"Yahhahaha! Itchy!"

After Heishuisha's whole body was copied into the air by Jiang Mu, he laughed so hard.

She clamped immediately.

Arms still wrapped around his neck.

"Wipe, release!"

Jiang Mu has already caught the item.

It was a piece of fabric, silky and cool.

But half of it was still pinched by her and couldn't be pulled out.

"It's not loose, just a little bit."

Heishui Sha ruthlessly mocked Jiang Mu.

He also spit out his long forked tongue and drilled into his jacket.

"You really are. Fucking!"

Jiang Mu laughed angrily.

Obviously, Heishui Sha wants to take advantage of the opportunity

He quickly slammed his hands to the sides.


An exaggerated purple fragrant cloth fell to the ground.

Look closely.

I saw a pool of crystals sticking to the fabric.

"Good guy! You really are."

Jiang Mu was really shocked and speechless.

Let him guess.

Can never guess.

Taken by black water.

It is actually Ding Nanrong's favorite piece of truth cloth.

Damn, I have to put this real cloth back in Ding Nanrong's closet.


If Ding Nanrong found out, he would definitely be beaten up.

Jiang Mu remembered it clearly.

in a previous cycle.

Because he was upset with Ding Nanrong, he secretly hid her favorite real cloth.

As a result, she was discovered.

After that, she was beaten to the point of being in a wheelchair.

"Come on, Rong'er is about to come and ask me to take a medicinal bath."

Jiang Mu urged Heishui Sha.

no way.

Judging from the crystals on the real cloth, Heishuisha was really hard to hold back.

Jiang Mu took advantage of the fact that she was starting to be piled up.

Bend over to pick up the real cloth.

Then one by one.

Slowly walked towards Ding Nanrong's room.

At this time.

Not even two steps away.

He heard a knock on his door.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

Is it Han Yuqing?

Crap, isn't she going to supervise the gathering of disciples?

Jiang Mu walked around and sat back on the stool.

At the same time, press the Black Water Sha and turn it around.

And quickly took out a quilt from the acceptance ring, and covered himself and Heishuisha tightly.

Just made these.

The door was pushed open.

I saw Han Yuqing walked in with a smile.

Jiang Mu made a dissatisfied expression and asked:

"Tomorrow, the demon army may be attacking the city. If you don't supervise the gathering of the disciples of the sect, what are you doing here?"


He also secretly patted Heishuisha.

Signal to slow down.

Han Yuqing was wronged and went around behind Jiang Mu.

Hug him.

Whispering coquettishly:


"I haven't seen you for four days, I miss you so much.

"So people come over and see what you're doing~"


She was going to supervise the gathering of sect disciples after reading the diary.

But the diary suddenly disappeared.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for the content of the diary to be updated.

So curious.

Come and see what Jiang Mu is doing.

Jiang Mu glanced at her and replied coldly:

"What else can I do, of course I'm cultivating!"

After all, she broke her hand.

Pointing to the door, he ordered:

"Now, immediately, immediately go out to this sect, what should I do."


Han Yuqing let go of her hand and walked out obediently.

It was only after taking two steps that he noticed that Jiang Mu was covered with a quilt below his waist.

He stopped and said curiously:


"What kind of cultivation method are you doing?

"Why are you covered with a quilt?"


She subconsciously reached out and lifted it.

Jiang Mu grabbed her hand.

Pretending to be angry, he said:

"This is the method of the Dragon and Snake Romance, don't ask too much!"

Although he can let Han Yuqing join.

But if she joins, the plot will go wrong.

"Oh~ okay."

Han Yuqing seemed really angry when she saw him.

He shrank his head.

Obediently walk out the door.

Also very kind.

Close the door gently.

Phew, she's gone.

Jiang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time.

The pile rate under the quilt started to pick up.

There was also a sound of "his! hiss! hiss".

The sound is even getting louder.

"Shh! Little cutie, don't make a sound."

Jiang Mu quickly patted and warned, for fear of being overheard by Han Yuqing, who had not gone far.

After a few taps, the hiss disappeared.

"Well, that's nice."

Jiang Mu praised.

Then he quickly stood up and walked towards Ding Nanrong's room.


Not even two steps away.

Just outside the door, Han Yuqing's voice came in:

"Sister Rong, have you come to call your husband a medicinal bath?"

"Well, I just got the elixir."

Ding Nanrong's voice also came in.

Han Yuqing's voice suddenly became smaller, like a whisper, but it still came in vaguely:

"Sister Rong, remember.

"When you are helping your husband to speed up the absorption of the medicinal power.




"Hey, I'm going to work first!"

Ding Nanrong's face turned black.

After Han Yuqing left, she opened Jiang Mu's door directly.

just came in.

I saw Jiang Mu sitting upright at the table, quietly smiling at her.

do not know why.

She seemed to see a trace of nervousness in Jiang Mu's eyes?

Could it be that Han Yuqing told me just now. He heard everything?

After thinking about it, Ding Nanrong said coldly:

"I only help you to accelerate the absorption of the medicinal power. It is impossible to do that, so you should not hear it."

? ? ?


Jiang Mu didn't understand what Ding Nanrong was talking about for a while.

Ding Nanrong was too lazy to explain.

She came here to call Jiang Mu medicinal bath.

"I've already put the water in the bathhouse, and the elixir is ready. You can go to the medicine bath."

"Oh, alright."

Jiang Mu nodded and replied.

It's just that p shares didn't mean to leave the stool.

He is very nervous now.

Not because Ding Nanrong would find out the truth under the quilt.

But she was afraid that she would see the real cloth in his hand.

If you see it.

Big things will happen.

"What are you doing sitting there, why are you still covered with a quilt?"

Ding Nanrong looked at Jiang Mu's quilt, wondering why.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, I just felt my legs were a little cold, so I covered it up."

Jiang Mu lied and then said:

"You go to the bathroom first and wait for me. I want to change clothes now. I'll go after I'm done."

He had to put her real cloth back without knowing it.

Ding Nanrong looked strange and said:

"Are you sure you want me to go first?

"The bathhouse is quite far, don't you need me to bring it?

"and also.

"If you want to change clothes, just change them. It's not like I haven't seen them."

She finished speaking.

For some reason, his face could not help but heat up slightly.

It was a feeling she had never felt before.


because he knew his future.

Will be my buddy

"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to change clothes by myself and walk there. Rong'er, go to the bathroom and wait for me first."

Jiang Mu was very calm on the surface.

However, my heart started to panic.


The pile rate is getting faster and faster.

He felt that the black water evil was coming soon

As for why so fast?

Jiang Mu guessed that it was because she had experienced a kind of 'steal'?

one way or another.

If Ding Nanrong finds out, then.


Fortunately, Ding Nanrong didn't get to the bottom of it.

She just nodded and turned to walk out.


Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the wall door on the other side of her room.

The wall door is open.

So I asked Jiang Mu strangely:

"What are you doing in my room?"

"Ah? Oh, I went to get a pair of scissors and cut my toenails."

Jiang Mu replied without changing his face.

However, my heart was so nervous that it was about to explode.

Because the pile rate is close to its peak

Ding Nanrong nodded again, but said nothing.

After all, Jiang Mu also took her scissors to cut her toe nails before.

So turn around again.

To open the door and leave.

at this time.

Her hand just touched the door.

Just behind.

"Hey yah yah--!!!!!!"

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