"Purification of impurities?"

"In addition to being used for forging iron, it should also be used for alchemy."

"It's a pity that only non-living things can be extracted."


"You can also try to extract the primordial pregnancy spirit crystal in Hu Bichun's body."

For the reward of 'Hand of the Immortal Craftsman'.

Jiang Mu doesn't have a cold, so it's useless.

"Well, maybe you can purify Hu Xinyue's fox meat to get rid of the smell."

He stood up and flexed his muscles and bones.

Then I walked up and down the room, looking here and there.

See if there is something, let him try to purify it.

As a result, I searched a lot, but couldn't find a suitable item to practice my hands.


Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced into the clothes hanger in the bathroom, where there were two aprons, one large and one small.

Within the Immortal Soul Forbidden Tomb.

Rows of green fires on the stone wall illuminate the quiet and quiet tomb chamber in a mysterious green and mysterious way.

The center of the tomb.

Hu Xinyue hugged the little girl and stood in front of a huge fox stone elephant.

The stone statue of the fox sits neatly, with long and narrow fox eyes, and nine huge tails stretched out, towering and coiled, covering the sky and the sun, filling the second half of the tomb.

Under the reflection of the green fire, the whole stone fox glows with psychedelic brilliance, which makes people dazzled and awed.

"Stupid sister, is this fox statue the ancestor? It's the first time I've seen it, but why do I have a sense of intimacy?"

"That's because, sister, you are an awakened fox fairy bloodline, so you are naturally closer to your ancestors."

"Oh, that's how it is."

The little girl nodded half understanding.

She looked at Shihu curiously.

It was soon discovered that there was a golden rope hanging from the stone fox's eyelashes.

"Look! Is that the rope for binding demons and immortals?"

She pointed to Shihu's huge eyes, excited.

Fox Xinyue touched her head and replied:

"Yes, it is."

"Take it off! Take it off!"


Hu Xinyue raised her hand and grabbed at the void.

The fairy rope on Shihu's eyelashes disappeared, and appeared in her hand in an instant.

The little girl brought it over and played with it.

"Hmph! With this rope, I have already figured out what that idiot will be tied up with later."

She put the rope in Hu Xinyue's hands, and urged:

"Hurry up, let's unite our souls, and then go and tie up that idiot!"

Fox Xinyue puts the rope that binds the demons and immortals into the ring.

Then he put down the little girl and said with a charming smile:

"Sister, we haven't combined souls for a long time, do you still remember how to use the 'Soul Combined Transformation'?"

"Of course I remember! I taught you both the Immortal Conjuration Transformation and the Soul Conjugation Transformation. Am I good?"

"Well, my sister is amazing."

"Hmph! My tail is even stronger! I can spin and drill!"

"You're the only one who is poor-mouthed."

Fox Xinyue rolled her eyes at the little girl.

"It's not too late, let's get started"

She made seals with her hands, her whole body exuded bursts of brilliance, and her sexy long skirt floated in the air.

The little girl also made mudras with her hands, her immature face showed a rare cold charm, and her green leaf skirt fluttered and dazzled.

They shouted in unison:

"The Nine Transformations of the Fox Immortal, the Immortal Transformation with the Soul Conjugation!"

hum! !

With the two of them as the center, a void area was formed around them.

The huge stone fox in front also emitted a strong light in an instant.

A mysterious and dazzling immortal soul power shot towards the void area below.

The power of the fairy soul covered Hu Xinyue and Hu Xinyue, and their figures were blurred and unreal, gradually merging together.

A powerful aura comparable to that of a demon god began to flow out continuously

Hu Bichun's cave.

The spacious and gloomy basement.

Stone bed.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

But not a few clicks.

Silk! It sounded like rubber breaking.

The male cultivator let out a scream:



Hu Bichun's face was ferocious, and she slapped the man's nose bone with a palm.

The male cultivators in the cage were already numb and dull, their eyes glazed over.

"Bah! A bunch of useless men!"


Boom! ! !

The steel rock on the top was instantly blasted into powder.

A breath full of death descended from the top of the head.

The breath of the demon god realm? ! !

It's that bitch Fox Xinyue! ! !

Hu Bichun's whole body exploded, and he fell into a life-and-death crisis.

The Demon God Realm absolutely crushes her Void Refining Realm!

She resolutely used the 'Fairy Immortal Transformation' in an attempt to gain the power of the demon god realm

"Nine Transformations of the Fox Immortal! Attached."

However, it doesn't wait for her to succeed.

The breath of death surged a hundred times in coercion in an instant.

Snapped! ! !

She and the man's mummified corpses were crushed into meatloaf on the spot!

But in the next breath.

The meatloaf began to glow with blood, and quickly gathered into a human shape.

Hu Bichun's enchanting body quickly returned to its original shape under the influence of the primordial pregnant spirit crystal.

It's just that she had just been resurrected, and her whole body was bound by a golden rope.

Can't move at all!

"This is the fairy rope?!"

Hu Bichun raised her head fiercely, stared at the big hole at the top, and roared sharply:

"Fox Xinyue!! What are you doing!! Let me go!!"

She struggled frantically, trying to break free from the shackles of the fairy rope.

But it has no effect, and the cultivation base of the Void Practicing Realm can't be used at all.

"Isn't it obvious what I'm going to do?"

"Of course I'm going to kill you."

An indifferent voice came from the big hole above.

Then came down a beautiful and enchanting woman. The four tails behind her were magnificent and frightening.

Hu Xinyue hovered above Hu Bichun with an indifferent expression.

She used her spiritual sense to visit the entire secret room, and soon found hundreds of cages.

There are all human males trapped in the cage, the number is as large as 13,752!

The youngest among them was only six years old, and the oldest was already gray-haired and about to fall, as if it would fall apart if it moved.

And in another secret room, several female fox cubs were kept, half of them were deformed and looked like failures.

This vicious fox, as the diary said, was conducting experiments in secret!

"Fox Bichun, you have privately imprisoned and tortured human monks. The number is appalling. This has violated the "Human-Fox Friendship Agreement" between the Fox Clan and Lu Churou."

"Also, the damage you have done to the fox family, and the things in your body that don't belong to you, will also be made public."

"Let's go, let the whole family see your crimes."

Hu Xinyue hooked her fingers slightly, and suspended the bound Hu Bichun.

Hu Bichun panicked, immediately changed her attitude, and discussed in a flattering way:

"My lord! You used the treasure of the town without authorization, which violated the clan rules, and the position of the lord is no longer guaranteed. As long as you let me go, I will pretend that nothing happened! What?"

Hu Xinyue paused for a moment, her beautiful face showed a mocking smile:

"Slightly slightly, I won't let you go, you stupid*, watch me tie you up!"

The little girl dominates Fox Xinyue's body.

With a flick of her finger, she manipulated the fairy-tying rope in the air, and tied Hu Bichun's hands, feet and feet back.

"Ahhh bitch!!! Let go of me!!! bitch!!! bitch bitch bitch!!!!"

Hu Bichun cursed in shock and anger.

"Don't let it go, you're going to die in a hurry."

The little girl smiled proudly.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed a broken foot bone on the ground in the air. It was the blood-faced man's foot bone.

Slowly Chaohu Bichun


Fox Xinyue regained control of her body and stopped the little girl's play behavior.

Looking at Hu Bichun's rotten and recovered body, she knew that it was the effect of the primordial pregnancy spirit crystal.

"Come on, call a meeting and pronounce her guilt."

Hu Xinyue casts a space spirit technique, bringing along Hu Bichun who is about to faint.

They escaped from the secret room together.

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