"what's the plan?"

"Speak quickly."

Heishuisha blinked with big golden pupils, and Ding Nanrong was also curious.

Jiang Mu organized the wording and detailed the plan:

"After about an hour, I will leave the mortal state and be able to use all kinds of strange spiritual arts.

"When the time comes, I will rescue Little Cutie, and Rong'er will be replaced by Shui Yuan's clone."

at the same time.


A private lightning boat departed from the City Lord's Mansion and flew to the Monster Beast Mountains.

There are only three people in the cab.

Xue Menghan was driving the spaceship blankly.

Han Yuqing leaned against the window and boredly flipped through the diary.

Ling Aotian sat on the chair, holding the tea for a long time without drinking it.

The ambience is a bit dull.

Looking at Xue Menghan's delicate and beautiful face, Ling Aotian put down the teacup with a heavy "Crack!", stood up and asked again unwillingly:

"Menghan, what are you going to do in the Monster Beast Mountains? Can't you tell me?"

"I said it has nothing to do with you, there is no end!"

Xue Menghan was very impatient and didn't want to talk to him at all.

Originally, she would not let Ling Aotian follow him.

But Ling Aotian moved out of Xue Yuanshan and said that if he was not allowed to follow him, he would tell Xue Yuanshan.

In addition, Han Yuqing quietly told her that Ling Aotian should be able to find the location of the demon army, which means that he can find the location of Jiang Mu, which is very time-saving.

She thinks about it too, after all, as the male protagonist, he has a master in the demon realm.

So she had to let Ling Aotian come with her.

"Menghan, I guess, you went to the Monster Beast Mountains to investigate the movement of the Monster Army, right? You want to spy on the enemy for Xue Cheng, right? But it's very dangerous."

Ling Aotian guessed confidently.


Xue Menghan's expression was indifferent and did not respond.

"But even if there is danger, I will never let you suffer any harm!"

Ling Aotian stroked Na Jie in his left hand, full of confidence.

Since the Master Blackwater came back, his sense of security has never been lowered.

Even if he encounters Shahe in the Void Refinement Realm, he believes that the Master will have a way to deal with it.

After all, his master is in the demon god realm.

This is the pinnacle of Cangling World!

But he still understands the truth of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Unless you have to, don't show your trump card.

Seeing that Xue Menghan did not respond, Ling Aotian said again:

"Menghan, according to the city lord's speculation.

"Tomorrow's demon army siege will definitely be more violent!

"The Lord of the City has already entrusted me to protect you from Xuecheng.


"We must fly to the Changyu Empire before the demon army attacks the city!"

At first, he thought that Xue Yuanshan's speculation was accurate, and Xue Cheng would be bloodshed tomorrow, so he had to take Xue Menghan away.

Second, he was very interested in the female emperor of the Changyu Empire, Changyu An Meng!

In this world where martial arts are respected.

Changyu An Meng, a mortal woman, actually ascended the throne of the behemoth Changyu Empire, ruling Yuzhou, one of the nine states.

This is truly admirable and surprising.

Such an amazing woman.

He Ling Aotian naturally wanted to get acquainted.

"Menghan, are you tired? I'll help you control the spaceship."

Seeing that Xue Menghan had not responded, Ling Aotian felt that she was tired of driving the spaceship.

So go up to take over the spacecraft control panel.

He also deliberately touched Xue Menghan's tender hand.

After Juaner's nourishment, he also learned some routines.

For example, an inadvertent touch like this.

It can enhance the relationship between both parties!

"Young Master Ling, as a man, be calm and polite."

Han Yuqing, who was leaning against the window to read the diary, suddenly spoke up, blocking Ling Aotian's actions.

Since Xue Menghan was to become Jiang Mu's woman, other men should not be allowed to contact Xue Menghan.

"This is reckless and reckless."

Ling Aotian withdrew his hand and smiled embarrassingly.

For the woman who invested in him, he had to give some respect.

Han Yuqing didn't continue talking, and read the diary again to pass the time.

Xue Menghan also secretly dissipated the spiritual power of her legs, without kicking out, she still drove the spaceship with an expression on her face.

The atmosphere became dull again.

This made Ling Aotian feel very sorry.

One is a young girl of sixteen fragrant age.

One is a charming and novel beautiful young woman.

It is rare to be in the same room with two beauties, but there is no such thing as a fragrant story.


It doesn't matter though.

Sooner or later, Meng Han will become my Ling Aotian's woman!

As for Han Yuqing.

After I help her destroy the Xuanyang Sect in the future, let her become my woman!


Ling Aotian couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Are you sick! Can you be quiet! Go to hell!"

Xue Menghan's face suddenly became angry, and she finally couldn't help kicking it fiercely.



Ling Aotian screamed and was kicked out of the cab by surprise.

After a while, he clutched his stomach and walked in again.

There was an apology on his face.

"Menghan, sorry, sorry, I'll be quiet, haha."

He touched his nose to hide his embarrassment.

Then sit back in the chair and continue drinking tea as if nothing had happened.

At this time.

In his mind, the young and neutral hoarse voice of Blackwater Zodiac sounded:

[This seat has found out that in the direction of the sea of ​​the Monster Beast Mountains, there are vaguely ten thousand monsters wailing and demonic energy rising into the sky. 】

"Master, what's going on?"

Ling Aotian responded solemnly in his mind.

[The distance is too far to clearly detect with divine sense. 】

[But it can be speculated that there is definitely a demon army in the direction of the sea. 】

"Demon Army?"

"Is this true?!"

Ling Aotian showed a surprised look.

【Do you doubt this seat? 】

There was dissatisfaction and sullenness in the childish tone.

"No! Disciple absolutely believes in Master!"

Ling Aotian said quickly and affirmatively.

Shizun is moody, and if she makes her unhappy, I am afraid she will be beaten again.

【Um. 】

[You tell Xue Menghan the location of the demon army, and you can gain her trust and favor. 】

[I can see from this seat that this woman is stubborn and stubborn, and once identified, it is difficult to change, and it will be a good help to you in the future. 】

"The disciple thinks so too."

"But I want her to be my woman more!"

Ling Aotian squeezed the teacup tightly, staring at Xue Menghan's youthful and moving back.

【Have you forgotten my warning! 】

Blackwater's tone became gloomy and cold.

[On the way of cultivation, one must cross the mountain of bones and the sea of ​​blood before reaching the peak of martial arts and overlooking the world! 】

[Trust is the cheapest rubbish, and feelings are the deadliest poison. Except for oneself, everything is an enemy and a resource! 】

【Including this seat! 】

"Yes! The disciple has always kept it in mind!"

Ling Aotian was humbly taught.

[Well, tell her the location of the demon army, remember not to expose this seat. 】

"The disciple naturally knows!"

The corners of Ling Aotian's mouth turned up.

This is a good opportunity to perform in front of Xue Menghan!

He stood up, walked up to Xue Menghan at a confident pace, and said:

"Menghan, there is definitely a trace of the monster army in the east of the Monster Beast Mountains!"

After speaking, the evil charm smiled.

? ? ?

Is there a demon army in the eastern sea?

Xue Menghan ignored Ling Aotian's smile and eagerly turned to look at Han Yuqing.

Han Yuqing also stopped looking at the diary and blinked at Xue Menghan, as if to say: See what I said, right? Ling Aotian really knew the location of the demon army.

This made Xue Menghan both ashamed and hopeful.

"Isn't Jiang Mu. there too?"

She murmured shyly.

In this way, Jiang Mu will be able to be found very soon.

And think of what Han Yuqing said about "riding a Trojan horse".

She was so embarrassed that her face turned red, and her ears were almost flushed.

This is in Ling Aotian's eyes.

I just thought that Xue Menghan was very happy and grateful, but was embarrassed to express his goodwill in front of Han Yuqing.

After all, 16-year-old Fangling is rather shy.

So he said very kindly and warmly:

"Menghan, you don't need to thank me, and you don't need to ask me how I know the traces of the demon army, you just need to fly towards the east coast, trust me!"

After speaking, he turned around gracefully.

Sit back on the chair and sip tea slowly.

With the degree of Xue Menghan's blushing, it means that her goodwill towards him must have risen sharply.

This trip is worth it.

Ha ha ha ha!

An hour later.

"All right!"

"I'm finally out of the mortal state!"

"are you ready!"

Jiang Mu rubbed his fists and asked the second daughter, ready to implement the plan.

This is a plan to kill Shahe!

Heishuisha squinted and smiled: "It's already been prepared."

Ding Nanrong nodded indifferently: "Yes."

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