Ding Nanrong was taken aback.

She turned around immediately.

Seeing that Jiang Mu was still sitting upright.

His hands were also under the quilt, as if he was holding something.

And his face... seems to be very hard.

Ding Nanrong had never seen Jiang Mu with such a strange expression.

And judging from the screams just now.

Obviously not from Jiang Mu.


Is there someone under the quilt?

Ding Nanrong came to Jiang Mu with doubts, her eyes fixed on the quilt.

He asked solemnly:

"Is there someone under the quilt? Listen to the voice, it's a little girl."


Still found by her!

Jiang Mu was anxious and didn't know how to answer for a while.


Ding Nanrong didn't give him time to answer.

She grabbed the quilt suddenly.

A sharp lift.

white dress, white hair, back

"This is?!"

Ding Nanrong was thrilled to see.

A word could not help but pop into her mind: Negative distance!

What shocked her even more was that.

Jiang Mu's hands.

She actually took her favorite purple soft silk wrapped in a moon cloth!

"You! Are you doing it?!"

Ding Nanrong was immediately ashamed and angry.

Xiao is that she has always been indifferent.

It can't take Jiang Mu's this. This perverted operation!

She blushed unusually, and hurriedly grabbed the cloth back.

After taking it back, it was found that it felt sticky.

Take a look, crystal clear

This made her furious on the spot:

"Bastard! How dare you. If you miss, just say it! The old lady will fulfill you!"

She burst out with a powerful aura of spiritual power, causing the skirt to rise.

"Rong'er! Listen to my cover up! Bah! Listen to my explanation!"

Jiang Mu was so frightened that he hit Ji Ling.

He was really afraid that Ding Nanrong would beat him.

In case she was beaten to the point where she couldn't take care of herself.

Then the story behind the demon army siege will be difficult.

"Explain shit! Explain in a wheelchair!"

Ding Nanrong was so angry that she punched Jiang Mu in the abdomen.

"Fuck it!"

Jiang Mu's complexion changed greatly.

He couldn't dodge her angry iron fist at all.

If you are caught, it is estimated that you will be in a wheelchair.


Just before the fist hit him in the stomach.

Ding Nanrong suddenly rolled her eyes.

The whole person was soft and fell into his arms.

? ? ?

what's the situation!

Jiang Mu hugged Ding Nanrong, dumbfounded.

At this time.

The voice of Heishuisha came from his mind:

"I did it.

"I cast the soul book and called her soul into the space.

"She's still a little confused now."

ah this

Jiangmu language barrier.

He didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

But no matter what.

I am temporarily exempted from being beaten and do not need to be in a wheelchair.

So he hurriedly said to Heishuisha:

"Little cute, can you tell Rong'er

"Uh, I mean.

"Explain to Rong'er about Yue Hungbu?"

Heishuisha gloomily refused:

"Why do you need to explain, this god is not afraid of her."

Jiang Mu has a headache:

"You're not afraid of me, she's going to beat me into a wheelchair."

Heishui replied fiercely:

"If she dares to beat you, I will fly her!"

When Jiang Mu heard this, his scalp felt numb.

He was really afraid of Heishui Sha messing around.

So the irrefutable command said:

"Fly your head!

"You must explain it to Rong'er!

"Otherwise, otherwise

"You don't want to touch me for a month."


Heishuisha panicked and said nervously:

"don't want!"


Jiang Mu smiled.

It seems that everyone has a big weakness.

Especially snakes.

So the command said:

"Then you can find a way to solve the fabric problem for me!


"You also want Rong'er to help me take a medicinal bath later.


Heishuisha didn't answer immediately, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, she suddenly smiled and said:

"Do you want your Rong'er to help you take a medicinal bath?


"but i want"

? ? ?

Jiang Mu did not hear the following, so he asked:

"What do you want, don't say half and keep half."

Heishuisha continued to smile: "Yes, yes!"

Jiang Mu was speechless.

Heishuisha pretended to have no soul power: "Oh, this god's soul power can't support the soul book space."

Jiang Mu interrupted her dumbfoundedly: "It's alright, alright, hurry up."

Heishui Sha succeeded, excitedly said:

"You can start now, any level of this god can withstand it!"


She lost her voice.

Obviously in the soul book space, ready to solve Ding Nanrong's matter.

any degree?

Jiang Mu looked at Heishuisha, who was lying softly on the ground.


I actually feel a little bit evil in my heart.


"The dog system is definitely trying to degenerate me!"

"So that I can't pass the customs!"

He shook his head, shaking off these evil thoughts.

Then he picked up Ding Nanrong and sent her back to her room.

Then bring her piece of fabric over, mobilize spiritual power to evaporate the crystal on it to dryness.

Finally put the fabric.

It was carefully folded, familiar, and put back in her fragrant wardrobe.

Done with this.

Go back to your bedroom.

Looking at the black water evil lying softly on the ground.

Jiang Mu thought hard.

"How to output well"


"and many more!"

Jiang Mu suddenly remembered something.

a very important thing.

That is.

At the beginning, Heishuisha injured Ding Nanrong, and was finally killed by Han Yuqing.


Heishuisha met Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing, what would happen. No!

Heishuisha and Han Yuqing had already met before!

Jiang Mu suddenly remembered.

When he was about to be overpowered by the black water, he used the teleport technique to teleport to the cave in the Monster Beast Mountains.

But he also teleported the Black Water Demon.

Even Han Yuqing, who was in stealth state, was accidentally taken with him.

After that, the three of them went to war.

But oddly enough.

Han Yuqing and Heishuisha met, but they didn't have any mood swings?

It's as if the two don't know each other!



"You have to ask the little cutie."

"See if she still remembers what happened with Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing before!"

In his mind, Jiang Mu immediately called Heishuisha:

"Little cutie?

"Little cutie?

"Touch the wire, touch the wire."

In his mind, Heishuisha's excited and expectant voice came:


? ? ?

Jiang Mu really convinced her.

Just straight to the point and asked:

"Little cute, do you still remember before... Is that what happened to you with Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing?"

Black Water Sha replied:

"What's the matter, I don't remember, I'm going to solve your Rong'er's affairs now, you are not allowed to save effort!"

"Oh, that's alright, come on too."

Jiang Mu was puzzled.

Heishuisha didn't remember that she injured Ding Nanrong?

Don't you remember that Han Yuqing killed her?

Jiang Mu thought carefully.

"Could it be that"

"After resurrecting the character using 'Resurrection of the Dead'."

"Will the main storyline correct itself?"

"The resurrection of Han Yuqing and Ding Nanrong is just like that, without distorting the main storyline"

Think about it.

This is the only explanation Jiang Mu can think of.

That is to say.

Use the resurrection of the dead to revive the character.

It will not distort the main storyline!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the main storyline to go to the present without being crooked!

This gave Jiang Mu a booster.

It was so strong that he instantly had inexhaustible strength!

So I picked up the black water evil on the ground

In the soul book space.

Heishuisha smiled and stared at Ding Nanrong:

"We met again, dear Rong'er."

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