Zhang Xiaofan and Fatty came to the corner tower where Zhou Qiong was, and were about to sit on the chair opposite Zhou Qiong!

Bang! With a loud bang, the chairs under the two people exploded before they could sit down. Fortunately, Zhang Xiaofan reacted in time, and Fatty fell directly to the ground. He immediately got up and looked at Zhou Qiong angrily! Zhou Qiong sat on the chair and looked at the two people, and said coldly,"In front of me, do you two think you are qualified to sit here?"

Zhang Xiaofan and the other person's eyes shrank. It seemed that this was a Hongmen Banquet. However, thinking that they could not use force in the current Acropolis, they felt a lot more at ease!

"I wonder why Master Zhou called us here!"

"What's the matter? You two have been hunting down my chief steward for more than ten years. Do you know your crime?"

"What!" Zhang Xiaofan and the other man showed a hint of surprise in their eyes. They originally thought that the other party had called them over to negotiate peace, and they were prepared to never compromise. But what is this? Are they going to directly accuse us? Do you think we are your subordinates?

The anger on the fat man's face was self-evident. He growled,"What crime should he be charged with? Liansheng killed my girlfriend, so what crime should he be charged with!"

"Who are you! Who is your girlfriend!" Zhou Qiong glanced at the angry fat man with contempt and sneered!

"I am Bu Ju, my girlfriend is Yu Ling, she was killed by him! Is it okay for me to make him pay with his blood?" After the fat man finished speaking, he even conjured up the image of his girlfriend in front of him, as if to prove that he was not lying!

Zhou Qiong looked at the fat man who seemed to be reasoning with him, with a look of amusement on his face, reasoning with the Demon Cult, you are really interesting, and what a crappy name you have, Bu Ju, just based on this name, it's a waste for you to have a girlfriend!

"Killing your girlfriend, so what? Just kill her! But you two actually dared to hunt down Liansheng. It seems you are really tired of living!"

"you....." Not to mention the fat man, even Zhang Xiaofan was furious. Zhou Qiong was completely unreasonable. He only allowed them to kill people, but not others to take revenge. Moreover, this was obviously an insult to them!

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Zhou Qiong coldly, and said fiercely,"Master Zhou, we will meet again!"

After that, he left quickly with the fat man! There was no point in staying here. He noticed Zhou Qiong's eyes. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't use force in the city, he suspected that Zhou Qiong would kill them directly to vent his anger for Lian Sheng!

"I believe we will meet again soon. I hope you won’t cry too much by then!"

After the two left!

Zhou Qiong closed his eyes. Half a minute later, a transparent bead slowly appeared in his hand. It seemed that there was a woman's soul inside, but it was terribly unreal! If Fatty was here, he would definitely find out that the soul inside was Yu Ling's residual soul!

He called the two here for no reason! The residual soul of Yu Ling was stripped from the God and Demon Sword through the image provided by Fatty, but it could not exist for too long, at most seven days!

He handed the bead to Di Yi on the side and said in a cold voice!

"Send this to Chen Hao, and ask him to send the fat guy named Buju, no, Bu Ju, to me within seven days! If he can't send it, he can just wait to collect the body of his junior sister!"He nodded in agreement and disappeared in the corner tower!

If you have a person like Chen Hao, you have to use him more, otherwise it will be a waste! And for a protagonist like Zhang Xiaofan, you can just fleece him before killing him!

As for why he didn't catch the two people directly, Zhou Qiong was afraid that after today, the two would not dare to leave the Acropolis!

At this time, a loud shout was heard outside the corner tower!

"The God Clan Auction is officially open!"

A God Clan disciple in the sky took out a pill and shouted,"This is a semi-saint top pill, the All Saints Pill, which can improve the user's comprehension. The starting price is one million immortal stones!"

"I’ll offer 1.1 million!"

"I'm out........."

"I'll give you three million!"

A loud shout interrupted the thoughts of all the creatures. They just shouted out one and a half million, how could you double it? Are you sick? They all looked up at the voice!

The voice came from the corner tower where the Demon Cult was located. The one who shouted was the Demon Tiger King in a battle robe and holding a giant axe!

Although the creatures were surprised, they didn't dare to say anything. After all, the Demon Cult's strength was nothing with these few immortal stones!

Two hours later, as the Demon Tiger King shouted"30 million immortal stones"!

All the creatures exploded and started to discuss!

"Has this evil cult gone crazy? They are frantically buying anything related to improving their strength. They have bought up more than half of the auction items. Where did they get so many immortal stones!"

"You may not know this yet, but this evil cult is indeed terribly wealthy. Do you know how many immortal stones they charge for occupying the Acropolis?"

"How much is the fee? Isn't the maximum just one hundred fairy stones for the city entrance fee?"

"One hundred? What good things are you thinking? The Demon Cult requires one thousand immortal stones for the entrance fee to the city, and the exit fee is also one thousand!"

"Oh my god, one thousand, this is too much, the amount increased twenty times in an instant!"

At this time, Chu Xiong in the corner tower also frowned. This evil cult has a way of accumulating wealth, but the means are a bit despicable!

The civil official on the side suddenly interrupted and said,"Your Majesty, why don't we increase the entrance fee and add a city exit fee or something?"

Chu Xiong waved his hand and said firmly,"The fortune of the dynasty lies in rules, such things must not be done!"

Zhou Qiong didn't hear what he said, otherwise he would have to spit on his face, pretending to be a big wolf!

Time passed slowly, and almost all the creatures participated in the auction.

It can be said that this auction held by the God Clan is the last peaceful period before the decisive battle. All creatures want to buy items through this auction to improve their strength, so as to prepare for the decisive battle in the near future!

Finally, when the auction was about to end, a Tianjiao of the Yan Clan, who was a semi-saint of the ninth level, took out a boundary-breaking bead and bid 50 million immortal stones!

After continuous bidding, it was won by the Demon Cult at a price of 100 million immortal stones!

It can be said that the purpose of Zhou Qiong's trip was to break the boundary bead. Unexpectedly, it really appeared. With this boundary-breaking bead, Zhou Qiong's cultivation can break through to the ninth level of the semi-saint, and then his plan can be perfectly realized!

A full day passed before the auction officially ended!

At this time, most creatures have bought some useful things more or less! Especially the Demon Cult, which almost bought a small half of the things in the entire auction. All creatures looked at the Demon Cult curiously, and some even showed fierce light in their eyes! Buying more is not necessarily a good thing!

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