Li Wan'er did not respond, but sneered and slapped Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji showed a hint of ruthlessness on his face, stretched out a palm and hit Li Wan'er. With a loud bang, Li Wan'er vomited blood and fell to the ground seriously injured, losing the ability to resist.

With Li Wan'er's cultivation at the peak of Zhenwu, how could she be Zhao Wuji's opponent.

Zhao Wuji looked at Li Wan'er in front of him with contempt, and said in a deep voice,"Do you think a broken knife with a destructive state of mind can kill me?"

After speaking, he stretched out a hand and slowly pulled out the sharp knife stuck in his stomach and threw it on the ground. He began to circulate the skills all over his body, and a continuous blue light came out from Zhao Wuji's body, slowly gathering in his abdomen, and saw that the state of mind that was constantly destroying just now suddenly disappeared.

After doing all this, Zhao Wuji looked at Li Wan'er and asked,"Tell me, who told you to do this!"

In fact, Zhao Wuji already had some guesses in his mind, that is Emperor Wu. In the early years when he didn't recover his memory, he had always been ordinary in talent, and he ate, drank and had fun all day, so Emperor Wu really didn't pay attention to him.

But he has changed so much recently, and he is even said to be the leader of the younger generation of the Great Wu Dynasty. He knows that Emperor Wu is already afraid of him, or to be more precise , he has begun to be afraid of Zhenbei Palace.

That's why he didn't refuse this marriage. After all, Zhenbei Palace can't break with the Great Wu Dynasty at present, which will only give others an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But he never thought that Li Wan'er would assassinate him in the wedding room. Zhao Wuji's eyes showed a murderous intent, and he used his skills to kill Li Wan'er.

But he did not strike with his hand, and slowly put it down. He thought that he could not kill Li Wan'er now. If he killed her in the bridal chamber, then the Zhenbei Palace and the Wu Palace would immediately break up, and even the Zhenbei Palace would have no choice but to rebel against the Great Wu Dynasty.

Just when Zhao Wuji wanted to capture Li Wan'er and then consider it, he suddenly vomited blood again, and there were even fragments of internal organs in it, and his aura quickly withered.

Zhao Wuji felt the vitality in his body constantly slipping away, and a word instantly came to his mind,"poison".

Li Wan'er poisoned him, but when did she poison him?

Zhao Wuji looked at Li Wan'er's lips, his eyes fixed, and he thought of a possibility.

Li Wan'er, lying on the ground, showed a hint of a sneer, and said in a cold voice,"You're dead, hahahaha!"

""Ah, you stinky bitch!"

Zhao Wuji was so angry that he was going crazy. He didn't know what kind of poison he had taken, but he felt that his vitality was fading faster and faster. If he didn't take measures quickly, he would die in less than half an hour.

He didn't care about insulting Li Wan'er anymore. Zhao Wuji frantically took out various elixirs from the ring and kept throwing them into his mouth, but it was of no use.

No matter what elixir entered the body, it had no effect. At this time, Zhao Wuji's hair began to turn white. You know, the cultivation level of Daluo realm has a lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years.

But he was almost consumed by the unknown poison in a short moment. Zhao Wuji grabbed Li Wan'er's neck with one hand and said fiercely

"You bitch, hand over the antidote, or I'll kill you right now!"

""Bah, you're dead, you're dead!" Li Wan'er looked at Zhao Wuji and said frantically.

Zhao Wuji also found that Li Wan'er was not right at this time. He guessed that the other party might be controlled by something, and Li Wan'er's hair was already white at this time.

This proved that the other party was also poisoned. He cursed in his heart, this Emperor Wu was so cruel. In order to kill him, he actually abandoned his niece, and the King Wu, your own daughter, you just abandoned it. Too cruel! Zhao Wuji didn't care to think more. At this time, his hands were a little slow. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he thought of something, and quickly took out a dark black wooden sculpture from his arms.

The wood sculpture exuded light, with a few drops of liquid in it, exuding super vitality. Zhao Wuji just smelled it, and he felt that his body seemed to have recovered a little.

He laughed and said,"How could I, Zhao Wuji, die so easily? Just relying on you, a stinky bitch, you want to kill me, dream!"

After saying that, he stopped hesitating and was about to put the liquid in the wood carving in his hand into his mouth.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji suddenly heard a cracking sound from behind, and then a voice appeared in his ears,


Zhao Wuji suddenly felt that his whole body was out of control, and infinite fear and anger rose in his heart, because he recognized the owner of that voice.

This voice was so damn familiar to him. Every time he heard this voice, he would be in trouble. He knelt down the first two times, but this time he felt that it was not just as simple as kneeling down.

Zhao Wuji looked at the life-saving elixir that was so close, his face almost flushed, but no matter what secret method he used, he could not move it. What he didn't know was that Zhou Qiong's"Words" technique had already made a qualitative leap, and with his mere Daluo realm cultivation, he could not break it at all!

A sigh came from behind Zhao Wuji, and Zhou Qiong's body The shadow slowly emerged, looking at the wooden sculpture in Zhao Wuji's hand with a speechless expression.

Sure enough, none of these sons of destiny are easy to kill. The poison he was poisoned with was drawn by Zhou Qiong from the system. Not to mention that Zhao Wuji is a Daluo realm warrior, even an ordinary half-saint is doomed to die!

Originally, Zhou Qiong ordered Li Wan'er to put the poison on her lips, so Zhao Wuji would definitely be poisoned and die. Now it seems that it is fortunate that I am here, otherwise the plan will not be implemented properly.

Zhou Qiong took the wooden sculpture from Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji's eyes were red with anger at this time. He hated why he didn't call for help just now. His life-saving straw now.���It was taken away by Zhou Qiong.

But his body could no longer move. Feeling the vitality inside his body decreasing, Zhao Wuji began to despair. He knew that he could not escape today!

A possibility also came to his mind. Li Wan'er was not instructed by Emperor Wu and King Wu, but was controlled by Zhou Qiong. He wanted to cause a conflict between King Zhenbei and the Dawu Dynasty. What exactly did he want to do!

Zhao Wuji looked at Zhou Qiong in front of him fiercely, with an expression that he wanted to eat him.

Zhou Qiong ignored his expression and looked at the wood carving in his hand in deep thought. He always felt that this wood carving contained something besides the liquid inside.

But Zhao Wuji should know what it contained. Zhou Qiong did not ask him, nor did he mean to search his soul, because that would be seen by others.

In his plan, Zhao Wuji must die of poisoning. Otherwise, he would have just slapped him to death with one hand, why bother so much.

Zhou Qiong squatted down, patted Zhao Wuji's face with his hand, and said in a cold voice

"Go to hell honestly, you are not the first, and you will not be the last! It is your blessing to die in my hands."

Bang, Zhao Wuji lay on the ground, his eyes wide open with unwillingness and anger.

A system voice sounded in Zhou Qiong's mind.

Then Zhou Qiong turned around and disappeared in the room, and put away the isolation formation arranged in the room. If he had not arranged the formation in the room in advance, based on the movement just now, the four semi-saint ninth-level masters outside would have discovered the abnormality here.

Just as Zhou Qiong disappeared in the room, the smiling King of Zhenbei, who was constantly toasting outside, suddenly changed his face!


Thanks to the big guy {Regret} for the inspiration capsule, thanks to {Red Dust Passerby} {44108670} for the update reminder, thanks to {Zhatian Gang Li Bai} {Outlaw Zhang San (funny)} {Wandao Xianzun} for the invitation to climb up.

Thanks also to the other big guys who gave Xiaobai a reward


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