The figure of the King of Zhenbei flashed and disappeared in the lobby. After the King of Zhenbei disappeared, the King of Wu and the other three also immediately noticed something was wrong and disappeared in the lobby.

Although the others also felt something, they did not dare to wander around in the King of Zhenbei's mansion. They could only look at the direction of the wedding room behind with curiosity.

In Zhao Wuji's wedding room, the King of Zhenbei looked at his son who had lost his life with a face full of white hair and grief!

At this time, the other three people also appeared in the wedding room.

What caught their eyes was Zhao Wuji, who had lost his life with white hair and spitting blood.

At this time, his eyes were still full of resentment and unwillingness!

In the corner opposite him, a dying Li Wan'er was lying.

At this time, she was also full of white hair and her vitality was almost gone.

The King of Wu's eyes were full of disbelief.

He immediately took out the elixir from his arms and wanted to give it to Li Wan'er.

At this moment, Li Wan'er muttered in a low voice,"Zhao Wuji is dead too, the King of Zhenbei should be quiet now! The dynasty belongs to our Li family after all!"

After that, the vitality in her body completely dissipated! Even the soul dispersed together. It can be said that no matter what kind of elixir is now, it can't save the two!

From the appearance of the four people of the King of Zhenbei to the death of Li Wan'er after she finished speaking, it took less than a second.

At this time, King Wu held the elixir in his hand and looked at the dead Li Wan'er in shock. A bad idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

Bang, the whole wedding room was instantly shrouded in a terrifying momentum. The King of Zhenbei looked at King Wu with a livid face, as if he wanted to kill someone.

He asked loudly,"Why, why on earth, my two sons are dead, and now only Wuji is left. Why are you still worried!"

King Wu didn't know why at this time. In addition to grief, he also had a trace of confusion in his heart. Although Li Wan'er's words just now were only one sentence, in fact, the four people present could hear something.

But King Wu couldn't figure out why Li Wan'er did this. Could it be that King Wu thought of his own brother, Emperor Wu, who had been suspicious since he was seriously injured? Could it be that he ordered Li Wan'er to do this?

But didn't he know that he only had Li Wan'er as his daughter? Thinking of this, King Wu was also a little angry, and at the same time, he showed a little weakness to King Zhenbei's questioning. After all, if it was according to his guess, it was indeed their Li family who was at fault.

However, the corner of his mouth could only say in a deep voice,"Brother Tieyi, there is something fishy about this matter. It is very likely that someone deliberately provoked a conflict. We must find out first and then make a decision!"

King Zhenbei was not calm at all. His spiritual sense quickly searched Zhao Wuji and Li Wan'er's bodies, and the other three were also secretly investigating.

It can be imagined that after Zhou Qiong's arrangement, it can be said that no problems were found at all.

After the four people investigated, they all imagined the result they wanted, that is, Li Wan'er smeared poison on her mouth and died together with Zhao Wuji. She also deliberately arranged a formation in the room to isolate them from the possibility of discovering it in advance.

As for the anger and unwillingness in Zhao Wuji's eyes, it is easier to explain. Who would have thought that his wife would poison him, and on his lips? You can imagine how angry and unwilling Zhao Wuji would be at that time.

Zhao Wuji must be dead, otherwise he would definitely come back to life and shout,"My anger and unwillingness are not because of Li Wan'er, but because of that bastard Zhou Qiong. I don't have to die, but he just stole my life-saving elixir! Freeze my body!"

The King of Zhenbei looked at the guilty King of Wu, and his anger instantly reached its peak. His momentum instantly rose to the peak, and he waved his hand to collect Zhao Wuji's body.

He shouted,"Li Yuan, I didn't realize that you are so ruthless for so many years. In order to kill my son, you don't even want your own daughter! Then you should pay for my son's life!"

After that, he directly hit King Wu with a palm, and the terrifying momentum continued to burst out.

King Wu had guessed that King Zhenbei would take action, and he also responded with a palm to King Zhenbei.

At the same time, he quickly explained,"Brother Tieyi, this is definitely not what you think. Li Wan'er is also my only daughter. How could I let my daughter die!" How could the King of Zhenbei be in the mood to listen to his explanation? Although he also felt that there were many things that could not be explained, the result was that his only son was dead and could not survive at all!

Boom, a shocking loud noise shook the entire Zhenbei Palace. The aftermath collapsed countless houses. The guests who were eating outside, those in the semi-saint realm were fine, but those in the Daluo realm vomited blood and were seriously injured.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and two terrifying figures were fighting madly. They were the King of Zhenbei and the King of Wu.

Although the guests did not know what happened, they only knew that they had to leave the Zhenbei Palace quickly, otherwise the aftermath alone would kill them.

For a while, the entire Zhenbei Palace was like a hornet's nest that had been barreled. Countless warriors rushed out desperately. Among them, a man in black looked up at the two people who were constantly fighting, with a sneer on his lips, and then rushed out of the palace with many guests.

Everyone likes to watch the fun, even these highly skilled warriors. After running out of the Zhenbei Palace, they not only did not leave, but gathered together, curiously watching the two people fighting in the sky.

They talked in low voices,

"What’s going on? Why is King Zhenbei fighting King Wu?"

"Yes, didn’t these two families just get married, how could they fight, it can’t be a sparring match!"

The others looked at the person who was talking as if he was a fool. What the hell is a sparring match? Have you ever seen a sparring match that directly destroyed their own palace? The two people watching the fight in the sky were almost ready to kill each other.

The King of Wu in the sky was getting more and more frightened.

For so many years, he always thought that his fighting power was similar to that of the King of Zhenbei, but today gave him another answer, that is, he was not the opponent of the other party at all.

After barely taking a punch from the King of Zhenbei again, the King of Wu retreated a thousand meters, with a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The two of them were obviously only at the ninth level of the Semi-Saint, but the other party seriously injured him in a short time.

Looking at Zhao Tieyi opposite, the King of Wu sneered in a deep voice,"Brother Tieyi is hiding very deeply. It seems that my brother is right to be on guard against you. I think you are not far from the peak of the Semi-Saint!"

The Palace Master of Jixia Academy and the Palace Master of Dawu Academy, who were flying in the air, were also shocked. Zhao Tieyi's strength was obviously beyond their expectations!

The two exchanged glances and slowly began to use their skills!


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