Emperor Wu looked at the guards below and said coldly,"It's been more than two years, and he's only reporting now. What is Wang Kui doing for a living!"

The ministers below felt relieved, and finally diverted Emperor Wu's anger. They stood up and scolded Wang Kui, saying that he was a waste and unworthy. Even letting him guard Nanshan City was overestimating him!

The minister of government affairs stood up and said,"Your Majesty, although the demon sect is located in a remote place, the leader of the demon sect, Zhou Qiong, is a terrifying demon. This matter must be dealt with seriously!"

At this time, the military minister also stood up and said,"Your Majesty, I think we should send troops to kill the demon sect. With the head of the great demon Zhou Qiong, we will shock the reputation of our Dawu, and it is also a merit to eradicate the demons!"

Many ministers below echoed, and military generals volunteered. Although the legend says that the demon sect Zhou Qiong is terribly strong, no one has ever seen him take action. Facing him is better than facing the Zhenbei King who can fight three alone!

Emperor Wu pondered for a moment. The Great Wu Dynasty had suffered a series of defeats in the past two years. It was time to boost morale with good news.

"Yang Lin! I order you to lead two million troops to Nanshan City to annihilate the Demon Cult in one fell swoop!"

"I obey your order!" A burly general stood up.

"Meng Feiyang, you lead the disciples of the Jixia Academy there. I want you to bring back the head of the Demon Cult leader Zhou Qiong when you come back!"

""Minister, obey your order!" An old man dressed as a scholar stood up and saluted. He was the master of Jixia Academy!

Meng Feiyang had a calm face. Although the legendary Demon Cult leader Zhou Qiong also had the cultivation of the ninth level of the semi-saint, he was not too worried because the Confucianism he practiced just happened to restrain the magic! At the same level, the magic characters could not even exert 80% of their strength in front of him!

Just as the reinforcements of the Dawu Dynasty were rushing to Nanshan City,

Zhou Qiong, who was sitting on the magic dragon chair in the Demon Cult's Tianmo Peak Hall, slowly opened his eyes. Di San, who was kneeling in front of him, reported the latest information to him in a deep voice, and then Disappeared in the hall!

Zhou Qiong looked towards Nanshan City, with a sneer on his face. It was time to expand his magic power! He slowly stretched out his right hand, and the magic sword that was absorbing blood far away in the underground of Nanshan City disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in Zhou Qiong's hand.

Three magic dragons in the sky roared, and quickly pulled the flying chariot away from Tianmo Peak!

Wang Kui kept turning around in Nanshan City, and the scholar beside him was also anxiously looking at the jade talisman in his hand.

Suddenly, the jade talisman lit up, and a piece of information was transmitted to the scholar's mind. The scholar showed a happy expression and smiled easily.

"General Wang, the imperial city has sent reinforcements, they will arrive in half an hour, and Palace Master Meng has also come with his disciples!"

Wang Kui was immediately surprised and said,"Really, Palace Master Meng is here too. It seems that your majesty wants to destroy the Demon Cult in one fell swoop. It just so happens that this general must take off the head of the Demon Cult leader and drink some wine to vent his hatred!"

The scholar also nodded. He must kill the man who shot him blind, although he didn't see clearly who the other person was!

When the two were studying how to take revenge, the guards outside suddenly came to report,"City Lord, the Demon Cult is attacking again!"

When Wang Kui heard this, he was no longer afraid, but excited. The reinforcements would arrive soon. If he went out to fight bravely now, he would definitely be called a hero!

Thinking of this, he turned around and rushed out immediately.

Outside Nanshan City, Wang Kui looked at the millions of demon soldiers on the opposite side, and his heart began to tremble. Oh my god, why is the Demon Cult not playing by the rules now? Didn’t they send 50,000 demon soldiers? How come it became 1 million!

Wang Kui hesitated and didn’t dare to go out. He was worried that if he went out to fight now, he might be killed by the Demon Cult before the reinforcements arrived. Wouldn’t he have died unjustly?

Mo Wudao stood above the millions of demon soldiers. He didn’t look at the trembling Wang Kui on the city wall, but looked in the direction of the other side, where a breath of iron and blood was coming!

After a few minutes, two demons suddenly appeared in the distance. One million soldiers in armor are much stronger than the Giant Tiger Army, and at least a quarter of them are warriors at the Eternal Realm!

Above the opposite army, Yang Lin, who was wearing armor, looked at the one million demon soldiers on the opposite side, with shock in his eyes. Although he had overestimated the Demon Cult, it seems that he still underestimated it.

These one million demon soldiers are all warriors above the Eternal Realm. You have to know that his two million troops only have 500,000 at the Eternal Realm. This is already the most elite army of the Great Wu Dynasty!

Then Yang Lin looked at Wang Kui on the city wall, with admiration in his eyes. He actually resisted such a powerful demon soldier for two years with a million weak soldiers. This Wang Kui is really a fierce general!

Yang Lin looked at Mo Wudao on the opposite side and said loudly

"I am Yang Lin, the general of the cavalry of the Dawu Dynasty, and I have been ordered to come and kill the Demon Cult! I think you'd better surrender quickly, maybe you can still have a chance to survive!"

Mo Wudao glanced at Yang Lin coldly,"I am the leader of the Demon Cult's war hall, Mo Wudao, I will not advise you to surrender, because anyone who dares to go against the Demon Cult must die, whether you surrender or not!" Before the other party could say anything, Mo Wudao's face suddenly changed.

At this time, a powerful and righteous energy suddenly appeared in the sky, and a giant white palm hit the millions of demon soldiers, and it actually wanted to kill all the people in the Demon Cult with one palm!

Mo Wudao shouted with a spear in his hand,"Form a formation!"

Suddenly, millions of demon soldiers formed a demon gathering formation in less than a second, and a six-armed demon god with a height of 50,000 feet was formed in the sky.

Mo Wudao's body merged into the demon god, and the spear in his hand became thousands of times larger. The demon god held it in one hand and stabbed it directly into the white giant palm in the sky!

Boom! A deafening roar sounded, and the earth was constantly cracked by the aftermath. The Nanshan City not far away also shook violently, and there were cracks on the city wall! After one blow, the six-armed demon god in the sky was suddenly broken up, and Mo Wudao vomited blood, and his momentum dropped a lot.

Millions of demon soldiers even had blood oozing from their mouths. The opponent actually injured millions of demon soldiers with one blow, which shows how terrible the person is!

An old man in a white robe appeared in the sky, followed by hundreds of disciples. At this time, they all looked at him with surprise. The Demon Cult!

The old man was Meng Feiyang. He looked in the direction of the Demon Cult with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He raised his left hand, which was covered with a trace of blood.

Just relying on the power of the military formation, he was able to hurt the ninth-level Half Saint. He himself had not suffered much damage. This Demon Cult was indeed extraordinary. Fortunately, he restrained the magic, otherwise it would take some effort to solve it!

Meng Feiyang stretched out his left hand again, and the white giant palm slapped the Demon Cult again!

Mo Wudao held a spear in his hand and was about to attack, but this time he did not have the help of the Demon God. Millions of demon soldiers were injured by the previous attack and had to rest for a while before they could gather again! But the other party could not give himself and others time!

Just when the giant palm was about to slap Mo Wudao, it suddenly stopped!

Meng Feiyang looked into the distance with a shocked face!

""Roar, roar, roar"

The dragon’s terrifying roar reached everyone’s ears!


Thanks to {Mars\\搁} for the reminder!

Thanks to {殒命星}{38523027}{40854074}{44108670}{相信爱?呵!} for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to all the other big names who gave tips and readers for their support!


Author's words:

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