The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 181 Bai Qixue: Is it finally the Holy Land's turn?

Chapter 181 Is it Bai Qixue's turn at the Holy Land?

Meilin Huajian.

Hu Xinyue and the little girl sat on the plum blossom bed, clutching the diary tightly, their expressions tense and dignified.

They waited for half a stick of incense, and the contents of the diary remained at:

【She immediately performed the Nine Transformations of the Fox Immortal, merged herself with Hu Youyue, and after gaining the power of the Demon God Realm, she was murderous to kill Hu Bichun. 】


There has been no update for a long time.

"If I'm not mistaken, Jiang Mu must be moving."

Fox Xinyue closed the diary, her face became gloomy:

"I don't want to wait a moment.

"The longer it drags on, the better for her.

"Now, let's kill her!"

The little girl also closed the diary, Dudu's face was full of sorrow:

"Are you sure?"

She remembered what Jiang Mu said before: 'She can also gain the power of the demon god realm for a short time, and there is a special spirit crystal embedded in her body, if the spirit crystal is not separated, she will not die. '

That is.

Hu Bichun in the Void Refining Realm can also perform the Immortal Immortal Transformation of the Nine Transformations of the Fox Immortal, thereby gaining the power of the Demon God Realm.

Moreover, as long as the primordial spirit crystal in her body is not peeled off, she will not die.

Fox Xinyue also knew these two points, and sneered:

"Even if you can't kill her, you have to tie her up! Throw her into the bottom of the Nine Nether Fertility Spring, let her act as the primordial conceived spirit crystal, and atone for the fox clan's sins for the rest of her life!"

The little girl was worried: "But is there anything in the world that can bind her?"

"Yes, the treasure of the clan, the 'Rope to Bind Demons and Immortals'!"

"Treasure of the town? Binding the fairy rope"

The little girl was stunned, unable to remember what it was.

Hu Xinyue rubbed her head and explained slowly:

"According to the records in the clan scrolls, the rope that binds the demons and immortals was used by Liuli Xian'er to punish the ancestors.

"Every time the ancestors made a big mistake, they would be tied up and hung under a tree, unable to move, and bitten and scattered by various snakes, insects, rats and ants.

"This punishment is one year at a time, and it has brought the ancestors out of the shadows.

"Later, when Liuli Xian'er was in deep sleep, she felt that the rope for binding demons and immortals was very suitable for her ancestors, so she rewarded them to her ancestors.

"This thing has also become the treasure of our Fox clan, and it has been kept in the Immortal Soul Forbidden Tomb."

finished listening.

The little girl danced with excitement:

"Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up! Use that kind of rope to tie up the demon and fairy, tie up the stupid*!"

Fox Xinyue smiled slyly:

"When the meeting just ended, Hu Bichun said that he would go back to have fun.

"Presumably, she must be in bed now.

"While she is not prepared, we can catch her off guard!"

Immediately, he cast the space spirit technique and fled with the little girl in his arms.

Go to Immortal Soul Forbidden Tomb.

In the fragrant bedroom.

"Hiss—! Gulu Gulu Gulu"

"Gulu. Gulu Gulu"

"Gulu. Gulu"



After a full minute of grunting.

Heishuisha's body, which was lying flat and suspended, fell down.


"Cough cough cough cough!"

She opened her mouth and closed her eyes, with a painful and sour expression, lying on the ground and breathing heavily.

Not forgetting to use the long forked tongue to lick the two streams of white 'snot' flowing out of the nostrils and send them into the mouth.

"Little cutie, are you choking?"

Jiang Mu picked her up from the ground, sat on his lap, and patted her.


Heishui swallowed his throat, smacked his little lips, still wanting to say:

"Too much, I choked on my nose."

She wrapped her arms around Jiang Mu's neck, with a sinister smile:

"Next time, you must let Fox Xinyue squeeze more, suck!"

Jiang Mu pinched her little face, quite comfortable:

"decide as things go."

He pulled the table to the front, picked up the white coat on it, and let Heishuisha put it on carefully.

"By the way, cutie, use your spiritual sense to detect and see if the meeting between Hu Xinyue and the others is over."


Heishuisha immediately cast his divine sense.


A mysterious and invisible force, like a spider's web, centered on her body and spread wildly in all directions.

Within the shroud of spiritual consciousness, there is nothing to hide.


She detected the situation of Meilin Huajian.

"The plum blossom grove is empty."

"No one? The meeting is over, and the two sisters should be back soon."

"If you haven't come back, you won't be able to find them at all."

"What's the situation? Where did they go?"

Jiang Mu was stunned*.

Didn't Fox Xinyue say that after the meeting is over, she will come here and enter the Glazed Wonderland together?

"I don't know. There should be a restriction in the place where they are. The restriction isolates the consciousness, and the god cannot perceive them."

"Forget it, just ignore them."

Jiang Mu asked Heishuisha to relieve his consciousness.

He rubbed her butt, feeling amazing:

"Little cutie, why can you hiss just here?"

Heishuisha flicked his ponytail, with a proud expression on his face:

"Hmph! Because I belong to the Black Water Snake Clan! Isn't it amazing?"


Jiang Mu tidied her hair and dress:

"Okay, you can return to the vows to rest and nourish your soul."


And kissed her little cheek.


Heishui nodded obediently.

But before returning to the ring, she skillfully cleaned Jiang Mu with her forked tongue.

Help him fasten his belt.

Then it turned into a white mist and got into the ring.

But I still don’t forget to remind again with a smile:

"Remember to let Hu Xinyue squeeze more, I want to experience it, it's all over my body!"

Good guy, you deserve to be Heishuisha.

"Come on, let's have a rest."

Jiang Mu responded with a smile.

Not to mention, Hu Xinyue's fox is really exciting.

He leaned over the table and continued to write in his diary.

【As a result, Hu Xinyue didn't expect that Hu Bichun could also perform the 'Fairy Immortal Transformation' of the Nine Transformations of the Fox Immortal, possessing a wisp of the soul of the Fox Immortal, gaining the power of the Demon God Realm. 】

[In a short while, the two demon gods beat the sky to darkness, the wind and clouds changed color, the waves churned, and thousands of mountains were leveled. 】

Long Yu Zhan Ji: Tsk, I don't know if this false power of the demon god can withstand my full blow, hiccup! ~

[Originally, even if Hu Bichun gained the power of the demon god, he still couldn't beat Hu Xinyue. 】

[But in the middle of the battle, when the two were exhausted from fighting, the Holy Son of the Holy Land appeared. He used the treasure of the Holy Land to attack Fox Xinyue, giving Hu Bichun an opportunity to severely damage Fox Xinyue. 】

【Holy Son lent the treasure to Hu Bichun, and then left. With the blessing of the treasure, Hu Bichun showed his power, and finally beat Hu Xinyue to the brink of death. 】

[Scenes like this where the heroine is on the verge of death, there will definitely be a male protagonist appearing, and there will be a suffering hero saving the beauty or something. 】

[But the author of the dog knows the novel technique of 'goal + obstacle + extension of contradiction' very well, so he directly arranged for Shengzi to stop Ling Aotian. 】

【Holy Son and Ling Aotian fought, which also paved the way for the Holy Land dungeon later. 】

Bai Qixue: Is it finally the Holy Land's turn?

[Speaking of the Holy Land, I really want to meet Bai Qixue. 】

Bai Qixue: Come quickly, being able to see my beauty is the greatest happiness for ugly skins like you, so don't fall for it.

[This Bai Qixue, she is the saint of the Holy Land and one of the heroines. 】

Bai Qixue: I am so beautiful, of course I am the heroine. A novel without a heroine is incomplete; a world without mine is incomplete.

【She is very. Very.】

Bai Qixue: Beautiful. Why not write it out? Is it because I am so beautiful that you can't find other adjectives? Or do you feel inferior?

【Very she is very.】

Bai Qixue: Beautiful. Write it out quickly, although these pale words will blaspheme me, who is more beautiful than a celestial being, but my kindness, the most beautiful me in the world, allows you to write.

[Forget it, let's not talk about her brain-twitching thing, let's write more plot rewards. 】

Bai Qixue:? ? ?

Boom——! ! !

A dazzling silver beam of light shot up from the gorgeous Snow Palace, straight into the sky.

The beam of light disappeared.

A world-renowned figure is suspended in the clouds.

The fairy wears floating arms, and the skirt yarn wins the snow.

Silver hair like a waterfall, voice and appearance are peerless.

"Species that blaspheme beauty are not worthy of living."

call out!

Qingshiyingying turned into a silver light.

Shoot towards the direction of Nine Nether Quenhan Valley at top speed.

【Speaking of which, because Ling Aotian didn't arrive, Hu Xinyue died after being devoured by Hu Bichun. 】

【Before she died, Hu Xinyue used all her strength to separate her sister Hu Youyue from her body. 】

【Under the protection of the immortal soul, Hu Youyue managed to escape to Lu Churou. 】

[After that, Hu Bichun became the lord of the country. 】

[The story behind it. 】

[The protagonist Ling Aotian practiced hard to become stronger, and then came to kill Hu Bichun to avenge Hu Xinyue. 】

[Ling Aotian also took out the primordial pregnancy spirit crystal from Hu Bichun's body to help Hu Youyue transform back into an adult, and finally Hu Youyue became the lord of the country. 】

[And because Hu Youyue, who has turned back into an adult, looks exactly like Hu Xinyue, both are super beautiful, Ling Aotian sees her as if he saw Hu Xinyue, so he wants to marry her, ha, this is a very male protagonist. 】

[But Hu Youyue missed her dead sister, and Ling Aotian failed to marry her sister, she was afraid that her sister would be jealous, so she rejected Ling Aotian's marriage proposal, and chose to die alone. 】

"Well, there must be rewards for writing so many plots."

Jiang Mu closed the diary and sat bored.

For rewards, he is not expecting much.

Not surprisingly, the system sound rang.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, writing a diary is successful.

[Temperament +5 (43/100)

[Color value +5 (43/100)

[Reward: Hand of the Immortal Craftsman (forging)

[Introduction: Master's hands are very powerful. Any impurities in non-living beings can be purified arbitrarily.

[Note: The effect is based on the actual situation. 】

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