The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 106 Who agrees and who disagrees?

"Sect Master, you are here!"

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

"Sect Master Ankang!"

"Sect Master is fine!"

When the deacon and the elders saw Jiang Mu come in, they all stood up from their seats and greeted respectfully.

Although Jiang Mu is ignorant and incompetent, he is a piece of crap.

But he is the head of the sect of Genzheng Miaohong.

Therefore, even if someone disagrees, they cannot show it on this occasion.

"Well, sit down."

Jiang Mu waved back at will.

The arrogant and arrogant footsteps kept on walking towards Han Yuqing's high seat.

"Husband! You are back!"

Han Yuqing jumped out of her seat in surprise.

The whole person threw himself into Jiang Mu's arms, pouted, and acted softly in public:


"People miss you so much~

"I miss you~"

Still twisted, wishing to merge into Jiang Mu's body.

This wave of dog food gave everyone goosebumps.

Xiao Shi Jiang Mu already knew about Han Yuqing's character, and she was also paralyzed by her soft voice.

This pervert really does not miss any opportunity to get close to him.

"Oh, I don't want to die."

After Jiang Mu made a perfunctory sentence, he pushed her away.

Then sit on the main seat and glance at the people below.

Haven't waited for him to speak.

Han Yuqing hugged his neck from behind and gave him a sneak attack.


Said happily:

"Wow! My husband said he missed me, I'm so happy!"

Then, close to his ear, he said quietly:

"Come to my room tonight.

"I'll spin in circles, spin in circles.



Another sneak attack.

Just be obedient, stand behind him and give him a massage.

Jiang Mu: "."

good guy.

Spin around in circles?

Is it lying on the ground, with arms on the ground, neck straight, mouth open, spinning in circles?

As expected of you.

There is a lot of self-learning in this area.

One word: life is never the same.

Ding Nanrong next to him.

Since Jiang Mu came in, her eyes have been on him.

Because she was familiar with Jiang Mu's dressing habits, she was keenly aware of it.

Jiang Mu's shirt was a little messy.

The belt is also looser than usual, as if something was forcibly stretched it from the inside.

Feeling Ding Nanrong's gaze, Jiang Mu turned to look at her.

Then he nodded to her, signaling that he was back.

Then began to preside over today's major meeting.

According to the villain's playful character, he casually said to the people below:

"This case has been informed.

"Xue Yuanshan asked me to worry about the Wuyou Sect.

"It is said that you want to send a hundred disciples to Xuecheng before midnight tonight.

"To resist the coming vanguard of the Shahe Demon Army.

"You all know about this, right?"

After speaking, the people below began to discuss again.

And he took advantage of this gap to recall today's plot.

in the original plot.

Xue Yuanshan wrote a letter overnight to inform the sects and cities near Xuecheng.

Of course, it also includes the former overlord Wuyou Sect in the South, and the current overlord Xuanyang Sect.

The main content of the letter is the same.

That is to ask for support, to help Xuecheng resist the demon army or something.

The Wuyouzong is not optimistic because of its own situation.

Therefore, the vast majority of people are opposed to sending disciples to support.

Now the plot of the meeting.

It was Jiang Mu who exercised the power of the suzerain, acted arbitrarily, suppressed the masses, and forcibly dispatched his disciples to support Xue Cheng.

It's a very important plot.

As a result, he established his villain's arrogant and arrogant character.

Second, I licked a wave of heroine Xue Menghan, which enriched the character of licking dogs.

Thirdly, his own behavior of messing up the Wuyouzong sect is in line with Ding Nanrong's purpose.

Fourthly, this also made Han Yuqing more eager to take over the Wuyou Sect, and worked harder and madly to conceive her own seed.

In general, it is to improve the characters and advance the plot.

At this moment, the people below have been talking about the same.

The old man came out again, and his attitude was still tough:

"Sect Master! We all agreed that we must never agree to Xue Yuanshan's request!"


The old man repeated the previous reasons again.

In the end, he was still in high spirits, stroked the fibrous roots, and said the plan he thought up:


"My Worry-Free Sect has been severely damaged, and I really shouldn't risk taking the disciples in, but should recuperate and take stability as the top priority!

"in addition.

"If Xue Cheng finally succeeded in resisting the demon army.


"We can send our disciples to provide the ultimate support, get a share of the pie, and get a share of the credit!

"If Xuecheng can't resist the demon army, it will eventually fall and be destroyed.


"The responsibility is entirely borne by the Xuanyang Sect, and my Wuyou Sect has no loss at all!

"This is a good strategy to sit on the wall and enjoy the benefits of a fisherman!"

Clap clap clap clap! ! ! !

After the boss finished speaking, almost everyone clapped their hands violently, all saying it was a good strategy.

Even Jiang Mu felt that what this elder said was very good.

After all, the sect is in a bad state now, and disciples run away almost every day, so who cares about the lives of others.

What's more, isn't there a Xuanyangzong who has the bottom line?

Although it is said that fighting against the demon clan is everyone's responsibility.

But Xuanyangzong is also the overlord of the southern border, with many disciples and strong strength.

Therefore, even if the ruined sect of Wuyou Sect did not support Xue Cheng, others would not say much.

Han Yuqing's face darkened.

She stopped massaging Jiang Mu, and looked at the high-spirited elder.

Showing a creepy smile.

She has already made up her mind.

Such conservatives will become a huge obstacle to her radical decision-making in the future.


We must find an opportunity to use stealth to assassinate him!

Wait for the applause to dissipate.

Jiang Mu cleared his throat and asked leisurely:

"Is there anyone who opposes Mr. He's plan?"

Saying that, she squeezed Han Yuqing's hand on her shoulder.

Signal her to continue the massage.

Han Yuqing's weird smile instantly turned into a bright smile, and her hands continued to press again.

The people below listened to Jiang Mu's question and whispered.

Almost all expressed no objection.

"I agree with Mr. He, grow conservatively!"

"He Changlao's plan is to win with stability!"

"That's right! My Wuyou Sect must keep a low profile!"

"People who don't do it for themselves will be killed!"

Jiang Mu turned his head and asked Han Yuqing:

"What do you think?"

According to the original plot, Han Yuqing is dominated by his husband.

That is, she will support him no matter what he does.

I saw Han Yuqing smiling, lying on his shoulders, and said softly:

"You are my husband.

"Your thoughts are my thoughts.

"Your decision is my decision.

"Whatever you want, I support you.

"It's all up to you, husband."

Although she really wanted to oppose He Changlao.

But almost everyone is on He Changlao's side.

And she hasn't fully controlled the Wuyou Sect yet.

If you stand up against it, you will offend this group of high-level officials.

This is not good for her to control Wuyouzong in the future.

Jiang Mu nodded.

very good.

In this important plot, she is normal and not crooked.

It seems that the dog system is still a bit human.

So I asked Ding Nanrong again:

"Rong'er, what about you, what do you think?"

According to the original plot, Ding Nanrong will also support him, the scumbag lord.

Because of his urine, he will inevitably make a decision that is not conducive to the development of Wuyouzong.

This also served her purpose.

I saw Ding Nanrong replied lightly:

"No idea, as long as you like it."


In this plot, Ding Nanrong is also normal, not crooked.


Jiang Mu stood up and looked around the crowd.

After everyone turned their attention to him.

With a big wave of his arrogant hand, he said proudly:

"He Chang-guo said it well, He Chang-guo is right!

"So this case decided.

"For the mission of the human race.

"For my dreams.

"Nine percent of the Wuyou Sect's disciples must go to Xuecheng, Quan, Li, Kang, Yao!

"Who is for and who is against?"

There was silence at first.


Whoa-! ! !

Instant fryer.

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