The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 157 What's the matter every day, can't live for three months?

Twenty minutes later.

The Wuyou Sect, the backyard of the Sect Master's Hall.

A private spaceship descended slowly.

in the spaceship room.

Scattered white rags on the floor.


Heishuisha overestimated his own ability and underestimated Jiang Mu's patience.

So halfway through, he fainted on the table.

Looking at her sweaty body, messy white double ponytails, torn top, broken pleated skirt, and missing one knee-high white socks.

Jiang Mu wanted to laugh a little.

"They are all in the state of ordinary snakes, and you still want to attack me, why are you so cute."

He dotingly squeezed Heishuisha's sleeping face, and hugged her on his lap.

Then just sit like that.

Thinking quietly without distraction.


"Heishuisha is the third heroine, the master of Ling Aotian, but now she has become the villain's woman like me."

bang bang bang

"Xue Menghan was the first heroine, the first person Ling Aotian fell in love with, and now she has become my woman."

bang bang bang bang

"Since the Black Water Demon has been replaced by the Black Water Block, even if the Black Water Demon is broken, it will not affect the main line."

"But now, Xue Menghan's character has collapsed, and there is no new role to replace it."

"What about the main line?"

"Oh, annoying!"

The more Jiang Mu thought about it, the more irritable he felt.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Suddenly, the door was opened.

A woman in a tube top skirt and a double-braided jellyfish hairstyle came in.

After a night of mobile games, Ding Nanrong has relieved the water element poison.

Come over to see what Jiang Mu is doing

Ding Nanrong: ? ? ?

Jiang Mu: ? ? ?

Four eyes facing each other.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

"I'll go to the back mountain to meditate, warm my dantian, and don't call me if there's anything else."

Ding Nanrong turned a blind eye and left a light sentence.

I turned around and went out.

He also closed the door.

"Well, as expected of Ding Nanrong, she is so calm."

"Oh, by the way, her dantian cracked hundreds of seams."

"Well, I have to find a way to help her repair her dantian as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, after three months, if she makes a breakthrough, then she will become a crippled person."

"Oh, annoying!"

Jiang Mu continued to think irritably.

Dang dang dang dang dang dang dang! ! !

the other side.

Jiuyou Quenching Cold Valley.

The morning light penetrated the clouds and shot down in the cold valley, dispelling the chill.

Under the flaming maple tree.

The maple leaves fell with the wind and gently landed on the body of the white fox enchantress, adding a fiery red to the open snow-white.

The enchantress flicked the maple leaves away and continued to lie on her side.

She was wearing a thin and cool red nightdress, her slender and fair legs were folded on the sides, and four long white fox tails with long matsutake were rolled around to form a circle.

Sitting across from her is a little girl with fox ears.

The little girl with fox ears was dressed in a green leaf skirt, her calf was sitting on the tail of the enchantress, her brows were wrinkled from time to time.

The two sisters were playing insect chess face to face.

It is said that this insect chess helps to develop children's intelligence.

"Look at my brave little spider, crawl! crawl! crawl!"

The little girl raised a 'spider' pawn and moved three steps domineeringly.

In the end, the enemy's "Queen Bee" was successfully blocked.

"Hahahaha! I won again, stupid little sister."

The little girl stood up proudly, one hand on her hips, and the other grimacing.

She was mocking the white fox enchantress opposite her fiercely.

The witch gouged out a look at her.

"Don't be too complacent, it's only two rounds, and there are ninety-eight rounds left. Don't cry if you lose."

"Humph! I won't lose, I'm so smart!"

The little girl pointed her nostrils at the enchantress, very arrogant.

"Yes, yes, you are the smartest, you are the smartest in the world, okay."

The enchantress rolled her eyes, rearranged her pieces, and prepared for the next game.


Her soul felt something.

Couldn't help showing a charming smile.

"Jiang Mu, this little guy, started again. He didn't stop all night long. It really sucks."

"Ah? Jiang Mu? Who? Ooh! It's him! It's him!"

Hearing Jiang Mu's name, the little girl's eyes gradually brightened.

She was looking forward to Jiang Mu's arrival, and looking forward to him helping her become an adult.

"Stupid sister, check it out! Let's see how much Jiang Mu's lifespan has been absorbed by the fox soul!"

She hurriedly grabbed the demon's fox tail and shook it vigorously.

The enchantress didn't do it, she just asked with a smile:

"My good sister, who do you think is the smartest?"

The little girl didn't even think about it, and answered directly:

"Of course, the stupid sister is the smartest, the stupid sister is the smartest in the world!"

This contradictory answer.

Let the enchantress be speechless for a while.

She pinched the seal with her hands, and a strong purple light suddenly radiated from her body.

She is using the secret technique of the fox clan to perceive the condition of the fox soul in Jiang Mu's body.

Immediately felt.

Fox Soul's soul power has become much stronger after absorbing Jiang Mu's life power.

And based on the strength of this soul power, she can calculate that Jiang Mu has been absorbed for about three years of life.

He said to the little girl:

"Jiangmu Acacia has passed three times, and now it has absorbed three years of lifespan."

The little girl touched her chin with her hand and acted like a grown-up, wisely calculating:

"Three times, you will be absorbed three years of life, then if he is happy every day, then he. Then he is he."

She was stuck, unable to say why.

The enchantress was a little amused and said:

"If Tiantian Hehuan, he won't survive for three months. After all, the soul power of the fox soul will become stronger and stronger, and it will absorb more and more vitality."

The little girl had an idea and guessed:

"The fox soul is getting stronger and stronger, so wouldn't he come to find the stupid sister soon?"

The enchantress gave her a praising look and affirmed:

"If he wants to get rid of the fox soul completely, he can only come to me in person."


The little girl's fox ears trembled, her eyes sparkling:

"That's great!

"When he arrives, I will ask him to do everything possible to help me unravel the spell and turn me back into an adult!

"When I become an adult, I can bully the stupid girl with my tail,"

Fairy: ?

She pulled the little girl into her arms.

clap clap clap!

"Sister Wu stupid hit me p shares, when I become an adult, I will throw sister stupid and Jiang Mu into the hole, strip them off and release the incense,"

Clap clap clap clap! !


The Wuyou Sect, the backyard of the Sect Master's Hall.

in the spaceship room.

on the chair.

Dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang dang! ! ! ! .


The fainted Heishuisha passed out again.

"Huh~ I'm a little tired."

Jiang Mu wiped his sweat.

Even with the blessing of a good waist, in a mortal state, he can't stand the continuous night and morning.

He picked up the Black Water Sha.


Then put her on the bed and cover her with a quilt.


A slight tingling pain came from the Huiyang point.

"Huh? Why does it hurt? What's the situation."

He hurriedly looked down.

just see.

At the location of Huiyang Point, a faint purple light was gradually dissipating.

"Damn, it's the fox soul of lihua, I almost forgot about it."

Jiang Mu was depressed and remembered something.

It was in the imperial suite of Lihua Pavilion at that time.

The raccoon flower attacked and gave him a blood.

And cast him the secret of the fox family: fox soul engraving.

The fox soul engraving, in addition to making him infatuated with raccoon flowers, will also absorb his vitality.

As long as he talks to a woman other than Tanuki, his life force will be absorbed by the fox soul.

The more that, the more lifespan is absorbed, almost exponentially.

"I remember only three times, and this was absorbed into three years of lifespan?"

Jiang Mu inspected the fox soul in Huiyang Point.

It was found that the soul power of the fox soul has become much stronger.

To change the algorithm, it is a full three years of soul power.

"Wait, if this is cutie every day, I don't think I can survive for three months."

"Even if it's not every day, even if it's every other day, then I won't live to the end of the story."

"Unless you stop being a child! What's the difference between this and a eunuch!"

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