Zhang Xiaofan also looked into the distance curiously, and suddenly felt a pain in his arm. He found that the fat man next to him was grabbing his arm and looking at the distance with an angry expression!

Zhang Xiaofan was a little surprised at first, and then his eyes tightened, because he saw a red figure on the flying sedan in the distance! It was Liansheng! After only one month of not seeing each other, the other party's injuries were completely recovered!

And since the other party was standing outside the flying sedan, it proved that there was someone stronger than him inside. Who was it? Looking at the sky, it seemed that he thought of a possibility!

The creatures at the city gate were even more curious!

"Who is this? The dragon is pulling a cart. He is so arrogant!"

"You don't even know this, you are so ignorant, who are the top three of the Tianjiao list who haven't come yet?"

"You mean, it's Zhou Qiong, the great and fierce demon, known as the leader of the Demon Cult? !"The minotaur exclaimed in surprise

"Keep your voice down, or he will tear you to pieces if he hears you!"

The minotaur who had just spoken was so frightened that he immediately took several steps back and entered the Acropolis.���I felt much more relieved!

Other creatures also looked at the flying dragon with a trace of fear on their faces. It was really that the evil reputation of the Demon Cult in recent years was too scary on the battlefield! The slaughtered beasts and creatures were countless, as if the entire battlefield was filled with the figures of Zhou Qiong and the six-armed demon god!

Under the expressions of fear and curiosity of everyone, the flying sedan stopped at the gate of the Acropolis!

At this time, the major Tianjiao in the Acropolis looked at the flying sedan. Everyone knew Zhou Qiong's name, but many creatures had never seen his specific appearance!

In a corner tower in the middle of the Acropolis, there stood a creature wearing a golden robe. He looked basically the same as a human, but his golden eyes told others that he was not a human! He was Guangyu of the God Clan!

At this time, he looked at the dragon flying sedan outside, and a glimmer of golden light flashed in his eyes!

Under the attention of all the creatures, the door of the flying sedan opened! A figure wearing a demon god's battle robe slowly walked out!

His whole body was filled with demonic flames, and the bloody aura seemed to cover the entire Acropolis. His eyes were full of arrogance and confidence, as if he didn't take any living being seriously!

"Oh my god, this Leader Zhou is really domineering. With such a bloody and murderous aura, I can’t imagine how many lives he has slaughtered!"

"I heard that this person is the disciple of the Demon Lord! There is a reason why he can be so domineering!"

"I told you, only the disciples of the Demon Lord can be so domineering! Bloodthirsty!"

The flying sedan quickly flew into the Acropolis amid the discussions of the living beings!

Zhou Qiong walked into a corner tower with many high-ranking members of the Demon Cult! All the living beings gave way along the way, and a vacuum zone was instantly formed wherever Zhou Qiong passed!

There are only ten corner towers in the entire Acropolis! It is obviously prepared for the top ten on the Tianjiao List, and there is still an hour before the auction starts!

Zhou Qiong in the corner tower looked at Guangyu in the middle not far away, his eyes narrowed, the other party gave him the feeling that he was definitely not the ninth level of semi-saint, but the tenth level! It seems that his plan to buy everything out needs to be adjusted!

Guangyu in the corner tower in the distance looked at Zhou Qiong at the same time, and murmured,"It's indeed quite domineering, the disciple of the Demon Lord, but it's a pity that I should be respected on this battlefield!"

Zhou Qiong's eyes looked at Wu Yuan in another place again, as if he was familiar with it, the Wu clan, if he guessed correctly, the Tianwu clan that was killed at the beginning should be a branch of the Wu clan!

Then he didn't care about Wu Yuan who was full of fighting spirit! His eyes swept across the corner towers, and finally looked at the corner tower at the edge. A hint of excitement flashed, and the sheep appeared again!

Chu Xiong, Zhang Xiaofan and others were sitting in that corner tower! Looking at the 3500 points of destiny energy above Zhang Xiaofan's head! Zhou Qiong nodded secretly!

This is the third protagonist he has met since entering the battlefield, and unlike Chen Hao, he and Chu Xiong entered here in real body!

Zhou Qiong's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and he sentenced the two to death in his heart! Two big gift bags, this battlefield is not in vain!

At this time, Liansheng on the side said to Zhou Qiong in a deep voice,"Master, the man in white robe in that corner tower is Zhang Xiaofan who is chasing me."

"Oh!" Zhou Qiong showed a wicked smile on his face, waved his hand, came to him, pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and the other man opposite him.

"Go, and tell them that I invite those two to come and sit down!"

In the corner tower where Chu Xiong was, the atmosphere had become more depressing since Zhou Qiong appeared!

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan looked at Zhou Qiong opposite him with a serious face. From the discussions of many creatures just now, he already knew who the other party was, the third person on the Tianjiao list!

Moreover, Zhou Qiong gave him an unprecedented pressure, as if there was a feeling in the dark that he must stay away from the other party.

And his intuition told him that the other party had great hostility towards him, and even murderous intent!

The fat man next to him kept looking at Liansheng with hatred, as if he wanted to eat him!

Chu Xiong also looked at him with a surprised look on his face. Looking at Zhou Qiong, he felt that Zhou Qiong's aura was even stronger than the last time they met!

But since he has entered this battlefield, Chu Xiong is determined to get the first place on the Tianjiao list. This is his pride as an emperor! So no matter whether it is Zhou Qiong or Guangyu and Wu Yuan, they are all obstacles to him.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, a figure appeared in front of them!

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes turned cold. He knew this person. He was the one who cut three pounds of pork belly from the fat man last time!

The man looked at Zhang Xiaofan and the fat man, and said hoarsely,"My leader invites you two to come over and sit down!"

Zhang Xiaofan's eyes showed shock, and he invited the two of them to come over and sit down! What was going on? Didn't he know that he had been chasing his men for more than ten years? Did he want to make peace?

The fat man on the side also had a look of confusion. Although he was overwhelmed by hatred at this time, he was not stupid. The other party invited the two of them, which was obviously strange.

The two looked at each other, and then slowly stood up. No matter what the other party meant, they would know when they went over to take a look. Anyway, they could not use force in the Acropolis!

Chu Xiong on the side said in a deep voice,"Brother Zhang, do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need!" Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and took the fat man to the corner tower where the Demon Cult was!

A general behind Chu Xiong looked at Zhang Xiaofan who was walking away and said in a deep voice,"This guy really doesn't know the rules. Your Majesty tried to recruit him, but he didn't respond at all!" Chu

Xiong shook his head. He originally thought that Zhang Xiaofan was talented enough and wanted to recruit him, but he was obviously not someone who would be inferior to others!

But from the looks of it, he also had a grudge against Zhou Qiong, so maybe he could be used.

At this time, Zhou Qiong looked at Zhang Xiaofan who was walking over and muttered in a low voice,"The sheep are coming!"

The other high-ranking members of the Demon Cult were all surprised. Sheep, what sheep! Aren't they humans?


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The third update!

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