obvious thing is that his lust for the Queen has become bigger!

Her three-dimensional modeling and CG in the game are superb, and she was selected as the most popular female character of the year.

But after traveling through this world, except for certain moments, Roger was actually a little respectful, afraid and helpless when faced with the powerful aura of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Greedy body was definitely greedy, but with her strength and character, he felt he had no chance.

Just like an ordinary student, daring to chase the school beauty is courage, but daring to chase a big star is a joke.

Roger is definitely not an ordinary student in this world, but the Queen of Eternal Night is not comparable to the top traffic figures on earth.

It is true that she is the national idol of the empire, but she is also the absolute leader and force guarantee who truly controls life and death and creates the glory of this country.

To say she is a humanoid nuclear weapon is not an exaggeration, right?

So Roger always wanted to stay as far away from this queen as possible, so as not to injure himself.

But fate is a wicked little bastard. He came to OB to watch a battle, and happened to encounter the Queen of Eternal Night being ambushed by the Eris demon bug.

After seeing the weak and needy Queen of Night in the Realm of Inner Demons, and hugging her with her own hands, Roger's mentality was inevitably a bit inflated.

The invincible Queen of Evernight is essentially just a gluttonous girl, or a silly little girl who needs psychological counseling, otherwise she will take the blame for herself?

Let's work hard, maybe we'll have a chance!

His mentality at this time was different from that of lsp who occasionally talked about being flirtatious and wanted to be slept with. In fact, he was just talking about it and would not put it into practice.

Now Luo Hegujie is already thinking about how to conquer the Queen of Evernight.

This is the difference between planning and daydreaming.

Planning is thinking about how to complete it, and daydreaming is thinking about what posture to use after completing it.

Nothing will happen to the latter if she is just being sexual, since no one knows about it anyway, but if the former is really going to fail...

It’s really possible to lose your head!

Hey, this queen has no martial ethics, so why did she develop into a female witch?

Roger felt that the Queen of Evernight should have made the first move in this wave.

So when he analyzed the performance of Queen Yongye, it was really a bit unpredictable.

Men are like creatures who will think about which elementary school their children should enroll in if a beautiful woman on the street takes one more look at him...

So when he analyzed it from the perspective of hindsight, he found that Queen Yongye paid a lot of attention and care to him.

This wasn't just a second glance in the crowd, but a pursuit all the way to the big library...

This is not at all the level of attention you should pay to an ordinary courtier or your best friend and brother, right?

And that magic beacon on my leg...

Is it possible that the Queen really has that kind of interest in me?

Roger analyzed it.

He discovered that his biggest advantage was that he had no competitors!

In the vast empire of Nuo, there are probably tens of millions of men who admire Queen Yongye, but currently there is not a single one who dares to take action and has the ability to take action.

In the minds of the people of the Empire, the Queen is aloof and greater than a god. How can she possibly fall in love...

Therefore, no matter how outstanding Queen Yong Ye is, no man sends her flowers or lipstick, no man plays romance with her and writes love letters, and no man uses all kinds of shameless tricks to stalk her...

The Queen takes maternity leave if she dares, right?

Roger quickly covered his mouth, fearing that he would scare Tasika if he made silly noises.

Be calm, calm, and don't be blindly optimistic.

Just think about the above things and don't become a puffer fish.

Hold on, don't wave!

What if you don't mean it at all, and I'm just being sentimental here, and get a disgusted face saying that I like your sister more, how embarrassing is that?

Maybe he would become angry and say, "You ant, you are wishful thinking," and your life would be in danger.

After all, she is the Queen. What kind of young talent have I not seen?

As a time traveler, I can expect to be invincible in the world ten years from now, but now I am still a little brother who needs others to care for me.

However, there is nothing wrong with staying with the Queen for more observation, and first trying to understand the Queen's attitude, right?

Roger gradually calmed down and found that he had many opportunities to come into contact with the Queen of Evernight.

In the short term, there are negotiations with the orc tribe, in the medium term, there is "New Arcane" and the Tianming Army, and in the long term, Dio, the cabinet minister, can be reconnected.

Even if the emperor has deep thoughts, as time goes by, he will surely be able to see people's hearts, right?

Moreover, with these opportunities for contact, I can also show my charm and ability at the right time, so that she can get used to my existence, become inseparable from me, and even rely on me!

Anyway, as long as I don't confess, I won't lose, as long as I keep cultivating my favorability.

One day, a wave of high-end operations was shown, and the big bang and combat robot that the Queen had always wanted were made. Wouldn't that be a great situation waiting for her to confess her love first?

After some careful thinking, although Roger was not unsure about Queen Evernight's attitude toward him, he decided not to think about escaping anymore.

Now, as long as the Queen dares to confess her love, I dare to agree!

On the surface, this is just a small step forward, but it is a big step in their relationship...

Well, probably, I can’t wash it anymore!

Roger turned his attention back to Princess Tequila in front of him.

After realizing that the Queen "may be interested in him", he felt that the Queen's arrangement for negotiation might also be a test.

Otherwise, how could she suddenly understand strategy?

Just to use an impossible thing to test us!

It's like an interview. After the first round, there will be a second round. If you fail, you may not be eliminated directly.

But the problem is, this paper is not easy to answer...

Roger was scratching his head because the Queen of Evernight gave him too much freedom.

No bottom line conditions were given, and he was asked to talk first and then report.

It's like the title of an essay is "Untitled". It's too open and it makes it difficult to start.

What he is good at is writing perfect essays on an existing topic, but he is a bit blind when he writes casually.

Roger considered Princess Tasika's character, the current situation of the orc tribe, and the empire's current needs...

He felt that simply talking about a vassal state that paid tribute every year and became a vassal every year would definitely not be a perfect score.

You have to turn the orc tribe into a die-hard ally and actively follow them to oppose the tyranny of the gods.

The good news is that Tasika is just a devout believer in the goddess of war, and has not yet reached the level of a fanatic.

So there is room for maneuver in this wave!

Roger had a rough strategy in mind and moved directly in front of Tasika.

He stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a black aristocratic robe without any wind, looking full of strong demeanor.

Anyway, this is the ocean of idealistic consciousness. As long as you think you are strong, it will shine!

After watching so many anime, movies, and games, he still knows how to make concave shapes.

A handsome guy suddenly appeared in front of Tasika, and her eyes were naturally filled with surprise and shock.

Roger didn't give her much time to react. He raised his hand slightly and untied the water plants tangled around her body. His voice was deafening and reverberated: "Tasika Caccini, you are a sinner of the orc tribe."

Based on his experience in laning, if he hits a big hat first and lowers the opponent's identity, he will lose some confidence in whatever he says next.

Although Zhentashika was desperate, she had been watching the battle between the Orc Alliance and the Imperial Army.

Naturally, he recognized Roger as the "young strong man" beside Queen Evernight, a key figure who single-handedly reversed the offensive and defensive situation and caused heavy losses to the orc coalition.

Facing the winner, the losing side is already weak, and this sentence "sinner" directly breaks the defense.

This is the truth!

Self-blame and guilt flooded into her heart, draining away all Tasika's strength. After losing the support of her bindings, she knelt down on the ground and raised her head with a sad smile: "What Mr. Charles said is absolutely true. If I hadn't not been able to see the chief priest clearly, His wolfish ambition would not have caused the orcs to suffer such a disastrous defeat."

She had thought a thousand times that if she had resisted to the death when old Joestar first came, if she had controlled the Orc coalition and Rommel's army to confront him head-on, even if the Orc Empire would have been defeated, Srena would never be like she is now. The city was slaughtered, and the remaining tribes were unable to fight anymore, right?

The most uncomfortable thing now is that the tribesmen haven't accused her yet, and the empire people think her behavior is ridiculous.

Roger didn't expect that he would achieve such good results with just one sentence.

No, sister, are you directly admitting your guilt?

I would have thought that I had to be possessed by the souls of Komemon and Naruhodou to win!

The princesses in this world have such a strong sense of responsibility and are full of the spirit of taking the blame...

The quality of the enemies was too high, which made Roger feel a little uncomfortable. He felt like he had become the most hated self-media figure like Mi Meng before.

But then I thought about it, if Tasika didn't cooperate, the fate of the orc tribe would only be worse. It would be a good thing for me to help her realize the reality faster.

Use thunderous means to follow the heart of a Bodhisattva.

I am not Mi Meng who only wants to make money and take advantage of others.

He continued at full volume, as if reading a judgment:

"The orc chief priest Joestar created the bloody night in Odu, harming 100,000 innocent civilians in the empire. His Majesty was furious and demanded that the orc tribe pay back a hundredfold and stain the desert with blood; and you set a trap, sacrificed the upper echelons of the tribe as sacrifices, plotted against His Majesty and Rommel's army, and just now His Majesty has ordered all orcs to be killed!"

Tasika's face turned pale, without a trace of blood, and her teeth were clenched.

The Queen of Eternal Night is indeed worthy of her reputation. She is a ruthless woman who will take revenge for any slight, cruel and inhumane...

Jostar and his son are even more bastards. Why do you want to provoke her! ?

Just as she was in despair and her eyes were black, Roger changed the subject:

"But I think the lives of orcs are also lives. I will fight for your last chance to atone for your sins. Whether you can save tens of millions of innocent lives in the tribe depends on your performance."

Roger tried his best to make his voice calm and emotionless, so as to show that he didn't care about the lives of the tribe.

Although Tashika didn't understand it before, she learned from old Joestar's words and deeds these days and knew that her beauty was valuable. She immediately understood this "performance" and acted pitifully.

Although she felt disgusted, she still made up her mind and pulled her pajamas down, revealing her collarbone and half of her sphere. She was as helpless as a little white flower: "My lord, I will definitely perform well and give you everything. As long as you are happy, anything is fine..."

Compared to old Joestar selling his goods to more than 30 companies, at least the boy in front of him is not bad looking and strong. If he can really save the orcs, it's not a loss...

It's even a little profit?

Roger raised his hand and a wave overturned Tashika: "Don't play such tricks. The empire is conquering all directions. Are there not many princesses who are prettier and higher in status than you in the Abyss Mill?"

Tashika raised her head and saw his face full of disgust, and her heart was immediately in turmoil.

So this is not the performance that Lord Charles was talking about?

I was being sentimental, so what else can I do?

I am a princess with nothing, trapped in the depths of the ocean of consciousness, what else can I show?

Seeing her panic and helpless expression, Roger knew that his plan to attack her heart was successful.

Since he appeared, he first aroused Tashika's guilt for the orc tribe, and then let her know the desperate situation of the orc tribe.

Then he gave her a little hope, seemingly threatening her beauty.

When she made the decision to sacrifice herself, he immediately told her that you guessed wrong, breaking her last pride.

This is a ring after another, repeatedly pulling the top torture.

As a princess whose country was destroyed and her family was ruined, her beauty that she was proud of was despised by others. How could she not panic after losing the last bargaining chip she could put on the table?

Tashika's mind was blank. She was eager to save the orc tribe, but she really didn't know what to do.

Roger started with a club and beat Tashika half to death, but then he changed his attitude to a gentle one.

He leaned over and pulled Tashika up. A robe appeared in his hand and he put it on her. His voice was as warm as the spring breeze, warming Tashika's body and mind:

"There is a proverb in the empire that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I know that the real culprit of the bloody night of Aodu is the goddess of war. As long as the orcs are willing to contribute to the cause of resisting the gods, I can fight for a glimmer of hope for you in front of His Majesty."

Tashika was already in despair. When she heard Roger's soft voice and clearly pointed out a way out for the orc tribe, she felt like a ray of light shining into the darkness, and suddenly there was hope.

Was the young man in front of her the miracle she had been praying for?

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