Li Ge looked at the black shadows that kept appearing and the creatures controlled by them, and asked Li Wan'er softly,"Sister Wan'er, what is this black shadow? How can there be such a thing in the Semi-Saint Secret Realm?"

"I don't know what it is specifically, but it should be a ghost. It seems that this half-saint is not a righteous person!"

The black shadow's strength began to increase continuously. There were only a few forces that could maintain stability in the field. The Li siblings took out a talisman and formed a huge protective shield to protect themselves and their group, and also helped some other people. The

Yang family took out a stone, which emitted a scorching breath, so that the ghosts did not dare to approach.

Some other forces took out secret treasures to protect the people around.

As for the people of the Demon Cult, they were all shrouded in the light emitted from Zhou Qiong's eyebrows, and the ghosts did not dare to approach.

The ghosts in the field were still wreaking havoc, and the entire secret realm slowly changed. The sky began to darken, and some bones slowly emerged from the ground. The air was filled with a cold and damp smell of corpses.

Even the place where the light was emitted turned into black light, and a stream of death emerged. A huge black shadow rushed out from the light.

"Haha, I'm alive again, haha. You old man just wait for me!"

I saw a black shadow wearing a crown, a royal robe, a square face, and a notebook in his hand. When Zhou Qiong saw this figure, a figure emerged in his mind. It was the King of Hell in the underworld in mythology and legend.

Since he appeared, the surrounding black shadows quickly flew into his body and merged with him. His aura was constantly increasing.

The black shadow looked around and said in a sinister voice,"Welcome everyone to my underworld hell. I am the master here, King Guangyou."

"Everyone who came here is my savior. To repay you, the survivors will become my first batch of subordinates! Be grateful, ha ha!"

Many forces had already realized that things were not going well when King Guangyou appeared, and they were secretly using the teleportation talisman, but to their despair, all the teleportation talismans were ineffective.

Looking at King Guangyou who had obviously recovered to the Daluo level and was still strengthening, they were infinitely afraid.

"King Guangyou, it's really King Guangyou, he's not dead," said Ah Da next to the Li brothers in surprise

"Do you know him?"

Li Wan'er looked at Ah Da and asked

"Miss, I have seen his records by accident. This King Guangyou was once a casual cultivator, but I don't know what inheritance he got. He practiced a hellish technique. He once turned a city into a ghostland for practicing. Later, he was directly killed by the imperial master of that dynasty with a palm from a distance! I didn't expect that thousands of years later, he was alive again!"

"Hahahaha, that old bastard, humph, I just used his hand to come back to life, now I have mastered the skills, when I recover, I will destroy his entire dynasty!"King Guangyou laughed strangely, with a sinister look on his face.

The surrounding black shadows continued to enter King Guangyou's body, and black air continued to emerge from the underground of the entire secret realm and was absorbed by King Guangyou.

"Oh no, he is stalling for time. We can’t let him recover any further! If this continues, we will all die!" Li Wan’er shouted loudly.

"Let's attack together to break open this secret realm!" The others seemed to understand that they couldn't go on like this, and they all attacked King Guangyou.

Everyone knew that this was a life-and-death moment, and they all took out their strongest means. For a moment, the entire secret realm was bombarded as if it was shaking, and huge roars continued to sound.

The sound of spitting blood continued to sound, and the people who had just attacked King Guangyou were slapped back by a palm, and fell to the ground spitting blood. Those with low cultivation died on the spot.

Looking up at the unharmed King Guangyou, they were deeply desperate. They couldn't beat him, and they couldn't leave. It seemed that they were really going to die here. So far, only one in ten creatures survived in the entire secret realm.

Even Ah Da was beaten to spit blood and returned to the side of the Li siblings, and said to Li Wan'er,"No, Miss, King Guangyou has recovered to the seventh level of Daluo. We can't wait any longer. It's time to use the talisman."

After hearing this, a golden talisman appeared in Li Wan'er's hand, and she clenched her teeth. She knew that as long as she crushed the talisman, someone would come to rescue them. By then, let alone King Guangyou recovering to the level of Half-Saint, even if he broke through another level, they would not be in danger.

But after that, she could not wander outside anymore, but needed to go back to complete that shitty marriage.

Li Wan'er turned her head and looked at Li Ge, as if she had made up her mind. If it were her, she would rather die here than use the talisman, but she couldn't let Li Ge die here too.

Just when everyone was in despair and Li Wan'er was about to use the talisman!

King Guangyou in the sky looked at Zhou Qiong and said with a strange smile,"Very good, you didn't attack me just now. What's your name? You will be the number one general under me, King Guangyou, in the future!"

Then the others remembered that when everyone attacked King Guangyou together just now, Zhou Qiong did not make a move, but stood there motionless.

Li Ge also turned his head to look at Zhou Qiong, cursing in his heart, it seems that Zhou Qiong is also a cowardly person who didn't even have the courage to take action just now. It was a pity that he used to admire him.

Zhou Qiong looked at King Guangyou in the sky and said in a cold voice,"I am Zhou Qiong, the leader of the Demon Cult. Do you want to take me as your subordinate!"

"Of course, you will follow me to conquer the world in the future. This will be your great honor. And if they dare to attack me, they will all die." King Guangyou looked at the others and said with a sinister look on his face.

Li Wan'er was so scared that she tightened her grip on the talisman, as if she was going to crush it at any time.

"Okay, if you can survive my blow, I can consider���consider" Zhou Qiong looked at King Guangyou and said disdainfully.

"What did he just say? He actually let King Guangyou take his sword!"

"Is Zhou Qiong used to being domineering, or was he just frightened? How dare he say such words!"

"Doesn't he know that King Guangyou has recovered to the high level of Daluo? Isn't this courting death?"

Li Ge also looked at Zhou Qiong with his mouth wide open. He had seen countless geniuses since he was a child, and there were many who were domineering and proud, but there was really no other one as domineering as Zhou Qiong.

Zhou Qiong couldn't even be said to be domineering. Why did he feel like he couldn't tell the situation clearly? And he didn't make a move just now. Could he be waiting for him to act pretentiously now? Li Ge looked at Zhou Qiong as if he had thought of something.

King Guangyou sneered angrily, looked at Zhou Qiong below, and said cruelly,"Do you know what you said just now? It seems that you don't want to live either!"

"King Guangyou, I hope you can survive my blow!"

Thanks: Buzuoduoguai Capsule, Shinra Tenzheng, Yu Sheng, Wuminglui for urging updates and mountain climbing, Jinxi for the mountain climbing invitation and likes, and all the readers for their likes. There are not many places, so there may be incomplete parts, please forgive me.

Thank you very much.

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