The man sitting at the top of the table hummed softly and slowly opened his eyes. He was wearing a tight-fitting suit, thin and with a silver mask on his face. There was a long knife next to him."What's going on?""

"The head monk has ordered the Xuan Department to thoroughly investigate the situation at Jinshan Temple to see if the abbot of Jinshan Temple is in the temple."

"Got it, go down."The man waved his hand gently, and the shopkeeper below bowed and retreated. The man was Xuan Yi, the leader of the Xuan Department of the Demon Cult.

In an underground palace, several men wearing light silver masks stood on both sides and talked to each other.

"What do you think the chief wants us to do?"

"The leader should have given us orders."

"The leader's strength has spread throughout the world. Sooner or later, our demon sect will unify the world."

"Our Xuan Department is finally going to take action."

A figure suddenly appeared in the underground palace, wearing a silver mask on his face and a long sword on his back. Everyone immediately bowed and said,"Greetings

, Master." The man nodded and said,"This time, the leader has ordered us to come here. The leader ordered us to find out the current situation of Jinshan Temple and whether the abbot is in the temple."

"Yes, we will follow the leader's orders."Everyone bowed and replied

"This is the first official mission since the establishment of our Xuan Department. We must complete it beautifully to let the other three departments know the strength of our Xuan Department. If anyone does not try his best, don't blame me for being rude."A hint of coldness flashed in Xuan Yi's eyes.

The people on both sides responded in agreement, with a hint of solemnity on their faces. Xuan Er, who was standing in the first position on the left, stepped forward and said,"Master, do you need to summon Xuan San and Xuan Si back as well?"

Xuan Yi said lightly,"No, the eight of you and me are enough, and they also have their own tasks."

"Get ready, and take action at midnight tonight."

Jinshan Temple, as one of the five major sects in Cangwu Continent, has been built for two thousand years, covering an area of dozens of kilometers.

The surrounding area of thousands of kilometers is under the jurisdiction of Jinshan Temple.

There are no less than ten thousand monks in the temple, and there are countless masters.

In a side room in the temple, a monk was lying on the bed.

The monk was wrapped in gauze and his breathing was very weak.

Next to him, a little monk was pounding medicine with a pestle, and his eyes looked at the monk on the bed from time to time.

The monk's name is Le Yu, an orphan. He entered Jinshan Temple ten years ago and has been working in the errand yard. He is very dull and doesn't like to talk. Even the manager of the errand yard said that he has no wisdom. Unexpectedly, three years ago, he suddenly met the holy monk Wu Tian, who took the initiative to accept him as a disciple.

The holy monk Wu Tian is the head of the Jinshan Temple's martial arts hall and a peerless master ranked eighth on the earth list. After becoming the apprentice of the head, his life became different all of a sudden. The monk who used to dislike talking to him Everyone approached him, even those older than him called him"senior brother".

But he did not change his life. Except that his accommodation address became a side hall of the martial arts hall, he still maintained his daily life of practicing martial arts, chanting scriptures, and going from one place to another.

Until half a month ago, something disrupted his life. Half a month ago, the holy monk Wu Tian was suddenly carried back to Jinshan Temple by Le Fan. He was seriously injured and unconscious. Even the abbot who had not appeared for a long time came to heal him. It has been half a month and Wu Tian still has not woken up.

In the past half month, Le Yu no longer recited scriptures and practiced martial arts. He kept pounding medicine every day, and his eyes never left Wu Tian on the bed. For so many years, he has regarded Wu Tian as his closest person. Le Yu picked up the pounding medicine pot and was about to go to the side to boil medicine. Suddenly, he saw Wu Tian's hand moved and his eyes slowly opened. He hurriedly ran to the bedside in two steps and held the master's hand,"Master, you are finally awake."

Wu Tian's eyes slowly focused, and he looked at Le Yu with a worried face,"Master, it's okay, help me to see the abbot."

Leyu didn't answer, but ran away directly, all the way to the main hall of Jinshan Temple, knocked on the door and said loudly,"Master, my master is awake, Master~Master~"

There was no sound behind the door. Leyu thought for a while and ran to Wutan's residence. In front of Wutan stood a middle-aged bald man with some holy light on his head.

The man said softly,"Brother, you are awake,"

"Well, thank you for the rescue." Wu Tian thanked him and tried to stand up, but the host waved him away.

"Fortunately, you are lucky, there is one last Da Huan Dan in the temple."

"Host, that demon has indeed reached the mid-stage of the Martial Emperor, and his actual combat power may even have reached the late stage of the Martial Emperor." Wu Tian said solemnly.

The host smiled bitterly and said,"More than that, I think he is almost surpassing Emperor Wu."

He slowly told Wu Tian about the series of events that happened in the East China Sea after Wu Tian fell into a coma.

Wu Tian's pupils shrank and he said in shock,"That demon is so powerful!""

"Okay, take a good rest today, and we'll deal with the rest after you recover." The abbot said as he walked out of the house. Le Yu was standing outside the door."Take good care of your master."

The abbot looked up at the sky, a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes. The Buddhist sect also has the means of the angry Vajra. It seems that they need to take action against the demon sect.

In the dark night, many patrolling monks in Jinshan Temple were patrolling. Several black shadows flashed by quickly without anyone noticing. When approaching the Jinshan Temple's mountain protection formation, the black shadows took out a stone from their pockets and slowly walked into the mountain protection formation. The formation gently rippled, and the black shadows entered without any hindrance.

"The formation-breaking stone given by the leader is really powerful. It can even easily enter the mountain protection formation of Jinshan Temple."

"All right, act quickly. If something goes wrong, the abbot will not forgive us."

The eight figures quickly separated and went to different directions.

At the door of the meditation room of the holy monk Wu Tian, a figure slowly appeared, looked at the person lying inside, and slowly disappeared again. From beginning to end, the holy monk Wu Tian inside did not notice anything. Although Wu Tian was seriously injured and had not recovered yet, it was enough to show that the person who came was definitely not an ordinary person.

A figure flashed quickly and went straight to the main hall. Along the way, whether it was the patrolling monks or the meditating monks, there was no reaction until they approached the door of the main hall.

A voice suddenly came from inside,"Friend, come in and sit down when you are here."

The figure did not respond after hearing the voice, but retreated directly and quickly swept to the back. A palm shadow in the main hall instantly hit the figure that was sweeping away, and the figure also hit out with a palm, and a loud noise was heard instantly. It awakened everyone in Jinshan Temple.

In an instant, countless figures rushed out of Jinshan Temple, and immediately discovered the many men in black in the temple.

"What evildoer dares to break into my Jinshan Temple?"

"Take my Vajra Fist,"

"The figure rushing out of the main hall shouted"Retreat." The many men in black who were fighting fiercely with the monks in the temple no longer wanted to fight and immediately rushed out of the temple.

"Where are you running to?" Everyone in the temple shouted to stop him, but the man was really fast, and even though he was injured, he didn't want to fight anymore, so he was about to run out of the temple.

At this time, a finger rushed towards the many men in black from the main hall, and a loud voice came,"The Flower-Picking Finger."

The many men in black seemed to be fixed in place and could hardly move.

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