The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 163 The Mysterious Nightmare World And The Student Council Meeting (Big Chapter)

The student union of Shengwu Academy is holding an important meeting.

"In the past few days, everyone has worked hard to restore the order of Shengwu Academy." The vice president presided over the meeting. Wearing a pair of glasses, the unsmiling vice president made no one see any changes in his expression: "But , Next, our tasks will not decrease, and will even increase. I think everyone has heard about [Nightmare World] recently. Next, one of the tasks of our student union is to investigate the Nightmare World. And today's meeting is also to discuss how to investigate the nightmare world, is there any problem?"

"Yes... I have indeed heard of such things as Nightmare World...but, is such an unscientific thing really possible?" The speaker was a member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Student Union, Her name is Aoki Jing. She is usually full of energy and motivation, and is very popular with the student union. The only shortcoming is that she is too curious and wants to get to the bottom of everything.

Basically, every time the students have a meeting, this guy asks the most questions, and even changed the meeting process at one point - leave some time for this guy to ask questions!

"Don't you think you don't do enough unscientific things?" This was the inner thought of many student union members at the scene, but they were also curious about this question.

"The Nightmare World has been confirmed to [exist], there is no need to doubt it. I was on that cruise ship and saw with my own eyes the scene where a female student in the middle school was using the Heart of the Storm..." Wang Mengyu Said, saw that Aoki Jing seemed to have something to say, and added: "Specifically, you can check the report on the incident through the internal platform of the student union.

"Our student union has already rejected the school and the Miracle Island government wanting to investigate a female student. For this reason, the main task of investigating the nightmare world falls on us, and the deadline is 2 months." The vice president said.

"Why did you refuse? If the government intervenes in the investigation, things will go much faster, right?" Aoki asked curiously.

"Our student union has the responsibility to protect the students, not to mention that after the catastrophe, we need to consider the emotions of the students... In addition, our student union has an innate advantage in investigating the nightmare world." The vice president said.

In fact, it is still difficult for the student union to refuse the government to investigate the students. After all, it is too shocking to use the items exchanged from the game world to cancel the storm, and it is true!

However, due to various reasons, the government of Miracle Island agreed. First of all, Miracle Island is in the process of rebuilding after the disaster. There are already members of the student union (and they are all students) who have entered the game world, so I finally agreed.

Therefore, after the storm, Otilia and the students in the middle school did not receive any disturbance from the outside world.

"Innate... superiority?" Aoki said in surprise.

"Yes, because a member of our student union has already been aware of the existence of the nightmare world, 03 and successfully entered the game world.

"Who is that?" Aoki Akira and many student union officials said in surprise.

The news about the Nightmare World spread in the few days after the catastrophe. If it wasn’t for the student union discussing with the school and blocking most of the news, the news about the Nightmare World would probably have spread throughout the entire island!

"It's Dana," said the vice president.

At this moment, almost everyone focused their attention on the blue short-haired girl, but the girl seemed to be dozing off and about to fall asleep.

Student Council Members:

—As expected of Dana, she will fall asleep whenever she is in a meeting!

Everyone has become accustomed to Dana sleeping. After all, it happens frequently. What they didn't expect is that Dana was the first to discover the Nightmare World, and she has already entered the game world!

"Dana, briefly explain what you have investigated." Wang Mengyu said.

..Ah, ah—is the meeting over?" Dana said, stretching her waist.

The members of the student union were even more speechless.

In fact, they admired Dana very much, because in the student union, Danna was the only one who was not afraid of Wang Mengyu at all. If it was an ordinary person, even the vice president would jump up in fright under Wang Mengyu's gaze.

Sleep in a meeting?

Are you courting death?

But Dana is such an alternative!

"Please explain the situation investigated by Nightmare World," said the vice president.

Why do I have to do this kind of thing, the report is already written, just check it out for yourself..." Dana muttered, and almost everyone at the scene heard it, but everyone ignored it and chose to pretend that they didn't hear it.

Dana operated the computer, and then the projected screen at the back showed the investigation information of the succubus world.

"The first person to discover the Nightmare World was on April 23. A player entered the Nightmare World while sleeping at night. The information was provided by two players. The usernames of the Nightmare World are [Invincible Fat Lord] and [Wildism] , so far no player who entered the nightmare world earlier has been found. From the perspective of the nightmare world player group, it should be certain that this is the first player to enter the nightmare world. The exact number is still uncertain, but it will not be too many. indivual.

Various information is simultaneously displayed on the big screen, including the real identity information of Invincible Fatty and Wildism.

"The nightmare world is a very wonderful world. The way to enter the nightmare world is to sleep, that is, when you sleep, your consciousness will enter this world, just like dreaming, but it is much more real... ... If you really want to describe it as if you have traveled to a different world yourself, explaining it in a technological way, it is a full-dive virtual game."

"I have investigated various changes in my body while sleeping through instruments, and found some interesting things. After the meeting, I will send an email to everyone's dedicated mailbox for the student union."

"I didn't expect to actually exist and enter the game to play in my sleep..." Aoki Jing kept looking at the screen on the monitor and murmured.

"Because the way to play the game is to sleep, it will not affect the students' study and life. In addition, the Nightmare World cannot take screenshots or videos, and cannot prove its existence. Therefore, the outside world has never known the existence of the Nightmare World. I only discovered it by accident. Found the nightmare world."

A picture changed on the screen, it was a topic forum called Nightmare World.

"This is the Nightmare World topic section on the campus website. It is dedicated to discussing what happened in the Nightmare World. It was created on April 25th, and the creator is [Invincible Fat Lord]. At present, the Nightmare World Forum has become a discussion forum for Nightmare World players. The main location, part of the information I got came from the Invincible Fatty and the Nightmare World forum... The following is the URL, if you are interested, you can take a look."

"What kind of world is the nightmare world?" Aoki asked curiously.

"I'm just going to say this... Generally speaking, Nightmare World is a game world, a mid-world hunting game, in which players can use various weapons such as big swords, long swords, double swords, bows and arrows, etc. The enemies are all kinds of powerful monsters, all of which do not exist in the real world. Because the nightmare world cannot take screenshots, I cannot give you more accurate information, but those who have played online games should know it well. In addition, I called out some The picture drawn by the students with their imagination—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The monsters encountered in the game are almost invincible, and the fire dragons appeared in one of the main missions, very powerful.”

"These are no different from ordinary online games, but what I want to explain is that the NPC in the game has a very high level of intelligence, and can carry out various conversations, and the answers will vary according to the specific situation, as if the opposite is a real person The same... In addition, the ecological system of this game is very good, and it almost perfectly reproduces a complete ecological system. In the game, you can not only see the life of small animals, but also see monsters vying for territory. The battles fought, even the destruction of the environment will be preserved, some players have done experiments, if you plant a tree in the forest, then the tree will not disappear, but will grow..."

"You may wonder why I say these things. What I want to let you know is that the more realistic and complex the game is, the more difficult it is to design, and the Nightmare World, apart from the simple system, the game it creates This world cannot be achieved by ordinary game companies.”

"That means the target of the investigation is a large game company?" Aoki asked.

"This is a topic for discussion later, about things in the game, and there is one more thing to explain." Dana operated the computer again, changed the information on the big screen, and said: "When players enter the nightmare world, they will not directly Entering the game world of Monster Hunter, it is a world full of fog, and you need to pass through a light door to enter the game world. I think this fog world is very strange, and its existence may be extraordinary."


"Maybe it has something to do with the origin and creation of the nightmare world. This is just my guess... In addition, when you log in to the game for the first time, there will be a system sound. This sound sounds a little creepy. This is the specific content... …”

【This is the nightmare world!】

[Here, you will experience an unprecedented experience. 】

【Fear, struggle!】

【Nightmare will eventually become a reality!】

"Originally, this opening line is heard every time you enter the nightmare world, but in a certain update, this opening line can only be heard when you enter the nightmare world for the first time

As for why I mention this, I will talk about it later. "

"In the beginning, there were not many players in Nightmare World, and it seems that it is still in the experimental stage. This can be seen from the system version prompted by the game. The initial system version was only 0.1, and until now, the game version has only been updated to 0.3."

"In about half a month, Nightmare World has recruited about 300 players. It should be noted that the recruited players are all students from the middle division of our Shengwu Academy. In addition, I found through investigations that there is a gap between the recruited players. , most of them are people who don't know each other... That is to say, there is a certain rule for recruiting players in the nightmare world

"Since we are recruiting players, shouldn't it be enough to just catch the recruited person?" Aoki Jing couldn't help asking.

"This is the problem. In fact, although we can find out which players have been recruited as players, we don't know how Nightmare World recruits players. The recruiters also don't exist. None of the original 300+ players Players know how they got into the world of succubus.

"There is such a thing?"

"Then, an interesting thing happened. After recruiting more than 300 players, Nightmare World suddenly stopped recruiting players. At the same time, a major main task occurred in the game, which changed the entire game process——[empty King's Revenge].

"If you are interested in the specific information of this mission, you can go to the Nightmare World Forum to see [Revenge of the King of the Sky] This main mission provides various rewards, and one of the rewards is called [Nightmare Mark], and the item level is seven-color nightmare level thing


"Then, after [Revenge of the King of the Sky] was completed, the players finally saw the attributes of this item—a mark that can recruit players. With the mark, you

In order to enter the nightmare world, I obtained the nightmare mark from the player, and I was qualified to enter the nightmare world.

"If you carefully investigate the nightmare imprint, you should be able to find information about the nightmare world, right?" Aoki Jing asked.

"Unfortunately, that couldn't be done," Dana said.

"Why?" Some other student union members couldn't help asking.

"Because there is no one who holds the nightmare mark, the nightmare mark cannot be seen, which is why I did not put the nightmare mark on the big screen-the nightmare mark cannot

The camera captured...Although I can let people draw it on paper, the strange thing about the nightmare imprint is that everyone will have a different feeling when seeing the nightmare imprint, beautiful

Gorgeous, scary, high-end, gorgeous...the only thing they have in common is that they feel very mysterious. "Dana said, showing the back of her palm, and said: "As long as I am right

Hold the back of my palm and say the four words of the Mark of the Nightmare, then the Mark of Nightmare will glow, and now it is glowing... But because you do not hold the Mark of Nightmare, you cannot see it. "

Dana's words made the student union members discuss a lot.

——The entry ticket to the game world is a mark? Can people without the mark of nightmare not be able to see the mark of nightmare?

If it wasn’t the student council member who spoke, and the president was watching from the side, I’m afraid someone would slap the table and say you were joking?

"Then as long as we make a nightmare mark from the nightmare world, it's all right?" someone said.

"I forgot to mention that once the nightmare imprint is exchanged from the nightmare world, if it is not used in time, it will lose its effect after 24 disappears... The nightmare imprint is very precious,

Apart from the previous main quest, no other channels have been found so far... By the way, the main quest has ended, and players can no longer redeem the second Nightmare Mark

"Is this road also blocked... This game company is very careful..."

"But don't players have it? You can directly use their...well, well, I don't think anyone wants to be a guinea pig." Seeing Dana looking at herself rather unfriendly, this

The student union members said immediately.

"Then there is the item that everyone cares about that eliminates the disaster of this storm—the heart of the storm." It may be rare for Dana to say so much at once, feeling a little thirsty

, drank a glass of water, and then said: "Just when Miracle Island announced that a big exercise was about to be held, and there was inexplicably a heavy rain on Miracle Island, the Nightmare World suddenly appeared without warning.

There is an update, the version is 0.30, the focus of the update is a side mission, the mission is very simple, hunting an ancient dragon, and among the rewards, there is a Nightmare Level Quest

The item - the heart of the storm, when it is explained like this [heart of the storm (seven colors - nightmare items): direct use can summon or eliminate a storm: inlaid weapons can make weapons gain special power].

"Could it be that the creators behind Nightmare World... knew about the outbreak of this disaster from the very beginning, so they updated this item?" Aoki Jing said in surprise.

"I don't know, but judging from the results, it is indeed possible to draw this conclusion. However, the players at the time, including me, did not realize this. After all, no one believes that such a thing can really be used in the real world. use."

"So, even on the cruise ship, there was only that student who believed that the heart of the storm could be used to survive the disaster, and then, she succeeded."

"Did you really turn around and drive towards that terrible tornado?"

"I've seen the photos at night, such a huge dragon absorbs water, and has a thunder and lightning coat, it's too scary!"

"What was the center of the storm like?"

"How did a student use Heart of the Storm?"

"I heard that the female student beat Hu, the ace player of our executive department, with her karate. Is it true?"

"It's a tie!"

Members of the student union also asked curiously, but the expression of a certain Hu student changed when the question was irrelevant to the topic.

The alternate captain of the Executive Department of the Student Union of Shengwu Academy, the former karate ace, unexpectedly lost to an underdeveloped middle school student, and she was a female student, really

It's so funny!

Well, it was Aoki Akira, the alternate chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, who brought up this topic. These two people have not been very right.

"What happened on the cruise ship, as I said before, just go to the student union platform to find relevant reports." Wang Mengyu's words made the scene quiet, and she said: "Then

Dana, you said, there have been some problems in the nightmare world recently?"

"It's hard to say if it's a problem, but it's something that hasn't happened before." Dana said: "Since the disaster of the storm, the nightmare world has been closed

Status, no one can go up. "

183 "Have you shut down your server?"

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but since the nightmare world appeared, there has never been a nightmare world shut down for more than 2 days, this is the first time [will it appear in the future?

It is also an unknown. The Nightmare World section has turned upside down for the Nightmare World without opening it for a few days. "

"Tell me what you think, Dana, about Nightmare World suddenly shutting down its servers after the storm."

"I think it may be that the nightmare world is testing the reaction of the island of miracles." Dana said.

"Testing... our response?"

"Yes... You may not know that before, there was a server opening time in the Nightmare World, and the specific time was from about 9:30 in the evening to about 6:00 in the morning.

Entering the game by sleeping, players cannot enter the game at any other time... However, on the day of the storm, players can enter the game in the afternoon during the day...with

By the way, what is even more surprising is that the previous opening remark appeared again, but this time only the last sentence [Nightmare, will eventually become reality!]....."

"【Nightmare, it will become a reality eventually!......It will eventually become a reality...Is this a reminder that the heart of the storm can be exchanged into the real world?" Qing Shujing asked.

"Perhaps, but there may be a deeper meaning."

"Deeper meaning, you mean?"

"Who knows," Dana said meaningfully.

"The opening sentence of the fourth sentence suddenly appeared, and the opening time of the server was suddenly adjusted... Is it to let the players get the heart of the storm? But why did the nightmare world do this?" Some students

asked in surprise.

"This is indeed a mystery, but let's make a hypothesis." Jeanna said.

"What if?"

"Yes, for example, a certain organization in Miracle Island obtained a mysterious thing, and through this thing, they developed the nightmare world, allowing the players of Shengwu Academy to

Playing games is to test that mysterious thing... Then, they predicted the disaster through some channels, maybe it was related to a mysterious thing, so

So they urgently made such an item in the game, and adjusted the game time... As for why the server was shut down, it was to test the reaction of Miracle Island. "

"From the various things in the previous nightmare world, we can know that the development team of the nightmare world is extremely cautious-the players recruited at the beginning are all students who are not related to each other.

The imprint lasts for up to 24 hours... So, it can be guessed that the developer of Nightmare World didn't want to make a big splash to make it known to everyone, or he didn't want anyone to investigate

It, and if Miracle Island decides to launch a large-scale investigation, then the developer of Nightmare World is likely to leave Miracle Island, and these two days, this developer should be secretly

Observe the reaction of the Miracle Island to the Nightmare World——this can be found out from the news reports and the situation of the students soon. "

"That is to say, if there is no large-scale search, then the Nightmare World will open again?"

"It's very possible that this is actually a game. He doesn't want others to find him so quickly, at least he can't start a large-scale investigation, but the development of the nightmare world is doomed.

Things cannot be hidden forever, I think he is watching Miracle Island's response. "

"That is to say, if we want to investigate the nightmare world, we can't make a big fuss......why......"

After that, the student union held a formal discussion, mainly discussing how to investigate the nightmare world.

After several hours, the meeting was over.

"Finally, I would like to add that all the content discussed at today's meeting, as well as any information about the Nightmare World obtained from the student union platform, must not be leaked or leaked.

Those who directly expel the student union, do you understand?" Wang Mengyu said seriously.


"In addition, sort out the content of today's meeting and hand it over to the school council."

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