The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 105 Sister Rong, will you agree with me?

After stunning Lihua, Heishuisha kicked her out of the space.

Then remove the soul book, and come out of the space by yourself.

"How about cute, did you dizzy her?"

Jiang Mu asked Heishuisha who woke up.

"Dizzy, she has to wake up in the morning."

The black water evil wrapped around Jiang Mu's body, wrapped his arms around his neck, and asked with a smile:

"Am I doing well?"

"Well, yes, very powerful."

Jiang Mu did not hesitate to praise.

Originally, Heishui Sha was the soul state of the Demon God Realm, and it could use soul power to attack the souls of others.

And now.

She can use the soul book to forcibly summon other people's souls into the space, and carry out unexpected direct blows.

This is simply, like her white tiger, adding a pair of wings.

The tiger is forced to heaven.

Heishuisha came close to Jiang Mu's face, took a sip, and asked as if taking credit:

"Is there a reward for that?"

". What reward do you want?"



"Don't play stupid, give it to me."

".i still have to fix her dan"

"Fix your ass! Fix me first!"

Heishuisha was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly overwhelmed Jiang Mu next to Quanguo's raccoon flower.

Then he spit out his long forked tongue, forcibly got into the placket of his clothes, and wrapped it around his waist.

Downward direct drive outflanking




the next day.

early morning.

Heishuisha faced the weakness and used the space spirit technique to take Jiang Mu to the back of the ruined village.

He got into the Na ring and fell asleep.

Jiang Mu held the unconscious raccoon flower, walked into a thatched hut, and put her down.

"When she wakes up, she will meet with Ling Aotian, and I'll have nothing to do after that."

He tidied up the quilt on her body and covered the exposed little raccoon flowers.

Then he left and ran to hide outside the village.

Looking from a distance.

After a while.

The raccoon flower, who had already changed into a white dress, ran up to the thatched hut.

She looked around anxiously, trying to find Jiang Mu's figure.

But never found it.

She stomped her feet in anger and cursed:

"I don't believe it anymore! When I go back, I will find a chance to live in your Wuyou Sect. I don't believe it and I won't be able to win it!"

After scolding, he showed a cunning fox smile.

Then jump off the hut.

Leisurely walked into the village.

"She seems very... happy?"

Jiang Mu looked at her cunning smile before she left, and for some reason, his heart froze for no apparent reason.

"Forget it, I don't have a chance to meet her anyway."

"Go back to Wuyou Sect."

Jiang Mu performed immortal magic.

"Extremely flashy!"

call out! A ray of light flashed.

He disappeared completely in place.

No worries.

The main hall, in the conference hall.

Han Yuqing sat in a high position, staring at the letter in her hand, reading silently in her heart.

"The vanguard of the Shahe Demon Army will definitely raid Xuecheng tomorrow."

After she read it.

Then he passed the envelope to the deacons and elders in the lower seat.

Then it introduced:

"This letter.

"It was the city lord of Xuecheng, Xue Yuanshan, who specially sent it here.

"You all have a look."

The deacons and elders here are looking at the envelopes.

Conversations started.

The main content of the letter.

It was to ask Wuyou Sect to send a hundred disciples to station in Xuecheng to help Xuecheng resist the coming demon army.

One of the elders stood up and refused with a strong attitude:

"We can't promise!"


Han Yuqing asked.

The elder said in detail:

"My Worry-free Sect, in the battle of the Monster Beast Mountains three years ago, more than 9,000 disciples fell!

"Today, there are only a few hundred disciples left in the sect, among which there are not many in the Qihai realm, and even fewer in the Yuanyuan realm!

"The comprehensive strength of the sect has dropped from the master of the southern realm to a small sect comparable to the third-rate!

"In addition, there are disciples leaving the sect almost every day.

"If you send another 100 disciples to support Xue Cheng and fight against monsters.

"According to the worst plan, if the anti-monster fails, all the disciples will be killed.

"Then the strength of my Worry-Free Sect will plummet once again!

"By the time.

"Even if the sect did not collapse on its own.

"It will definitely be swallowed up by other sects!"

After the elder said, many people agreed.

Han Yuqing nodded.

There are indeed concerns about this.

But what if he successfully helped Xue Cheng repel the demon army?

She felt this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to grow and grow Wuyouzong!

She glanced at the people sitting below.

After the voice of discussion subsided.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"The bigger the risk, the bigger the opportunity that comes with it.

"Mrs. Benzong thinks.

"This time, it's an excellent time to revive the Wuyou Sect!

"The tragic victory three years ago caused the sect to plummet, plus Sect Master Jiang's inaction, so that the sect has disciples running away every day.

"So there must be a lot of people laughing at us behind our backs.

"And this time, if it succeeds in helping Xue Cheng repel the demon army.

"Then my Wuyou Sect will definitely leave a deep impression in history!

"After that.

"The world will also respect our sect even more, and the disciples will not leave the sect after enjoying the honor of the sect.

"more importantly.

"In the future, there will inevitably be a large influx of talents into the sect!


"The rise of Zongmen is just around the corner!"

Han Yuqing finished.

The deacons and elders under the seat began to discuss again.

Some people agree with Han Yuqing's words.

But the vast majority of people opposed her and chose to support the elder's remarks.

Only a very small number of people remain, holding a neutral attitude.

Seeing this, Han Yuqing was very upset.

Even those who oppose her have murderous intentions.

If you live like a tortoise with a shrunken head.


When will the Wuyou Sect grow and develop?

In what year and month can she devote all her strength to the Xuanyang Sect?


This time, support for Xue Cheng.

She is imperative!

"Sister Rong, what do you think?"

Han Yuqing looked at Ding Nanrong who was standing beside her.

Because Jiang Mu is not there.

So Ding Nanrong followed her Han Yuqing and acted as the bodyguard of the sovereign's wife.

"Sister Rong, will you agree with me?"

Han Yuqing smiled and asked Ding Nanrong for help.

Ding Nanrong's status is rather special.

After she saved Jiang Mu's life, Jiang Mu's parents took a fancy to her and wanted to accept her as a righteous daughter.

Almost became Jiang Mu's sister.

But she chose to bow down and become Jiang Mu's personal maid.

The key is that her cultivation is very high.

It is the existence of the top three in the Wuyou Sect!

Therefore, her voice is still very large.

If you get Ding Nanrong's support.

Then she, Han Yuqing, can definitely send disciples to support Xue Cheng!


Ding Nanrong indirectly refused:

"Wait for Jiang Mu to come back."

That's all she could answer.

she felt.

Jiang Mu will definitely participate in such a large-scale event.

"Sister Rong~"

Han Yuqing pouted, her eyes began to glisten, ready to cry.

Seeing this in Ding Nanrong's eyes, she immediately knew it was fake.

He replied lightly:

"You're crying to the wrong person, look at the door."


Han Yuqing's tears disappeared instantly.

She looked towards the door.

Then he saw a handsome man in the robe of the Jade White Sect Master.

Leisurely, with a playful and arrogant pace.

Entered the meeting hall.

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