After a while of dizziness, Zhou Qiong opened his eyes again and found that he was the only one around. It was estimated that the vortex channel was randomly teleported, and everyone was teleported to a different location.

Zhou Qiong looked around and found that he was in an underground palace. There were densely packed passages around him. He frowned secretly and walked into one of the passages.

The secret realm of the semi-saint, to put it simply, is the sleeping palace and inheritance place of the semi-saint after his death. There are usually some secret treasures and skills used by the semi-saint during his lifetime, and even the inheritance of the semi-saint.

On the other side, as soon as the Li siblings and A Da entered the passage, a jade pendant in the hand of the Li sister emitted light, forming a protective film that wrapped the few people. The light slowly disappeared until they completely stepped into the secret realm.

Li Ge looked at the entrance of the passage and said disdainfully,"A mere passage made by a semi-saint wants to separate us. Wishful thinking!" After that, he turned to the Li sister and said,"Sister Wan'er, what are we doing in this broken secret realm? I feel uncomfortable all over as soon as I come in!"

The Li sister, that is, Li Wan���He did not answer, but explored the surroundings.

At this time, countless creatures had entered the secret realm. The spiritual energy inside the secret realm was several times that of the outside. In addition, no one had mined or destroyed it for countless years, so the spiritual herbs and herbs inside were everywhere.

In the secret realm, an old man was exploring with two young disciples, picking a bunch of spiritual herbs from time to time, all with a happy look on their faces. One of the disciples looked at the old man and said,

"Master, this semi-saint secret realm is indeed full of treasures. After we get out, we will use these elixirs to exchange for resources. By then, Master, I estimate that you will be able to enter the Eternal Realm. By then, our Tianjian Sect will be considered the number one force."

"Yes, but we can only collect some magical herbs here, we will not be able to get the real good stuff." Another disciple said depressedly.

The old man looked at the two disciples and smiled softly,"You should know how to be content. It is satisfying for the master to get these spiritual medicines!"

After the few people finished speaking, they went to pick spiritual medicines. In a place where no one could see, a black shadow slowly emerged and went directly into the body of the disciple who had just spoken.

Countless black shadows suddenly appeared in the whole secret realm. The black shadows seemed to have intelligence. They all possessed some creatures with low cultivation, but they were extremely secretive and no one had discovered them.

Everyone is still exploring the secret realm, and the harvest is very good. After all, there are indeed many treasures in the secret realm.

A faint light suddenly emanated from one direction of the secret realm.

All the forces that saw the light stopped exploring and flew towards the light. Even a fool could guess that this was the inheritance of the semi-saint appearing.

There was a huge open space where the light was emitted. At this time, hundreds of thousands of creatures had gathered on the open space, but the places where the light was emitted were guarded by several of the strongest forces, and others could not get close.

The center of the light was occupied by four forces, namely the Yang family of Yangcheng, the Tengshe clan of Fengcheng, the Li family siblings, and the Demon Cult. At this time, only the Demon Cult was the weakest, because the leader Zhou Qiong did not appear here now, and the only person in charge was Liansheng of the Eternal Realm.

However, because everyone was afraid of Zhou Qiong's strength, the other three major forces also acquiesced to the Demon Cult's entry into this core circle, but if the inheritance really appeared in a while, there would be nothing to worry about. Even if Zhou Qiong really appeared, no one would give him face.

The people of the Demon Cult gathered together and talked about their gains. Only the Demon Bull King simply said a few words, and his tone was a little stiff. Others did not notice anything, after all, the Demon Bull King was not a talkative person.

Only Liansheng felt a little abnormal, but he did not find anything.

At this time, Zhou Qiong had just come out of the underground palace with a gloomy face. He was trapped in the underground palace for three whole days, and he had been wandering around in it. In addition, there was nothing in the underground palace except some portraits. It can be said that Zhou Qiong did not gain anything after coming to the secret realm.

Zhou Qiong, who had left the underground palace, looked at the direction of the white light and flew over.

Just as the members of the Demon Cult felt the pressure growing, a black shadow appeared next to the white light. Everyone looked and saw that it was the leader of the Demon Cult, Zhou Qiong.

The members of the Demon Cult immediately bowed and called out"Leader".

Li Ge looked at Zhou Qiong who suddenly appeared and asked curiously,"Leader Zhou, why did you come just now? This semi-saint inheritance is about to be opened. If you don't come now, it will probably be taken away by others!"

Zhou Qiong did not respond. This time he really didn't know how to answer. Could it be that he was trapped in an underground palace as soon as he entered the secret realm, and it took him three days to get out? Would he still save his face as the leader of the Demon Cult?

Suddenly Zhou Qiong frowned and looked at the Demon Bull King. The silver-black lightning between his eyebrows emitted light and he directly hit him with a palm.

The people around him were shocked. Was the leader of the Demon Cult crazy? Why did he suddenly start to attack his subordinates? Even the members of the Demon Cult looked at Zhou Qiong with confusion, and only Liansheng seemed to have discovered something.

The giant palm directly slapped the body of the Demon Bull King, but the Demon Bull King was not knocked away or killed as everyone expected. Instead, he did not move, but a black shadow was knocked out from his body.

The black shadow looked at Zhou Qiong and laughed a few times, then instantly rushed to a minotaur next to him. After being possessed by the black shadow, the minotaur picked up the axe behind him and chopped his companion directly. The companion lost his life with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Suddenly, countless screams rang out in the entire open space. Countless creatures seemed to be controlled by something and began to attack their companions around them. For a while, the open space was in chaos, with shouts of killing one after another.

It seemed like a long time, but in fact, it was only a moment from Zhou Qiong's attack to the chaos on the scene.

By the time everyone had reacted,���By then, more than one third of the creatures had died.

No one could believe that their companions who had been with them day and night would suddenly kill them.

When everyone realized that the other party was possessed by something, they began to fight back.

However, what made them desperate was that even if they killed the other party, the black shadow would not disappear, but would drill into another person's body and continue to attack others.

Fortunately, the black shadow seemed to have limited control ability. No warriors in the Eternal Realm had been possessed yet. However, as time went on, the black shadow seemed to be stronger, and masters in the Eternal Realm also began to be possessed.

Many major forces began to get restless. At first, they didn't threaten them, and they just thought it was some evil creature. Now it seems that if the situation continues like this, I'm afraid the black shadow can possess the True Martial Realm, and then it will be a big trouble.

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