The bronze masked man looked at the couple and said coldly:

"Go in peace, I won't attack your daughter!" After saying that, he killed the couple with one knife.

Before they died, the couple looked at their daughter, their eyes were full of love, and there was also a trace of reluctance. However, they were already very satisfied that the other party let their daughter go, but they didn't know how their daughter would survive in the future!

The girl looked back at her parents who were hacked to death, and screamed even more heartbreakingly! She looked at the masked man with hatred!

Then she quickly hid the hatred in her eyes, and said softly:"My name is Jiuer, and I will be your maid in the future!"

The masked man ignored her, turned and left, and a cold voice came out of his mouth,"Kill her, don't let her parents be too lonely on the road to the underworld!"


Before the girl could hear where the voice came from, she felt a chill on her neck and completely lost consciousness!

At this time, in the City Lord's Mansion of Nanshan City, Wang Kui, who was dressed in armor, had a sallow complexion and looked haggard. It was hard to imagine that this was the appearance of a fifth-level master of the Semi-Saint Realm!

Opposite him sat a white-robed scholar with an eye patch on one eye, becoming a one-eyed dragon. It was the scholar city lord who had one eye blinded by the Demon Rat King.

Originally, with his Daluo realm cultivation, let alone blinding an eye, even if half of his head was broken, he could recover. However, there was a sense of destruction in his eyes. As long as his eyes recovered, they would burst again immediately!

After trying twice in a row, he gave up. It was too damn painful and he had to give up! At this time, his condition was worse than Wang Kui's! It was like an expression of his parents dying!

Wang Kui looked at the scholar and said sadly,"Still can't contact the outside world! The scholar nodded and said solemnly,"For two years, I have tried every possible way to contact the outside world, but I have failed. The countless people I sent out have all gone to waste. Even the countless lives that escaped from the city have not made any movement!"

Wang Kui sat down on the chair decadently, with a sad smile on his face,"It's over, everything is over, we are completely ruined! The Demon Cult is treating us as a whetstone!"

Two years ago, Wang Kui asked the scholar to contact the Dynasty, but suddenly found that the communication of the entire Nanshan City had failed, and no messages could be sent out. Even the teleportation talisman had lost its effect!

He could only send people out to send messages, but in the past two years, no matter how many people he sent out, they never came back, and no news came back!

And in the past two years, the magic soldiers of the Demon Cult have attacked Nanshan City every ten days, and retreated every time they were about to win. There has been no change in the past two years!

No, to be precise, the magic soldiers have been changing, and their strength has been constantly increasing. Later, the number of magic soldiers sent to attack has become fewer and fewer, and even last time they only sent 50,000 magic soldiers. attacked.

Even with these 50,000 demon soldiers, Wang Kui's 500,000 troops could not stop them. As for why there were only 500,000, of course, half of the Giant Tiger Army had been killed or injured in the past two years!

A year ago, Wang Kui also wanted to escape with his family, but as you can imagine, not only did he fail, he also lost a wife and two sons!

They knew that it was the Demon Cult that blocked Nanshan City and used his Nanshan City to train the demon soldiers.

If it were in the past, someone might have noticed the abnormality of Nanshan City, but now the entire Dawu Dynasty is in chaos, who has the leisure to pay attention to a border city!

Nanshan City is full of despair!

And five hundred miles outside the city, in the Demon Cult's tent, there was constant laughter!

"The Heaven-Sealing Formation given by the Sect Leader is really useful. For two years, no one has been able to pass on the message!"

"And Laozi's Giant Tiger Army is too useless. Compared with our Demon Sect's magic soldiers, the gap is quite huge!"

"Yes, now the Giant Tiger Army can no longer play a role in sharpening the magic soldiers! When they see the magic soldiers now, they are fighting with hot water flowing from their lower bodies!"

When the other high-ranking members of the Demon Cult heard this, they burst into laughter!

Mo Wudao, who was sitting on the chair, showed a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. After two years of fighting, the million magic soldiers have been completely formed. Of course, most of these million magic soldiers were recruited later, and those who disappeared before were of course dead!

The terrifying death rate has created the terrifying strength of the million magic soldiers. Now the lowest among the magic soldiers have the cultivation base of the Eternal Realm, and the Zhenwu Realm has reached more than 100,000, and there are thousands of people in the Daluo Realm!

It can be said that relying on the magic gathering formation and Mo Wudao's brutal training method, in just two years, the million magic soldiers have become a force that cannot be ignored in the Demon Cult!

And Mo Wudao, relying on constant fighting and the magic gathering formation in the past two years, his cultivation base has also broken through to the sixth level of the Semi-Saint! Mo Wudao turned his head and looked at the many high-ranking members of the Demon Cult on the side and said,"You should also break through. If you don't break through to the Semi-Saint, it will be a bit embarrassing!"

The Demon Tiger King patted his head and said with a smile,"We have discussed it. When the matter of Nanshan City is over, we will break through together!"

Mo Wudao nodded after hearing it, looking at Nanshan City in the distance, and whispered,"It's time to end it!"

He turned his head and looked at the dark guard beside him,"Go, notify them to lift the blockade of Nanshan City, and then report the news here to the leader!" The dark guard nodded and disappeared in the big tent!

The scholar city lord in Nanshan City, holding the jade talisman for sending a message, mechanically tested it, and suddenly the jade talisman lit up.

Wang Kui, who was opposite the scholar, had his eyes lit up, snatched the jade talisman, and then laughed,"There is always a way out, God will not let me, Wang Kui, go! Demon Cult, I will make you pay the price!"

In the distance, in the Chaotian Hall of the Dawu Dynasty! The morning court was in session!

In the hall, the ministers on both sides were constantly arguing. It can be said that this kind of quarrel has never stopped since the rebellion of the King of Zhenbei two years ago!

The Emperor Wu, who was sitting on the throne, coughed lightly and said angrily

"You still have the energy to argue here. In just two years, Zhao Tieyi has conquered forty of my cities! I think it won’t be long before the Dawu Dynasty will have to share half of it with him."

The ministers below stopped arguing immediately and dared not speak. It was really that the King of Zhenbei had beaten the Dawu Dynasty too badly in the past two years, and it was impossible to stop it!

Just when all the ministers dared not say a word, an urgent report suddenly came from outside.

A man dressed as a guard quickly walked into the court and knelt on one knee,"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report from the border of Nanshan City!"

Emperor Wu frowned. What kind of urgent report could there be from that place! Waving his hand, the eunuch next to him shouted sharply,"Read it!"

The guard immediately said loudly,"Wang Kui, the garrison general of Nanshan City, sent a message saying that the million demon soldiers of the Chaos Land Demon Cult have been attacking Nanshan City for more than two years. The million defenders of Nanshan City are now less than 500,000. I hope Your Majesty will send reinforcements immediately!"

"What!" Emperor Wu slapped the dragon throne, stood up with his eyes wide open!

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