Jiang Mu waved his hand and shouted domineeringly:


Ding Nanrong immediately jumped out of the flying sword and shot towards a lake below like a cannonball.

Jiang Mu said to Heishuisha trapped in the Spirit Devouring Binding Array:

"Little cutie, I'm going to use 'Hunyuan Return to One' to integrate you into my body, remember, don't resist."

"Come on, this god wants to taste what it is like to enter your body, suck it!"


Jiang Mu suspected that she was driving, but there was no evidence.

Without further ado.

He immediately used the 'Body of Primordial Return to One' and communicated with Heishuisha at the same time.

In an instant.

Jiang Mu felt a strong suction burst out from his body, and began to attract the black water evil in the formation.

Heishuisha's whole body began to emit light, and at the same time, it continued to decompose into countless light particles.

The particles of light penetrated the formation wall and drifted towards Jiang Mu's body.


All the light particles were completely sucked into Jiang Mu's body.

"Bastard, I really entered your body, but I didn't feel that there was anything strange. I thought it would be the same as you entered me."


Although she didn't feel it, Jiang Mu felt something strange.

His body has become very explosive!

Just like an ant suddenly turned into an elephant, full of endless power!

Now, he has obtained almost all the abilities of Black Water Sha!

This ability includes but is not limited to cultivation realm, spirituality, monster talent, etc.

"Is this the power of Void Refinement, benefit!"

Jiang Mu felt the surging power in his body.

He waved his palm lightly, and waved a space barrier in the air.



A purple lightning bolt shot from the tip of his index finger and hit the space barrier.

But failed to break through the barrier.

"As expected of the Void Refinement Realm, this space spirit technique is really awesome."

Jiang Mu couldn't help but admire it.

Then try using Void Escape to get familiar.


Space ripples appeared all over him.

In a blink of an eye.

The whole person fled to a hundred meters away.

Use Void Escape again.

The whole person fled back to the original position.

"God consciousness!"

He mixed spiritual power, soul power, and qi and blood in proportion to condense an invisible special power.

This special power is unique to the Demon God Realm or the Martial God Realm——


Divine consciousness is like an airtight spider web, centered on his body, expanding wildly in all directions.

It expanded to dozens of miles in an instant.

In the Divine Consciousness Network, there is no escape.

For example, Ding Nanrong on the shore of the lake below, although she is completely invisible to the naked eye, she can be detected with divine sense.

Even what color she was wearing today was found out.

"Well, she's still purple as always."

"As always. Very concave and plump."

"Huh? Why is it wet?"

"Oh, she should have used the Water Element Clone Technique, which caused the Water Element Poison."

"She is expelling water element poison."

Jiang Mu was very concerned, without any distractions, and carefully scanned Ding Nanrong's humidity with his divine sense.

So as to determine the amount of water element poison.

Well, not much.

"This divine sense is simply a humanoid radar, I'm so envious!"

Jiang Mu sighed repeatedly.

As the villain, he has only been promoted to the Yuanyuan Realm at the highest, and has only experienced the feeling of flying.

And space escape, tearing the void, scanning of consciousness, rebirth from severed limbs, soul seizure, reincarnation of congealed soul. These.

He had never experienced it.

"Hey, this broken plot is so crooked, and in the future, I'll just travel around the world, and let's take a bird's plot."

During the bitterness in Jiang Mu's heart.

Ding Nanrong has already used the lake water to create a water element clone in the Yuanyuan Realm.

Then, she and her clone flew up from below.

Finally settled in front of Jiang Mu.

Before she could speak, Jiang Mu said first:

"Rong'er, you don't need to say which one is the clone, I will identify it myself."

He used his divine sense to scan the two identical Ding Nanrongs in front of him.


On the left, Ding Nanrong, her abdomen dantian exudes a strong spiritual energy, and the meridians all over her body have blue spiritual energy flowing, and the spiritual platform of her head also exudes a trace of spiritual energy.

Ding Nanrong on the right also exudes spiritual power and soul power, but without the dantian meridian, the whole person is a pool of plump water.

"On the right is the Shui Yuan clone!"

Jiang Mu pointed it out firmly.

In front of the consciousness, almost everything is invisible.

"Have you really obtained the realm of cuteness? Can you use divine sense?"

The body Ding Nanrong was so shocked that her pupils trembled.

Although Jiang Mu has already told her and Heishui the role of 'Hunyuan Reunification'.

But when she actually saw this scene, she still couldn't believe it.

"Yes, now I can say that I am not afraid of Shahe at all."

Jiang Mu's sense of security has soared to an unprecedented high.

Even Ding Nanrong, he has the confidence to win!

"Rong'er, I am so powerful, are you afraid?"

He couldn't help teasing Ding Nanrong and smiled brightly.

It has been more than seventy rounds, and this is the first time that she has completely defeated her in terms of force.

This exhilarated feeling.


It's cool.

"Are you going to be so good all the time?"

Ding Nanrong asked back.


Jiang Mu was at a loss for words, as if he was kicked out by KO.

Well, this 'Hunyuan Returns to One Body' lasts only about an hour.

And can only be used once a day.

"Bastard, act as planned, this god can't wait to go to Linhai and tear up that beast in Shahe!"

The black water evil that melted into Jiang Mu's body was full of ruthlessness.

Shahe actually tried to devour her soul?

Absolutely unforgivable!

"it is good."

Jiang Mu grabbed his avatar Ding Nanrong and performed an immortal technique.

"Extremely flashy!"

A stream of light flashed.

He and his avatar, Ding Nanrong, flashed into the Spirit Devouring Binding Empty Formation together.

Then cast the transformation technique on the clone.



Ding Nanrong, the avatar of the tube top and short skirt, has become a black water devil with white double ponytails, white pleated skirt and white gauze.

Ding Nanrong, the main body outside the formation, looked at it and was once again shocked.

Even the words stuttered:

"Your transformation

"It was also taught by the master?

"It turned out to be so cute.

"Even my body is difficult to distinguish between true and false."

If it is not through the water element secret technique to perceive.

She couldn't tell at all, the black water evil in the formation was her water element clone.

"Yes, it's all taught by that expert, including the teleportation technique just now."

Jiang Mu replied perfunctorily.

Then he said:


"I'm going to bring Shahe over now.

"You must maintain your avatar, as well as the transformation technique.


Ding Nanrong nodded, she emphasized:

"The clone and I are in the same realm, and they are all in the Yuanyuan realm.

"No matter where my body is, as long as I maintain the water element technique, the clone will not be released.

"But the farther the distance, the more spiritual power my body consumes.

"But correspondingly, there will be more and more water element poison in my body.

"Once the amount of water element poison is too much, I will...

"So, you have to do it as soon as possible.

"No more than half an hour at most."

Half an hour, that is, an hour.

Jiang Mu is very clear that if there is too much water element poison, the consequences will be very serious.

"Don't worry, there's enough time."

"I'm going now."

"A glance at the sky!"


Jiang Mu's vision instantly plunged into darkness.

Below the vision, the complete map of the Cangling Realm gradually emerged.

He moved the picture all the way to the east.

It was soon positioned to the east facing the sea.

Then he performed magic.

"Extremely flashy!"

A stream of light flashed.

Jiang Mu's entire body disappeared into the Spirit Devouring Binding Formation.

Only the 'Black Water Demon' in the formation is left.

There is also Ding Nanrong from outside.

"Go down and change."

Ding Nanrong began to feel a little uncomfortable, and even felt sticky in the two places above.

So it descended to the forest below.

Finally into a cave without any living creatures.

Slowly unfasten the waist belt.

the other side.

East by the sea, above the clouds.

A stream of light flashed.

Jiang Mu appeared out of thin air.

Using his divine sense, he swept downwards condescendingly through the clouds.

Below is an island.

And the entire island, running a bloody formation—

Ten Thousand Demon Blood Devouring Formation.

Inside the formation, nearly 100,000 monsters are being sacrificed.

They were all red-eyed and wailing.

Every once in a while, a small group of monsters will be refined into blood mist.

Countless blood mists converged towards the center of the formation.

At this moment, it has gathered into a thumb-sized demon blood pill.

The blood of the demon blood pill shone, exuding a terrifying demon power.

Jiang Mu narrowed his eyes, and for the first time showed a grin like Heishuisha:

"Good show, start!"

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