Zhao Wuji looked back at the carriage, and temporarily put aside his melancholy. To be honest, even if he didn't count the obsession with his body before, he liked Li Wan'er very much.

With peerless appearance, good talent, profound background, and most importantly, understanding, she was the best choice for a wife. The more Zhao Wuji thought about it, the bigger his smile became.

But Li Wan'er in the carriage had a cold face, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes!

At this time, the Zhenbei Palace was already full of guests. This kind of shocking big event can be said to be the first time in the Dawu Dynasty. After all, whether it was the Zhenbei Prince or the Princess of the Wu Palace, their status and position were not inferior to that of the princes and princesses.

Therefore, all the forces of the Dawu Dynasty, no matter how big or small, who could come to the Daluo Realm, came to the banquet, hoping to get familiar with the Zhenbei King. Even if they couldn't get familiar with him, it would be good to make friends with some other big figures.

Below the main hall, there were people from small forces, whose cultivation was around the early stage of the Daluo Realm. One of them was dressed in black, with a calm face, and was resting with his eyes closed.

The others were all excited. After all, it was their honor to be able to attend such a wedding. If the King of Zhenbei had not specifically ordered that all warriors above the Daluo realm could come to drink a glass of wedding wine, they would not be able to enter the gate of the King of Zhenbei's mansion with their status.

Everyone was talking in a low voice.

"What an honor! I never dreamed that I would be able to attend the wedding of the Prince of Zhenbei Palace!"

"Yes, I heard that the prince has cultivated to the fifth level of Daluo. He is indeed a peerless genius!"

"That's right, I heard that the prince just didn't want to practice before! Now the prince is the leader of the younger generation of our Dawu Dynasty!"

"By the way, I heard that a great man who practiced magic came to the imperial city some time ago and humiliated the prince! Why is there no other news later? Can't he be controlled by the King of Zhenbei?........"

"Hush, the affairs of such people are not for you and me to discuss, let's think about how to make friends with some big shots later!"

After hearing this, the others hurriedly stopped talking and quickly scanned the big shots they could make friends with. After all, this was the purpose of their trip.

The man in black sitting next to them slowly opened his eyes. He was Zhou Qiong who had hidden his cultivation and changed his appearance. He raised his head and looked towards the side of the palace gate, where a carriage was slowly driving over.

The guards at the gate of the palace immediately shouted,"The prince is back to welcome his bride, the prince is back to welcome his bride!"

Outside, Zhao Wuji slowly opened the curtain of the carriage, took Li Wan'er's hand and slowly got off the carriage. He walked towards the hall step by step.

At this time, there were two tall figures sitting above the hall, they were the King of Zhenbei and the King of Wu, and there were two other old men sitting on both sides, one dressed as a Confucian scholar and the other in a strong suit. Judging from their aura, they were obviously ninth-level semi-saints.

The two were the Palace Master of the Jixia Academy and the House Master of the Dawu Academy. Together with the King of Zhenbei and the King of Wu, there were four top figures of the Dawu Dynasty sitting in this hall.

It can be said that in Dawu, the four of them are the strongest except for Emperor Wu!

Zhao Wuji took Li Wan'er to the middle of the hall, and the Palace Master of the Jixia Academy stood up and shouted softly,"First bow to heaven and earth, second bow to parents, and husband and wife bow to each other!"

The two of them began to perform the etiquette continuously.

As the words"Ceremony Completed" sounded, they were led by servants to the wedding room at the back.

In the hall, everyone began to laugh and talk. King Zhenbei was also laughing. The wedding was completed, and his worries were finally put aside. He smiled at the burly King Wu beside him.

"This time we are more than just brothers, I will be completely relieved in the future!"

The other three also understood the meaning of King Zhenbei's words and changed the subject. King Zhenbei didn't say anything else, picked up the wine glass and began to toast continuously.

In a corner below, several people from small forces were drinking and talking. One of them exclaimed,"Where is the man in black just now!"

The others also said that they didn't see it, but they didn't care. They didn't know each other in the first place, maybe the other party is going to make friends with some big shot now.

At this time, in a huge wedding room behind the palace, Zhao Wuji looked at Li Wan'er who was sitting opposite him with a little excitement.

He stretched out his hand and slowly uncovered the red silk covering Li Wan'er's head.

What appeared in front of him was Li Wan'er's peerless face, light makeup, and light red lips, giving people a feeling of pity.

Zhao Wuji swallowed lightly and said softly to Li Wan'er,

""Wan'er, from today on you are my Zhao Wuji's wife, and I Zhao Wuji will love you forever!"

Li Wan'er looked at Zhao Wuji and nodded shyly.

Zhao Wuji calmed down. He really regarded Li Wan'er as his wife, and even thought about becoming the emperor of Dawu in the future, and he would definitely make Li Wan'er the queen.

So he didn't want to have any regrets today. He slowly picked up the wine glass on the table beside him and handed it to Li Wan'er, wanting to drink a cup of wine with her!

Zhao Wuji didn't know that there were not only two of them in the room at this time.

There was another person peeping, no, he was watching openly.

In the corner of the room, a man in black was looking at Zhao Wuji speechlessly. The man radiated this leisurely light, so that the two people in the room were completely unaware.

It was Zhou Qiong. Now he only wanted to say to Zhao Wuji, you big... Damn, can you do it? You are not impotent, are you? You are so slow!

Of course Zhou Qiong is not a pervert. He is interested in watching live performances. He is here to complete the plan. Today is the day when Zhao Wuji, the chess piece, is officially used. It is also the day of Zhao Wuji's death!

Zhao Wuji didn't know that there was another person in the room who was waiting to take his life. After drinking the wedding wine, he suddenly pounced on Li Wan'er and kissed her fiercely.

Bang, Zhao Wuji flew back suddenly, even smashing the table behind him. He spat out a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth. He bent over and touched his stomach. There was a sharp knife stuck on it. It contained a terrifying destructive breath, which was constantly destroying his internal organs!

Zhao Wuji looked up, looked at Li Wan'er opposite with an unbelievable face, and asked,"Why?"

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