The man with the pure silver mask in the air, the long sword on his back hummed and automatically flew to the man's hand. The man grasped the hilt of the sword and shouted"Cut the sky and the earth with one sword". Instantly, a cross was cut in the air. The cross sword energy broke through the sky, and the dim sky began to become bright.

The sword energy broke through the blockade and slashed towards the giant finger. A loud noise resounded throughout the Jinshan Temple. The whole temple began to shake. The mountain protection formation was automatically activated. Many abbots of the temple used their full strength to use their skills to protect the temple.

The blockade in the air disappeared instantly. The people in black took advantage of the gap to break through the blockade instantly, escaped from Jinshan Temple, and disappeared without a trace.

Several abbots came to the main hall. The host sat cross-legged on the cushion. The abbot of the lecture hall put his hands together and looked at the people sitting on the cushion.

"Host, the gang of thieves escaped, eight of them, not one was left alive" After saying this, the head monk of the lecture hall blushed a little, even though he was a high monk. You know, Jinshan Temple is one of the five major sects. Although they were not prepared, none of the eight people were left alive.

A tall man wearing a monk's robe and more than two meters tall stood up. Outsiders would definitely recognize him. He was the second on the Earth List, the Saint Monk Wufa. He shouted,"Brother Wuwo, all of these thieves are above the Martial Emperor Realm, and the one wearing a pure silver mask can even break through the blockade of you. It is really hard to imagine what kind of force cultivated them."

"Master, there is another question. How did they break through the mountain protection formation? Could there be a traitor in my Jinshan Temple?"

The master sitting on the cushion coughed lightly and chanted a Buddhist name,"This matter is very strange. Wufeng, go and check if there is any suspicious monk among the patrolling monks today."

Wufeng heard a reply and went out angrily.

He practiced the Wrathful Vajra Dharma and had a bad temper.

Today, the men in black came to make trouble.

He originally wanted to leave a few of them behind, but he didn't expect to be entangled by three men in black.

Later, they took the opportunity to slip away.

He was very angry.

After everyone left, Master Wuwo, who was sitting on the cushion, had a solemn face.

He raised his right hand, and there was a clear cross-shaped knife mark on his index finger.

"He has the cultivation of the peak of the Martial Emperor, but he can actually exert the attack of the Martial Emperor.

He is really an extraordinary person.


On a barren mountain three hundred miles outside Jinshan Temple, several men in black surrounded a man wearing a silver mask. The man was spitting blood and was practicing internal energy to heal his wounds. The people around him looked anxious.

Half an hour later, the man's breath began to stabilize and he slowly opened his eyes. Everyone asked worriedly,"Master, are you okay?""

"I won't die. I will immediately pass the news I collected tonight to the leader."

The Demon Cult's main altar, Tianmo Peak, in the main hall, Zhou Qiong was still sitting on the magic dragon chair, and a man wearing a light yellow mask was kneeling on one knee below him. It was the second ground commander stationed at the main altar.

"Master, the Xuan Department has sent back news that Abbot Wuwo is in Jinshan Temple. There are twelve Martial Emperors in the temple, among whom the eighth-ranked Saint Monk Wutian is seriously injured. During the investigation, the Xuan Department was discovered by Abbot Wuwo, and the head of the Xuan Department was injured."

""Okay, got it. Inform all the senior leaders to hold a meeting in the hall tomorrow,"

Di Er responded and slowly disappeared in the hall.

Zhou Qiong, sitting on the magic dragon chair, fell into deep thought. Jinshan Temple was established thousands of years ago, longer than the history of the Demon Cult, and its foundation is indeed profound. If he hadn't traveled here and increased the strength of the Demon Cult in a short period of time, it would be uncertain who would win or lose if they really fought.

But now it's different. The Demon Cult has dozens of martial emperors, both openly and secretly. In addition to Zhou Qiong, there are three martial emperors. It is not difficult to wipe out Jinshan Temple. But it is easy to cause a chain reaction. reaction, so it must be completed as quickly as possible. As long as Zhou Qiong recovers from his injuries, then they can rest assured.

The next morning, many high-ranking members of the Demon Cult gathered in the Demon Palace.

This time, they didn't have to wait for long.

As soon as they stepped into the palace, they found Zhou Qiong sitting on the Demon Dragon Chair.

Zhou Qiong's aura in the Demon Cult was unmatched.

As soon as many high-ranking members entered the palace, they could feel Zhou Qiong's aura as a superior.

No one dared to talk much, and they stood quietly on both sides of the palace.

A red figure slowly appeared beside Zhou Qiong.

"I came here today to assign you a task. I wonder if you have the confidence to complete it."

"The leader ordered us to complete it even if we have to risk our lives." The second guardian stood up and bowed. Due to Zhou Qiong's strong rise, the elders' group was completely disbanded. The second guardian has been moving closer to the twelve demon kings recently.

Although others despised the second guardian, most of the demon cult leaders were devoted to Zhou Qiong and said in unison,"I am willing to die for the leader.""

"Well, I can't bear to see you die. I will lead you to dominate the world."

"I have seen all of your breakthroughs. Master Wan, please tell me how strong my sect is now."

""Reporting to the leader, our sect currently has four people in the Martial Emperor realm, 31 people in the Martial King realm, and 243 people in the Martial King realm.

There are more than a thousand people in the Martial Marquis realm.

" The people of the nearby Demon Cult were all shocked.

Although they knew that the strength of the Demon Cult had made great progress recently, it was still unbelievable to see the data.

This is several times stronger than the previous strength of the Demon Cult.

You know, the three major dynasties on the mainland have regulations that those in the Martial Marquis realm can become generals, those in the Martial King realm can become princes guarding a region, and those in the Martial Emperor realm are even qualified to be crowned kings.

They can obey orders but not dictates.

"My demon sect is becoming more and more powerful, and it is time to make some moves."

"White Tiger Hall, Vermillion Bird Hall, Black Tortoise Hall, Seven Dharma Protectors, Twelve Demon Kings," Zhou Qiong said in a deep voice

""I am here," the people below bowed and responded.

"I order you to take over Jinshan Temple within one day and destroy the thousand-year-old tradition of Jinshan Temple. Do you have the confidence?"

"Yes," the crowd shouted in response,���I don't know why the leader wants to destroy Jinshan Temple, but he has his reasons. Some militant factions are eager to take action immediately.

"In this operation, Qinglong Hall will stay at the main altar, and the others will be commanded by Liansheng. I will not take any action. Everything is up to you. I hope you will not let me down."

"I won't let the leader down," the crowd said with great vigor.

Liansheng also bowed and responded.

Only the head of the Qinglong Hall, Li Changsheng, looked depressed. He finally encountered a big operation, but it was his Qinglong Hall that stayed behind. This time, he couldn't get any credit. He could only hope for the next time.

"Okay, I will wait for your good news."

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