Bai Long blushed inwardly after he finished speaking, but there was nothing he could do. Who made the other party a murderous devil with a whim and a whim? A dragon had to bow his head under the eaves!

It was because Luo Tong had died without a complete corpse, otherwise he would have to resurrect and scold him. Who forced you? It was obviously you who was timid and afraid, but now you blame me. Bullying the dead can't talk, right?

Zhou Qiong didn't care whether Bai Long's words were true or not. He directly reached out and took the mountain and river map, and Bai Long was also taken into the map! He slowly stood up from the magic dragon chair and flew towards the magic dragon flying chariot in the sky!

Liansheng and the magic guards also followed and flew towards the flying chariot!

The survivors below were secretly glad, and even Song Yi's face showed a look of joy. Now that the old stubborn Supreme Elder is dead, he is the strongest in the entire Tianheng Sect! In the future, he will be respected completely!

Just when everyone on the mountain was still silently celebrating their survival, the spear in the hand of Mo Wudao in the sky slowly grew larger, and one shot directly attacked the mountain!

Boom! The foundation of Tianheng Sect was not good, and there were not many defensive formations on the mountain. Mo Wudao's full-strength shot directly collapsed half of Tianheng Mountain!

As for the people who survived on the mountain, it is conceivable that they were happy for only a few seconds, and they started to die instantly!

The Tianheng Sect, which has stood for tens of thousands of years, has completely perished from today! This is the cruel fact of the upper world!

The three dragons roared and pulled the flying chariot away quickly!

Zhou Qiong sat inside the flying chariot, holding the mountain and river map in his hand, and his mind slowly detected it. At this time, Bailong was hiding in the corner of the mountain and river map, trembling. It was not until half an hour later that he slowly opened his eyes, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes!

Although it was expected, I didn't expect that Luo Tong's golden finger was really so bad!

The interior space of the Mountain and River Map is huge, comparable to the size of the Dawu Imperial City, and it has its own ecosystem. The spiritual energy is several times that of the outside world, and cultivation inside is much faster than outside.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that it has the law of time, which can accelerate the passage of time. Although the current state of the Mountain and River Map is very bad, it can still produce a ten-fold time difference.

That is, one day in the outside world has passed, and only ten days have passed inside. In addition, due to the spiritual energy, the cultivation inside is dozens of times faster and stronger than the outside world.

You must know that what the Demon Cult lacks most at present is time. Since the Demon Cult unified the chaotic land, it can be said that there are too many resources to use, but time is not enough!

The higher the realm, the longer it takes to break through. This is something that Zhou Qiong has always been troubled by. He has the help of the system and can quickly improve his cultivation, but the people of the Demon Cult can only rely on themselves!

Even if Zhou Qiong wants to use the Heavenly Luck Pearl to improve their talents and increase their luck, the Sons of Heavenly Luck are not everywhere, and this may take a long time.

But the appearance of the Mountain and River Map did solve some of the troubles! As long as the members of the Demon Cult use accelerated time to practice, coupled with a large supply of resources, they can at least catch up quickly and not fall too far behind.

Zhou Qiong put away the map of mountains and rivers, and a huge gift bag appeared in his hand. This was the mysterious gift bag obtained by killing the Son of Destiny. Zhou Qiong was also very curious about what would come out!

When he asked the system, the system said that the things that came out were random. It could be a top-notch item, or it could be a pile of shit. In short, it was very mysterious!

Slowly opening the gift bag, the voice of the system suddenly rang in Zhou Qiong's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a Holy Land Experience Card!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for opening a bag of super fragrant dog food!"

Puff, Zhou Qiong was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe. He could understand the Holy Realm Experience Card. After all, the literal meaning was very clear!

Sure enough, when he clicked on the introduction, it said that the Holy Realm Experience Card could allow the host to exert the power of the Holy Realm within one day after use, and then return to normal without any harm to the body!

This experience card is very helpful to Zhou Qiong at the moment. At least he has a huge trump card!

But what is this super fragrant dog food? It must have come from the mysterious gift bag. Zhou Qiong clicked on the introduction with doubts. It only said: Super fragrant dog food, the best dog food, an irresistible delicacy, features: fragrance, efficacy: none

There was a little confusion in Zhou Qiong's eyes. If he understood correctly, this should have no other effect except for the fragrance!

A bag of dog food appeared in Zhou Qiong's hand. He slowly opened it, and suddenly a fragrance wafted out, as if there was a peerless delicacy inside!

Looking inside, he saw that it was full of grains, which were very similar to the dog food in his previous life. He stretched out his hand and slowly took out a grain. He smelled it and it was really terribly fragrant. Zhou Qiong swallowed his saliva secretly.

If I remember correctly, people could eat dog food in his previous life. Zhou Qiong looked around and slowly put the grain of dog food to his mouth. He really couldn't resist the temptation.

Woof, a black figure instantly rushed into the flying chariot and appeared in front of Zhou Qiong. He looked at the dog food in his hand and drooled continuously!

The appearance of Dabai made Zhou Qiong retract his hand instantly. He quickly threw the dog food in his hand to Dabai and said awkwardly

""Well, you've been doing well recently. This dog food is a reward for you. Go eat it!"

Dabai grabbed the dog food and quickly ran to the corner, mumbling,"Thank you, boss. You're so good to me. If there is a next life, I'll still be your dog!"

Zhou Qiong heard his mumbling, and the embarrassment on his face dissipated a lot. He pouted lightly. Fortunately, I was quick just now, otherwise, if this stupid dog saw me eating dog food, I would have lost my image!

After calming down, Zhou Qiong, who was sitting on a chair, tapped the chair lightly. A red-robed figure slowly appeared beside him. It was Lian Sheng.

"Meet the leader!"

Zhou Qiong had a bead with golden light in his hand. It was the Tianyun Bead. He handed it to Liansheng. Of course, if there is any benefit, it should be given to the person closest to him first.

Liansheng took the Tianyun Bead with a confused look on his face.

"Swallow it" Zhou Qiong pointed at the Tianyun Pearl.

Liansheng swallowed the pearl without hesitation without asking any more questions.

As soon as Liansheng swallowed the Tianyun Pearl, a fierce light began to emanate from his body, and his aura was constantly increasing.���High, bang, Daluo level 3, Daluo level 4, Daluo level 5. He actually broke through three small realms in a row before stopping. The golden light on his body dissipated, and a hint of enlightenment appeared in Liansheng's eyes. He felt that his talent seemed to have improved.

He didn't know that the improvement of talent and cultivation were just the benefits of the Tianyun Pearl. The most powerful function of the Tianyun Pearl was to increase the luck of the user.

To put it bluntly, Liansheng was also a son of heaven. He could pick up treasures when he encountered mountains and gold when he encountered rivers. He could even turn danger into fortune! It is extremely difficult to kill!

Zhou Qiong looked up at Liansheng, only to see that the opponent's Tianyun Qi was 500 points!

"System, what’s going on!"

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