After the auction, Guangyu in the corner tower flew into the sky and said loudly,"There is still one year before Tianjiao City opens. I hope everyone will take care of themselves!" After hearing this, some of the creatures below were excited, some were worried, and their expressions were different! There are a lot of opportunities that creatures are eager for in Tianjiao City, and at the same time, the fighting there will be the most terrifying!

Zhou Qiong also looked thoughtful. One year is almost enough.

At this time, the creatures in the city have not dispersed yet. It can be said that many creatures dare not leave the Acropolis now. After all, money and property are attractive. Everyone has newly bought treasures in their hands. It is easy to be ambushed by others when they go out!

Even most of the creatures plan to stay in the Acropolis until Tianjiao City opens!

This is also the reason why Guangyu held the auction. Not only can he collect auction commissions, but he can also gather a large number of creatures in the Acropolis, and the more taxes he collects, the more taxes he collects. Although the God Clan does not lack these immortal stones, he is just a more outstanding disciple among the God Clan. He will not dislike too many immortal stones!

Zhou���Looking at the many creatures who dared not leave, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes. As expected, weakness is the original sin! Looking up at the sky, he secretly thought that he must reach the peak in the future! Shocking the heavens!

With a wave of his hand, he led the demon sect to board the flying sedan. The demon dragon roared loudly and pulled the flying sedan out of the city!

At this time, the Tianjiao in the city looked at the flying sedan in the distance with curiosity, and some of them showed a playful look on their faces. The first one to leave the city, but the gun shot the first bird! Sure enough, just less than a mile after the demon dragon's flying sedan flew out of the city, it was intercepted by a creature!

The creatures in the city stopped to watch. The demon sect bought so many good things. How could it be so easy to leave so easily! There are always brave ones who want to try!

The creature that blocked the demon dragon's flying sedan was not an ordinary person. It was the seventh-ranked Tianjiao list, the Hades of the Hades! His strength is even stronger than Zhang Xiaofan!

Even some peerless Tianjiao in the city sighed, thinking that they were beaten by Hades, but it would be nice to let Hades try Zhou Qiong's specific weight.

At this time, Hades looked at the flying dragon and shouted,"Master Zhou, don't be so anxious to leave. I have always wanted to chat with you. I don't know if Master Zhou will give me face! Of course, if Master Zhou can give me some benefits, I will leave immediately!"

All the creatures in the Weicheng watched attentively, thinking secretly, here it comes, the good show is coming, and the fight is finally about to start. Who will be stronger between the third and seventh on the Tianjiao list!

Even Guangyu, Wu Yuan, Chu Xiong and others were watching with attention. After all, no one knew how strong Zhou Qiong was!

Just when everyone was wondering how Zhou Qiong would deal with it, Zhou Qiong's cold voice came from the flying chariot!

""Who gave you the guts to stop my carriage? If you don't get out of the way within three breaths, you'll die!"

This was a statement that could control the world. Everyone had heard of Zhou Qiong's tyranny before, but the one who stopped him now was the seventh on the Tianjiao list, and could even be said to be on the same level as Zhou Qiong!

But in Zhou Qiong's words just now, he didn't take Hades seriously at all, as if he was scolding a servant!

Other creatures couldn't stand it, let alone Hades himself, who was so angry that his seven orifices rose to heaven, and his whole body exuded a cold chill! This meant that he didn't take him seriously at all, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Well, Master Zhou is indeed arrogant. Today, I will see what you are capable of to dare to speak so arrogantly!"

"It seems that you really want to die, Liansheng, kill him!" Zhou Qiong's voice came again from the flying sedan!

""Yes, sir!"

Liansheng bowed and replied outside the flying sedan, holding a long sword in his hand, and walked towards Hades. Although he knew that he was no match for Hades, he did not hesitate at all to Zhou Qiong's order!

Hades looked at Liansheng walking towards him with contempt in his eyes. Zhou Qiong actually let a man of only the seventh level of the semi-saint level to kill him. Is he crazy? Or is he trying to humiliate himself, or this subordinate has a grudge against him and wants to kill him with his own hands?

Just when all the living beings and Hades were confused!

Only to hear another word from the flying sedan, the voice was like the sound of heaven, shaking the area for thousands of miles! Domineering and unquestionable!


The Hades, who had just looked contemptuous, was suddenly terrified. He suddenly found that he could not move. Looking at Liansheng who had already started to draw his sword, he suddenly felt cold in his heart!

He hurriedly shouted:

"Pluto’s immovable seal!"

"Wan Mingtian's body skills!"

"Nether Shock Wave!"

Infinite aura continued to bloom from Hades, and his body began to twist continuously. However, no matter how many family secrets he used, he was completely unable to move! He could only watch Liansheng's long sword slash at him!

"No! I don't accept it!....."

With a scream of disobedience, the body of Hades, who was ranked seventh on the Tianjiao list and at the peak of the ninth level of the Half Saint, was directly split in half, and his soul was destroyed!

A peerless Tianjiao, died in front of everyone today!

Many creatures looked up at the seventh Pluto on the Tianjiao list in the sky, slowly disappearing, and replaced by the word Liansheng!

All the creatures looked into the flying dragon, all with a look of shock on their faces. They knew that it was not Liansheng who killed Hades, but Zhou Qiong who killed him.

One word fixed Hades, making the opponent unable to move even if he tried his best. How powerful and terrifying must Zhou Qiong be, even Hades couldn't resist and was killed in seconds. What about them, wasn't it even half a second?

It seems that this demon cult must not be provoked!

For the first time, the eyes of the God Clan Guangyu in the corner tower in the city showed shock. The strength displayed by Zhou Qiong far exceeded his expectations. You must know that Hades is not that waste like Shura Xueqi, but a real peerless Tianjiao. Even he himself might not be able to kill him with one move!

Not only him, but other top Tianjiao were all shocked, especially Wu Yuan. In the past, he only regarded Guangyu of the God Clan as his opponent, but now he felt that he couldn't even beat Zhou Qiong. No, he felt that Guangyu might not be Zhou Qiong's opponent.

The more they practiced, the more they knew how terrifying it was to be able to stop the opponent with one word. What kind of skill was this? What level was it? Was it taught by the Demon Lord himself?

Chu Xiong opened his mouth wide and completely lost his composure as an emperor. This is too unexpected!

Zhang Xiaofan and Bu Ju were also worried.

Bu Ju said in a deep voice,"Xiaofan, let's not take revenge for now. I can't let you take risks just to avenge Yu Ling!"

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head. Although he was not Zhou Qiong's opponent at present, he was confident that he would surpass him in the future, and then he could still take revenge!

At this time, Liansheng flew back to the flying carriage, and the demon dragon roared and pulled the flying carriage away. This time, no one in the city came to stop it.

After all, it’s not easy to come into this world. We are born by our mothers and raised by our fathers. Who wouldn’t be afraid of death?


Thanks to {作Z我妻} for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to {女皇大夫人} {不习%} for the reminder to update!

Thanks to {岁月无情} for the invitation to climb the mountain!

Thanks to other big names and readers for their support!

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Xiaobai thanks you!٩(๑^o^๑)۶


Author's words:

Update is coming! Come on guys!

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