The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 115 The Genius Maker Who Dreamed Of Becoming A Hunter

Because it was Blue Girl Dream who pulled the two super rookie players into the team, naturally the heavy responsibility of taking care of and guiding the two of them fell on Blue Girl Dream.

The fighting skills of the two girls....... are improving very slowly, plus they often make mistakes during the hunting process, so it brings some small troubles to the dream team, such as the loss of staff due to coordination errors during the hunting process. Not uncommon.

The two twin girls are indeed working very hard, but this kind of close to real combat requires a certain amount of talent, so, all the while, the two girls have been making progress very slowly!

Although the dream team has no expectations for the twin girls in terms of combat, it is very unexpected that the two girls have great potential for production careers!

The speed and quality of the two girls' props production surpassed all members of the Dream Team. Has the Dream Team ever seen a player with more professional production talent than Lei Lei and Dian Dian!

Did you find a treasure?

You must know that in a hardcore game like Monster Hunter, production professions are quite popular. After all, the equipment and props they make have an important role in the battle frontline!

As a result, the two twins, who dreamed of becoming battle girls one day, had to devote a lot of energy to start developing side jobs.

It's nothing, at least talent can't be wasted, right?

I don't know whether to be happy or sad, anyway, within a few days, with the support of other members of the Dream Girls Group (all kinds of collection materials were provided to the two), Lei Lei and Dian Dian's sub-professional levels soared rapidly.

What's more, Lei Lei Dian Dian also washed the sub-job of collector and replaced it with dual manufacturing! (They originally wanted to be self-reliant

Lei Lei is a cook and an alchemist, and Dian Dian is a blacksmith and a scribe!

The props made by two people can not only consume less materials, but also have a certain probability of producing double products, and it is also possible to produce products of excellent quality!

In this way, the two became the little babies of the union!

However, although Lei Lei Dian Dian has amazing sub-professional talents, their dream is to fight little monsters!

Therefore, it is impossible for Lei Lei and Li Li to miss such a big event like today!

"So, I'm very sorry. During the battle, Lei Lei and Dian Dian may not be of much help... Blue Girl Meng apologized to Zhang Xingyu, and Lei Lei looked at her worriedly, while Dian Dian hid behind Lei Lei.

"So that's how it is, Dark Night you..."

"What's the reason for this..." Little Lolita seemed to be wearing serious clothes.

"You're still thinking about the previous question, hey——" Zhang Xingyu broke out in a drop of cold sweat, and said, "I understand, but I also have ten questions.

"Please say.

"Since we have to take care of two, why not put them in another group, you have eight people?" Zhang Xingyu asked.

"That's because the five people over there are used to hunting monsters in" the blue girl Meng said a little embarrassedly.

It means that another group of 5 females will be more convenient to collect points together......

It's not that Zhang Xingyu can't understand, he realizes that this battle is related to the final points!

As for Blue Girl Dream choosing herself to join their team, it should be because she is a duo with just the right number of players, and one of them is a female player, so it should be the reason why she wouldn't harass Lei Lei and Dian Dian.

"No, but when we fight for a while, my companions will fight with us as much as possible......"

"Okay, don't be so sorry, I understand, it doesn't matter, An Ye and I are two people and get used to spawning monsters, it's fine."

"That's right, that's great..." The blue girl Meng breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, it's hard to pick a good teammate, especially after Lei Lei Dian went through that situation, and there was a man and a woman in front of her. The duo looks like a perfect fit.

———Fortunately, he is still a very talkative player.

"However, in such a difficult game, have you always been fighting monsters with two people?" The blue girl Meng asked curiously, and the two behind, Lei Lei and Dian Dian, who dreamed of fighting little monsters, also looked at Zhang curiously. Xingyu.

"It's almost... In fact, it's not difficult to be familiar with the monster's routine, and it's not difficult to pass the skill. The two of us have killed the poisonous demon bird before (Lei Lei and Dian Dian's eyes widened)

I also killed the Flying Thunder Dragon once (Lei Lei and Dian Dian's eyes are shining with gold!) Although I also died a few times..."

"It's amazing, it's amazing that two people can fight the thunder dragon! It's very difficult for eight of us to fight the thunder dragon!" The blue girl Meng said in surprise: "I've been curious before, the big fierce jackal dragon suit you are wearing seems like It's different from ordinary ones, could it be..."

"As you can tell, we are indeed wearing the elite-level Great Jackal Dragon Suit!"

"Wow—————" Not only the blue girl Meng, but even Lei Lei and Bo Sheng's Dian Dian were surprised.

"I heard that elite suits have special skills..." Lei Lei couldn't help asking.

"Well, the big fierce dragon is [Big Stomach King], you can drink two bottles of medicine at one time, and the speed of use is slightly increased... It is also very helpful to the battle." Zhang Xingyu said.

"Elite-level equipment is not common, but many people have equipped it, but I have never seen a complete set... You are so good!" The blue girl Meng was very curious about the two, and then she Seemingly remembering something, he said, "By the way, Lei Lei, give that to them."


Amid Zhang Xingyu's doubts, Lei Lei walked up to Zhang Xingyu and applied for a deal.

When Zhang Xingyu saw the props on the trading interface, he was shocked even by himself.

There are many recovery medicines on the props bar, including the most common recovery medicine, recovery medicine G, antidote, rare secret medicine, not only that, but also a special enhanced version of recovery medicine!

[Recovery medicine G+5 bottles: The recovery medicine concentrates the essence of honey and is prepared by a special method. It has a larger recovery volume than recovery medicine G. At the same time, because the medicine capacity is smaller, the speed of drinking medicine is increased. !(Producer: Lei Lei)]

[Secret medicine + 2 bottles: Due to the careful preparation, the medicine properties of the secret medicine have evolved, not only can instantly replenish the entire blood volume, but also give the user extra strength, which can withstand no more than 50 damage from monsters at a time without losing blood. If the damage exceeds 50, you will only receive the damage that exceeds 50! (Producer: Lei Lei)]

Is it so powerful?

Sure enough, it can be regarded as a baby!

Even the way Zhang Xingyu looked at Lei Lei and Dian Dian changed!

"Originally, I could have given more, but resources are in short supply recently, and it is not so easy to make a stronger version of the medicine..."

"Uh, it's nothing, on the contrary, we would like to thank you, these recovery medicines are of great use."


The blue girl Meng seems to want to communicate with another companion team and leave for a while.

"Hey --- dark night, look at these potions, they are so powerful that they explode!"

"Ah!!" Otilia suddenly called out.

"What are you doing?"

"finally, I understand!"

"Understand what?"

"Why do you have a bad attitude towards Mengmeng Moon!"

I'm going to you, are you still struggling with this?

..Then, what is the reason?"

"We are at odds by nature!"


Did you come to such a conclusion after thinking about it for so long?

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