In the distance, three semi-holy dragons were seen pulling a huge flying chariot.

Meng Ziyang could feel a terrifying knife intent in the flying chariot facing him, as if telling him that as long as he took action, the other party would be able to kill him with one knife!

Meng Ziyang silently recited the formula to suppress the bad thoughts in his heart!

Yang Lin also looked at the flying chariot of the dragon opposite in surprise. Although he had heard of the legend of the three semi-holy dragons, it was still very shocking to see it with his own eyes!

The flying chariot of the dragon stopped above the demon sect! The door opened, and a tall figure slowly appeared, wearing a demon robe, with sharp edges and corners on his face as if it was cut by a knife and an axe. The sharp and domineering eyes made it impossible to look directly at them. The eyes were full of coldness, and the silver-black lightning at the center of the eyebrows added a touch of evil!

It seemed that what appeared in front of everyone was not a person, but a fierce ancient demon god! It made people tremble with awe and fear!

The demon sect people below bowed and saluted! Millions of demon soldiers knelt on one knee and shouted loudly!

"Meet the leader!"

Zhou Qiong nodded, looked at Meng Feiyang opposite, and said coldly,"You attacked my demon sect, have you lived enough!"

Before Meng Feiyang could answer, a Confucian disciple behind him stood up and pointed at Zhou Qiong and shouted

"Little devil, do you know who you are talking to? My teacher is the Palace Master of Jixia Academy appointed by His Majesty himself, a peerless master of the ninth level of Semi-Saint. If you surrender now, I can leave you a whole body, otherwise!"

Zhou Qiong looked at the Confucian scholar who was shouting at him, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly,"Have you ever seen fireworks? Especially the brilliant kind!"

As soon as Zhou Qiong's words came out, Meng Feiyang secretly cried out that it was not good, and stretched out his hand to protect the disciple who was talking behind him!

Bang, the sound of an object exploding was heard by everyone present! The blood mist flew all over the sky, and Meng Feiyang was covered in blood. At this time, shock and disbelief appeared in his eyes!

He didn't even notice how Zhou Qiong did it just now!

In the eyes of everyone, Zhou Qiong just glanced at the Confucian scholar, and the Confucian scholar suddenly exploded!

What's going on? He just took a look and stood there It exploded. This is too awesome. It's so terrifying!

You should know that the disciples brought by Meng Feiyang are all elite disciples of the academy. The one who spoke is one of Meng Feiyang's favorite disciples, with the cultivation of the second level of semi-saint! He didn't even block the power of the other party!

Meng Feiyang showed a hint of coldness in his eyes. He killed his favorite disciple in front of him. He didn't take him seriously at all!

Zhou Qiong, who looked at the other party, shouted,"What a devil, he is so cruel and rampant. Today, I, Meng Feiyang, will get rid of the harm for the people and kill him....."

Before Meng Feiyang finished speaking, a cold voice came into his ears.

""You talk too much nonsense."

At the same time, a blood-red knife light slashed towards him! It was as if it had locked him, so he couldn't dodge it no matter what, he could only take it head-on!

The threat of death immediately arose in Meng Feiyang's heart, and he shouted quickly!

"I am motionless, and I am immune to all attacks!"

I saw a huge amount of righteousness surging from Meng Feiyang's body, shining like the sun and the moon, and in an instant it enveloped his entire body, forming a huge cocoon!


A deafening roar began to sound, and the aftermath directly formed a huge shock wave, which spread out, and even the wall of Nanshan City in the distance collapsed!

After the aftermath dissipated, everyone looked up and saw that the protective shield formed by the righteousness was directly broken. Meng Feiyang knelt in mid-air, with a terrifying crack from head to toe on his body, as if he was about to be split in half.

He kept spitting out blood from his mouth, looking at Zhou Qiong opposite, his eyes were full of shock! He immediately turned his head to look at his hundred disciples, and said two words with difficulty!


How could the hundreds of disciples behind not understand what he meant? This meant that they should run away quickly!

All this happened very quickly. It only took a moment from Meng Feiyang's pretentious shouting to Zhou Qiong's serious injury to Meng Feiyang!

When everything settled, the many creatures below were already frightened!

The scholar city lord who was originally standing on the city wall flew up from the ruins with an embarrassed look on his face, his eyes full of fear!

He was also a disciple of the Jixia Academy, and he was very clear about Meng Feiyang's strength.

He was definitely a top master of the Dawu Dynasty.

Even the terrifying King Zhenbei would need some effort to defeat him!

And the Confucian and Taoist skills are the right way to defeat the devil!

But the leader of the demon cult actually seriously injured Meng Feiyang with one move, leaving him without the ability to stand up, and could only half-kneel in front of Zhou Qiong!

How terrifying this is!

Among the hundreds of Confucian disciples in the sky, some have begun to fear, and when they were hesitating whether to escape!

A cold voice came into their ears,


All of a hundred Confucian scholars were frozen in mid-air, unable to move!

Zhou Qiong looked at Meng Feiyang who was half-kneeling in front of him, with a sneer on his face!

This righteous person is really interesting. If Meng Feiyang hadn't shouted for too long before taking action, allowing Zhou Qiong to get the upper hand, he wouldn't be so miserable now!

Meng Feiyang's internal organs were all destroyed by the God and Demon Sword. Even with the vitality of the ninth level of the Semi-Saint, he could only barely hang on to his life.

At this time, he was looking at Zhou Qiong standing opposite him with a look of dissatisfaction. If he hadn't been unprepared and been attacked by Zhou Qiong, he would definitely not be like this. Thinking of this, his face was full of resentment!

Zhou Qiong looked at Meng Feiyang, who was looking dissatisfied, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"You don't obey me!"

Meng Feiyang spat out a mouthful of blood,"Bah, devil, I won't obey you even if I die!"

Zhou Qiong nodded. It's interesting to be unconvinced. I like hard bones like you. It's exciting to chew. Today I must make you kneel down and sing"Conquer"!

Zhou Qiong waved his hand, and a Confucian scholar flew in front of Meng Feiyang uncontrollably!

Meng Feiyang seemed to feel something!

A cold voice sounded,"Explode!"


The body of the Confucian scholar who flew in front of Meng Feiyang exploded directly!

An evil laugh came into Meng Feiyang's ears!

"How about this bloody firework? Isn’t it beautiful?"

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