Hearing Bai Long's words, Luo Tong barely regained consciousness!

Bai Long took out a jade talisman and said to Luo Tong solemnly,

"I will use a secret method to let you exchange positions with Mu Li. You must crush the jade talisman immediately to return to the map of mountains and rivers. Then I will break through the space with the map of mountains and rivers and rush out!"

Although it sounds simple, both of them know how difficult it is. With the strength of Zhou Qiong and others, I am afraid that after swapping Mu Li, Luo Tong will not have time to crush the jade talisman!

But Luo Tong did not hesitate. He was willing to take the risk. As long as he could rescue Mu Li, he was willing to pay any price. If he said something unexpected, there was still a chance of success!

"Let's do it, hurry up!" Luo Tong said decisively.

Just as the two were about to start, Zhou Qiong, who was sitting on the chair, showed a weird smile on his lips, and the silver-black lightning at the center of his eyebrows slowly emitted light.

At this time, Mu Li was in Liansheng's hands, and she had completely lost the ability to resist. Her eyes were also a little blurred. Suddenly, she felt that her body was empty and she lost control. When she reacted, it was no longer the evil Liansheng in front of her.

Instead, it was a giant white dragon, and a white light enveloped the two people.

The white dragon looked in the direction of Zhou Qiong and others with anxious eyes.

At this time, Liansheng only felt a little strange in his hand. He looked closely at the inhuman Mu Li in his hand, and instantly turned into Luo Tong.

Luo Tong quickly pinched the jade talisman in his hand. Bang, Luo Tong's hand made a sound of something exploding, but his body did not leave, and was still controlled by Liansheng!

Looking in his hand, he found that what he had just crushed was not a jade talisman, but a stone.


A cold voice came into Luo Tong's ears. Luo Tong turned his head and saw Zhou Qiong, who had been sitting on the chair, playing with a jade talisman in his hand! He looked at him meaningfully.

Oh no, Luo Tong reacted instantly. His plan had been discovered by the other party. He hurriedly shouted anxiously to the sky.

""Master Bai, take Mu Li away quickly, quickly!" Luo Tong's voice was full of determination!

The white dragon in the sky changed its face, and finally his expression dimmed. It would rather die than let my friend die. It was already good enough for him to rescue Mu Li. Thinking of this, he grabbed Mu Li who kept shouting and was about to break through the space and leave.

The slowly rotating black ring in the sky suddenly doubled in size.

The time of the entire Tianheng Peak suddenly began to solidify, and even the map of mountains and rivers was instantly squeezed out of the gap in time.

A white dragon appeared in the sky, with Mu Li still in its claws. The white dragon's face was full of confusion and disbelief! He kept cursing in his heart, what the hell is this ring weapon, Even if the Mountain and River Map was incomplete, it was still an unparalleled immortal treasure that could control time. This ring actually broke the rules of the Mountain and River Map.

Mo Wudao, who was standing behind Zhou Qiong, took a step forward and came directly to Bai Long. He stretched out his palm, one hand became bigger and grabbed Bai Long's neck, and the other hand controlled Mu Li.

Bai Long could not resist at all under the oppression of the ring!

From the time Luo Tong started to replace Mu Li, to the time when all three were caught, it seemed very long, but in fact it only took less than a second!

Luo Tong looked at the captured Mu Li with a frightened face, and looked at Zhou Qiong who was sitting on the seat, and shouted anxiously,"Sir, spare Mu Li, you can ask me to do anything!" Zhou Qiong's face changed, your uncle, it was as if I was forcing a good woman to become a prostitute!

With a gentle wave of his hand, Mo Wudao understood, and waved his hand to suppress Mu Li into ashes!

Luo Tong's eyes were instantly filled with disbelief, his eyes were red, and his facial features began to distort. Looking at Zhou Qiong with a calm face, he shouted angrily,"Why, why on earth!"

Zhou Qiong sneered. Why? Because your luck points have risen to 450! A talisman slowly appeared in his hand. It was the Heaven Covering Talisman given by the system. He crushed it directly! He originally thought that this talisman would be used on Zhao Wuji, but he didn't expect to use it on Luo Tong first!

An invisible wave came out from the Heaven Covering Talisman, covering the entire Tianheng Peak. No one else felt anything, only Luo Tong felt as if he had lost something in an instant!

But he didn't have time to think about it. He just felt his body cold and lost consciousness in an instant!

The white dragon controlled by Mo Wudao in the sky flashed a trace of fear in his eyes. He saw a black vortex appear in Zhou Qiong's hand and swallowed Luo Tong directly! This wouldn't be eaten!

In fact, it was almost the same as he thought. Luo Tong was swallowed directly by Zhou Qiong using the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art.

After all, as the protagonist, who knows if Luo Tong will have any magic weapon to revive the dead or something like that? He swallowed it directly and refined it, and even the bone residue was gone. It was safe and worry-free!

The voice of the system suddenly rang in Zhou Qiong's mind!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Son of Destiny Luo Tong. You will be rewarded with a mysterious gift package and a Destiny Pearl! Since this is the first time the host has killed the Son of Destiny, an extra 500,000 points of villain value will be awarded!"

A bead emitting golden light appeared in front of Zhou Qiong's eyes. A number 450 was written on the bead. This was the Destiny Qi stripped from Luo Tong, which could be transferred to others!

In other words, no matter who swallowed this bead, they would become a new Son of Destiny!

"System, if I give this bead to a person and he becomes the child of destiny, and then I kill him, will there still be a mysterious gift package?"

".................No, no matter who takes the Heavenly Luck Pearl, it will be ineffective if the host kills again!"

Zhou Qiong sighed secretly. He finally found a new bug, but he couldn't fix it!

"System, is this Tianyunzhu effective after I took it?"

"It's useless. The host cannot take the Heavenly Luck Pearl because he is parasitized by the system. Otherwise, it will not only have no good effect, but will cause heavenly punishment!"

This won't work, and that won't work either. It seems that I can only give it to my subordinates!

Zhou Qiong retracted his thoughts and looked up at Bai Long. This should be Luo Tong's golden finger, controlling time!

When Zhou Qiong looked over, Bai Long trembled all over, and the omen of great misfortune kept emerging in his mind! Suddenly, his eyes were filled with tears, and he shouted miserably!

"My Lord, my Lord, it was that little Luo Tong who forced me to do this. I refused and he beat me. I was forced to do this, my Lord!"

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