"Ahhh shit!!"

Jiang Mu grabbed his hair and rubbed it frantically.

His mind is in a mess now.

It's like being stabbed in the brain with a stick.

Stirred for a full 10 minutes.

It was barely able to slow down.



"It's really over."

"Me and Xue Menghan actually"


He shook his hands and covered Xue Menghan's body with a quilt.

It was a dream last night.

It's so real!

The villain who licks the dog, he is actually the first heroine with Xue Menghan

Then her character design is not the same as Heishuisha.


collapsed! !

Totally fucked up! !

Jiang Mu was beating his temples, his face was bitter.


The door was suddenly opened.

Han Yuqing walked in with a pot of hot porridge.

There was a happy little woman's smile on her face.

"Husband, are you awake?"

"Come here and I'll feed you porridge."

"This is a group of happy birds hook porridge, I cook it myself, it's very ~ make up!"

Han Yuqing smiled and put the meat porridge on the table, stirring it with a spoon to dissipate heat.

The porridge exudes a strong meaty aroma, filling the entire room, making people crave worms.

But Jiang Mu was struggling and didn't want to drink at all.

"Come here, wife, I'll ask you something."

He weakly patted the bedside and motioned Han Yuqing to come and sit.

"what is the matter?"

Han Yuqing put down her spoon and walked over to Lianbu. She picked up her blue long skirt and sat beside the bed obediently.

When he saw Jiang Mu's messy long hair, he thoughtfully combed it with his hands, like a warm-hearted little wife.

"Wife, do you remember what happened last night?"

Saying that, Jiang Mu slightly lifted the quilt beside him.

Let Xue Menghan's delicate and beautiful face be exposed.

At least, he wanted to figure it out now.

How did you and Xue Menghan get together last night!

"Last night? Last night."

Han Yuqing looked at Xue Menghan who was sleeping, her eyes rolled, her fingers pressed to her mouth, as if thinking.

Then he stared at Jiang Mu.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand suddenly, full of star worship:

"Last night, my husband was amazing!"

"Wait! What a hammer! Stop it!"

Jiang Mu quickly stopped her shaking.

In this situation, he has no idea.

"I'm asking you, last night, last night, you and Xue Menghan, with me. How did it happen!"

"Is this?"

Without hesitation, Xue Menghan said a good rhetoric that she and Xue Menghan conspired to say:

"Actually last night.

"Sister Menghan came into the room to get the quilt and then go back to the cockpit to rest.

"The results of it.

"The sleeping husband suddenly showed great power and forcibly took Sister Menghan.

"I came in halfway through.

"I saw that my husband was interested, so I taught Sister Menghan by the way.

"Teaching for a whole night!"

? ? ?

What the hell?

I'm in high spirits and I'm interested?

Are you still teaching her?

Emotion is my pot?

Shrimp sucks!

Jiang Mu was completely dumbfounded.

He is not the prime minister, when did he have the ability of the person in his dreams?

And he is so mortal!

In his mortal state, Duck Gener is no better than a monk like Xue Menghan!

"Hehe, because my husband is too manly, sister Menghan was stunned on the spot. She kept crying and crying after that, and she never stopped."

Han Yuqing grinned, scratching, twisting, pinching.

Hiss~ Digging, is she so slippery?

Jiang Mu shuddered and hurriedly stopped her.

He asked with a serious face:

"Tell me honestly, did you force Xue Menghan?"

Halfway through.

It was interrupted by Han Yuqing crying.

"Wuwuwu~ Husband, how can you be wronged? They showed Menghan's sister last night, but she was very tired. It's still red and swollen, and they still endured the swelling and pain to get up early to cook porridge for her husband, crying~ "

She wiped her tears with one hand and covered the swelling with the other, aggrieved, with a pitiful look of 'the husband bullied me'.

Wipe, put on a hang.

Jiang Mu has a toothache.

She pretended to cry, how could she deceive herself who had been reincarnated dozens of times.

But unfortunately.

She didn't have any convincing reason for this, and she had no way to refute it.


Jiang Mu sighed deeply.

Now it has happened and it is irreversible.

So what's the use of saying more.

At this time.

The quilt is slightly surging, the drum of the drum, the sink of the sink.

Still rustling, like the sound of putting on clothes.

Obviously, Xue Menghan woke up.

Jiang Mu did not lift the quilt.

He didn't know how to face her anymore.

Soon, Xue Menghan was already dressed.

She grabbed the edge of the quilt with both hands, quietly exposed her head, and shyly aimed at Jiang Mu with her eyes.

When she found out that Jiang Mu and Han Yuqing were also looking at her.


She screamed in horror.

Then, like a frightened rabbit, he jumped up from the bed and limped out of the room.

Before jumping off the spaceship, he did not forget to drop a sentence:

"Bastard Jiang Mu! You, how dare you treat me like this! You have to be responsible for me! Otherwise, I will die for you to see! Humph!"

The voice is getting smaller and smaller, but the shyness is getting stronger.

Hearing this, Jiang Mu's scalp felt numb.


Jiang Mu sighed deeply again, rubbing his temples to ease his emotions.

He is so chaotic now and needs a person to calm down.

"Wife, where is this place?"

"It's Xue Cheng, hehe, sister Menghan should be taking a bath in the boudoir, husband go down and wash with her?"

"Wash a hammer and fly back to Wuyouzong. Don't disturb me after that. I want to be quiet."



Han Yuqing took a sip of Jiang Mu's face.

Because of his conspiracy with Xue Menghan, he successfully deceived Jiang Mu.

So she was very happy.

She has successfully made a good sister!

"That person is going to open the spaceship, husband remember to drink porridge, and make up for it."

Haw! Haw!

Two more bites at him.

Han Yuqing was happy and walked out of the room to the cockpit.

Not for a while.

The spaceship took off happily.


Jiang Mu's stomach sounded.

I was so hungry because I was exhausted last night.

"Oh, have some porridge."

He didn't bother to put on his clothes, so he got up and walked to the table to sit down.

Because Xue Menghan's character set collapsed.

So he turned his grief and anger into appetite, and directly picked up a whole pot of meat porridge.

"Damn, drink a hook 8 porridge!"


Grumpy rumble.

At this time.

The black water on the bed behind him woke up sullenly.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched comfortably.

"Yawn~ Huh?"

I stretched halfway and suddenly felt something stuck

Boo! Yingsi glitters.

She studied curiously.

"What is this stuff?"

"How is it exactly the same as the bastard."

"What about the others?"

Heishuisha glanced around through the white gauze.

It was found that Jiang Mu was sitting on the stool with his back to her, holding a large pot of porridge in both hands, which he poured in big mouthfuls.

"Tsk, the back muscles are strong and the lines are sexy, worthy of being a bastard."

"Huh? By the way, he is in the state of a mortal now."

"Hey, suck!"

Hei Shui Sha revealed a sinister smile.

She crawled out of bed quietly, leaning against the floor.

Little by little, he crawled to Jiangmu's feet.

She is a demon snake.

She has absolute confidence that Jiang Mu, who is in a mortal state, can

*fly! !





Suck! !

Gollum ~ cough cough cough! .

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