The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 116 Crusade Against The Avengers

"If you don't get along with each other by nature, then you are the so-called natural opponents. However, if you fight with each other, you may become very..."

"Stop, STO-P!!! Don't continue talking—!" Otilia immediately stopped Zhang Xingyu's next words, put her arms around her chest, trembling and said: "Just thinking about it I felt shuddering, becoming... something with that coquettish fox, that is absolutely impossible!"

"Kukuku—a depraved coquettish fox, next time, let the girl of light and darkness let you feel the fear of hell~~" The second girl then showed Zhang Xingyu Mengmeng's (secondary) style.

"Uh... If she is a daughter of light and darkness, she should have both a dark side and a bright side. When will Mengmeng Moon feel the warmth of light?"

"Kuku, no!"


"The light side is dead."

"Huh? Dead? Why?"

"Darkness has enveloped the whole world, the light is no longer dazzling, and the darkness is about to swallow it together. The Maiden of Light is waiting for the moment of awakening, and now, the Maiden of Darkness is the dominant side!"

"The thinking circuit of the second-year girl is so different, even Zhang Xingyu, who often plays games and watches anime, can't keep up with the rhythm.

Zhang Xingyu complained: 893 So when will the Maiden of Light wake up?"

"When the world falls into complete darkness and the girl of darkness becomes the ruler of the world, the light will naturally wake up~"

"In the depths of darkness and despair, will there be light and hope naturally..."

"Kukuku—Young man, do you understand quickly~~"

—Oops, I also became a secondary school student!

The team's preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. For example, in order to prevent the entire team from losing command due to the sudden death of the team leader during the battle, there are still deputy team leaders and deputy team leaders... in each team, There is also a vice-captain.

The vice-captain of the blue girl dream team, after discussion, was determined to be Otilia.

Blue Girl Dream tells Otilia and Zhang Xingyu that if she dies, then Otilia and Zhang Xingyu will do as they please, regardless of the life and death of Lei Lei and Dian Dian.

Lei Lei and Dian Dian also have no objection to this.

"Hunters who are not afraid of sacrifice, I am optimistic about you~ Otilia praised.

"Hey, Lei Lei will work hard~"

"Electricity, Electricity and Electricity"

"Uh, I think the meaning of the blue girl's dream is that you don't have to worry about these two rookies. If you die, you will die. You can go back to your side job with peace of mind." Although he thought so, Zhang Xingyu didn't say it.

With such manufacturing talents, maybe I and Otilia will turn to them for help in the future!

Finally, the army of more than 300 players was integrated. After confirming the preparation information of all players, everyone set off in a mighty manner.

There were no fire dragons to attack along the way, but the big jackal dragon and the savage jaw dragon were very unlucky to become the dead souls of the player army.

I met a wandering scratching bird on the road. This guy turned his head and ran away when he saw the army of players beating up the fierce jackal dragon!

In fact, everyone also hoped that the fire dragon could fly over to attack the large army. After all, if some of the fire dragon's blood volume could be destroyed in advance, the subsequent decisive battle would be easier.

"This should be the task setting. In the end, the ring fire dragon will not frequently fly out to harass the player, so that the player can concentrate on the decisive battle in the fire dragon's habitat."

Finally, the army of players came to the habitat of the fire dragon.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo


With two deafening roars, all players fell into a state of being unable to fight for a short time.

This skill named "Dragon Fear" by the player is actually a sonic attack skill, which is a major factor in the sudden death of players when fighting against large monsters.

The more powerful the monster, the greater the threat of "Dragon Fear". For example, the roar of the great jackal dragon and the scratching bird has almost no effect on the player, but the roar of the savage jaw dragon and the flying (adbc) brontosaurus will affect the player's actions for a short time , but as long as you maintain your blood volume and pay attention to the monster's cry, there will be no problem.

Of course, the fire dragon's dragon fear is more threatening.

boom boom boom

4 fireballs flew directly to the player army, three of them were fired by the female Charmander, and one was fired by the Charmander. The fireball from the Charmander was twice as big as that of the female Charmander!

"Large shield player defense!"

Facing the fireball greeting, the players who had long been experienced were prepared, and the team raised a heavy shield against the front spears and the grabbing players.

boom boom boom


Three small, one large, four loud explosions sounded, and the three players defending the female fireball were almost intact, but the stamina value of the player defending the fireball instantly cleared to zero, and their HP dropped by 25 points!

Such is the power of the elite, Avenger's Charmander!

Even the thickest great shield is as brittle as paper beneath its exploding fireball!

Of course, if players have more defensive equipment and defensive skills in the future, the situation will be much better.

"Act according to the predetermined plan!" Wildism at the front of the team shouted.

Immediately, the army of 300 players was divided into two teams under the command of their respective teams.

Among them, about 6 layers of players rushed to the female fire dragon, and 4 layers of players rushed to the fire dragon.

There are all types of players to kill the female fire dragon, but there are not many types of weapons for the players on the fire dragon side, basically long-range players and players with shields are the main players!

The goal of the battle is already clear.

Set fire to kill the female Charmander first!

The male fire dragon is mainly to harass and contain!

"Long-range and fast attack, attack the wings first, knock it down, you can't let it fly like this all the time, let alone let him have the energy to help the female fire dragon!" Wildism is the commander in chief of the male fire dragon's battle area, and he has been staring at Charmander.

"Be careful, the explosive fireball is coming, wild!"

The explosive fireball has the terrifying power to destroy all the stamina bars of the large shield player in one shot. What's more exaggerated is that in close combat, if a player defends against the explosive fireball, after the defense collapses, the fire dragon will dive directly to carry out combo attacks!

After this set of combos, I don’t know how many players died under this second combo, and they were called "undefensible must-kill second combo!"

Can libertarianism survive?

He raised his great shield...  

However, his posture of raising the shield is different from that of ordinary players!

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