Both of them were officials in the imperial dynasty, so they would not let Zhao Tieyi kill King Wu!

The old man dressed as a Confucian scholar looked at King Zhenbei who was about to attack again, and said in a deep voice,"Brother Tieyi, please stop, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run!"

A cold light flashed in Zhao Tieyi's eyes,"What's the point of discussing in the long run? My only son is dead, and you want me to discuss in the long run.

King Wu must die today, and no one can stop it. I said it!"

The two Confucian scholars did not answer, but the momentum they used told Zhao Tieyi and the others what they were thinking.

""Okay, okay, it seems that I, Zhao Tieyi, haven’t taken action for too long, and you all think I’m easy to bully. Today, I want to see what you can do to stop me!" Zhao Tieyi exudes an aura of iron and blood.

You should know that half of the Dawu Dynasty was conquered by him, and he fought countless battles in his life. Although he has not led troops in recent years, his cultivation has improved a lot because he has settled down.

A spear appeared in his hand, and he shouted,"Roam the world!"

The scholar waved his hand quickly.���, and shouted loudly,"The general has worn armor for hundreds of battles, and will not return until the enemy is defeated!"

A general on horseback immediately appeared in the sky, holding a Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand, and attacked Zhao Tieyi.

The head of the Great Martial Academy, who was dressed in a tight outfit, also clenched his fists and attacked. They had seen Zhao Tieyi's strength just now. It took only a moment for him to seriously injure the King of Martial Arts. The two of them alone were definitely not Zhao Tieyi's opponents. The terrifying bombardment in the sky continued, and the people watching the excitement below were all shocked.

"I just seemed to hear King Zhenbei say that his only son died!"

"I heard it too. Could it be that Zhao Wuji is dead? How could that be? He just got married today. If he died, wouldn't it be a waste for the princess?"

"........."The others were speechless. How could this person's brain circuit be so weird!

Zhao Wuji died suddenly today, and the King of Zhenbei was still madly attacking the King of Wu in the sky, even wanting to kill him. There are too many things to think about! And what you are thinking about......You are awesome!

Zhou Qiong, who was dressed in black, looked up at the fight above. He had to admit that the King of Zhenbei was really powerful. He fought two opponents of the same level alone and had the upper hand.

But is this the right way? If the King of Zhenbei was not powerful and was suppressed here, then his plan would be in vain.

Zhou Qiong ignored the fight above and closed his eyes silently. A line of words appeared above the system panel in his mind:

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Zhao Wuji, the son of destiny. You will be rewarded with a mysterious gift package and a destiny bead!"

Zhou Qiong looked at the Sky Luck Pearl and saw that the number on it was 480, which showed that Zhao Wuji's luck was better than Luo Tong's! Zhou

Qiong originally planned to stimulate Zhao Wuji in the bridal chamber to increase his Sky Luck Points. Unfortunately, his villain value was not enough, so he could only buy a level one Sky Covering Talisman, and could only kill people with Sky Luck Points below 500.

Zhao Wuji's Sky Luck Points were already 480. If he was further stimulated to increase his Sky Luck Points to more than 500, then Zhou Qiong would have worked in vain!

The battle above had already entered a white-hot stage, and Zhao Tieyi's combat effectiveness was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only was he suppressing two people by himself, but he was even in a state of complete victory. At this time, the general summoned by the Confucian scholar was already cracked all over and was about to break, and the Lord of the Great Wu Mansion was also flushed, and his momentum began to shrink, obviously he was severely injured.

King Wu had no choice but to attack Zhao Tieyi with his seriously injured body.

The people below were also shocked beyond words.

"How could the King of Zhenbei be so powerful? The King of Wu, the Lord of Dawu Mansion, and the Lord of Jixia Palace were all peerless masters at the ninth level of the Semi-Saint level. How could all three of them be unable to defeat him!"

"Yes, the King of Zhenbei is indeed too powerful, and is a bit of a threat to the imperial power, so........" He didn't continue talking.

But others understood what he meant. The royal family was afraid of the King of Zhenbei, which is why this happened today.

The King of Zhenbei is indeed a legend. The most elite troops of the Dawu Dynasty are the Zhenbei Army, which is full of masters. Moreover, the Zhenbei Army only listens to Zhao Tieyi's orders. It can be said that it is Zhao Tieyi's private army.

You must know that although this is a world where the strong are respected, the army still has its own functions. A military formation composed of millions of warriors, even a semi-saint strongman needs to temporarily retreat. However, the

Zhenbei Army has as many as 30 million, and they are all extraordinary warriors. It can be said that if the King of Zhenbei really wants to rebel, then the entire Dawu Dynasty will be threatened.

Even if it can be pacified in the end, it will be a serious injury. At that time, the Dawu Dynasty will not be able to rise to the Dawu Emperor Dynasty, and I am afraid that even the position of the dynasty will not be maintained.

With a loud noise, the space of the entire imperial city seemed to be torn apart, and the smoke in the sky slowly settled.

Everyone looked up and saw the King of Zhenbei in full armor, with a mighty aura, holding a spear and exuding an iron-blooded aura. In the sky opposite him, there stood three Confucian scholars, all of whom were pale and bleeding from the corners of their mouths. The generals summoned by the Confucian scholars had already been defeated. King Wu couldn't even stand steadily at this time and was supported by the Confucian scholars.

This, King Zhenbei actually fought one against three and seriously injured three opponents of the same level. If the people below hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid it would be hard to believe.

In the sky, King Wu looked at Zhao Tieyi opposite him, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Tieyi, are you really going to kill me?"

Just as King Zhenbei was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed. A strong aura rose from the direction of the distant palace, and a huge formation appeared in the sky of the imperial city.

King Zhenbei looked at King Wu and said coldly,"From today on, we are no longer friends, and the next time we meet, it will be a fight to the death! Pass this sentence on to �� as well."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the entire Zhenbei Palace below instantly rose from the ground. He quickly rushed out of the imperial city with the Zhenbei King.

Bang, with a shocking loud noise, the entire imperial city shook violently, and countless houses began to collapse.

Everyone looked up at the imperial city, only to see that the imperial city formation that had just been formed was directly blasted out by the Zhenbei Palace. A big hole, this Zhenbei Palace was surprisingly a huge fairy treasure! What everyone didn't notice was that at the same time, a black shadow also instantly flew out of the broken hole and disappeared in the imperial city!

In the palace, Emperor Wu, who was dressed in a dragon robe, had a trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. His injuries were actually more serious than others thought. Just releasing his momentum to scare the Zhenbei King away made his injuries unstable again.

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