The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 164 0.50 Major Version Update

Zhang Xingyu did not expect that temporarily shutting down Nightmare World because he was about to carry out a major update would make the students in the student union come to the conclusion [the developer of Nightmare World is observing the reaction of the Miracle Island, and the investigation must be conducted in secret without fanfare] , but this result is a good thing for Zhang Xingyu.

Inside a church on Miracle Island.

A man wearing a red bishop's clothes was listening to the report, and the person who reported was wearing the girl's clothes of the middle school of Shengmao Academy—a female student.

"Are you sure that the disaster was eliminated by an item called the Heart of the Storm exchanged from the Nightmare World?" the majestic voice of the cardinal came over.


"It's obviously the best opportunity to publicize our [Tian Dao Nature Sect], but I didn't expect... Is there any news about the developer of the Dream Demon World?"

"Not found yet."

"......... Can the martial arts you have practiced in the nightmare world be used in the real world?"

"It's a little different, but it's okay. The body needs a certain amount of time to get used to it."

"In the future, it is very likely that there will be things that can be exchanged for use in the real world in the nightmare world?"


"Go and find out the developer of Nightmare World for me.....No..... For this investigation, I can find other people on my side. You continue to investigate in the Nightmare World game, and all useful information will be gathered for I."


"Back off. 11


The kneeling girl left the church.

Outside the church is a small garden, where children are playing, and the beautiful nun is distributing sweets to the children while explaining.

"Disaster is coming."

"Only nature can continue our life.

"Destruction of nature, for any purpose, is evil!"

"Even if evil escapes the punishment of man, nature will punish them eventually!"

"However, this punishment is also a kind of revenge.||."

"This is also the reason for the recent frequent occurrence of global disasters, which is nature's revenge."

The nun who was explaining to the children saw the girls coming out of the church. They were slightly taken aback, and turned their heads in fear.

A pair of dead eyes!

No look!

"Come on and catch up...Wow, it hurts—" A little boy bumped into the girl and fell straight down.


The girl frowned slightly, looked at the crying boy on the ground, and squatted down.

"Get out of here quickly!"

"This woman's eyes are terrible? Is she blind?"

However, the other friends quickly pulled the little boy away, and the nun also came to the side of the fallen little boy to comfort him.


The girl left without saying a word.

If Zhang Xingyu saw this scene, he would definitely know that this girl is the Food No. 2 that the Nightmare Lord never forgets

But in the nightmare world, her name is [Lie Yan].

Zhang Xingyu decided to open the server today.

Under the pressure of Zhang Xingyu, the Lord of Nightmare worked overtime to finally get the new area, and Zhang Xingyu also got another setting of the Nightmare World. This setting is very important and is related to the "world view" of the Nightmare World.

Originally, Zhang Xingyu wanted to take a rest for a day, but after seeing the performance of the recent salted fish Otilia, Zhang Xingyu decided to open the Nightmare World today.

Similarly, in the Nightmare World forum, Zhang Xingyu naturally saw a large group of players who yelled that life was too much for them because they couldn't enter the Nightmare World.

Ottilia didn't know if the Nightmare World server would open today, but after 9 o'clock, she couldn't wait to finish the related things before going to bed, and lay down in ChuangE.

"I hope I can enter the game today I hope I can enter the game today I hope I can enter the game today..."

Otilia entered the dream.

Then, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar scene.

A foggy world!

"Great, the Nightmare World server is open! It's finally open!" Otia jumped up excitedly.

Not just Ottilia, many players too!

As the saying goes, it is best to know only when you lose it.

In the past, Nightmare World opened the server every day, at most it needed to be updated, and then players were kicked away in the middle of the game, but it has never been like this time, unable to enter the game for three consecutive days!

The most important thing is that the Nightmare World didn't even have the most basic notice in the past three days, and the players had no idea what was going on in the Nightmare World!

——Please, developers of Nightmare World, treat us as one person, at least tell us when the server will open!

In the past three days, the players have been surprised at not being able to enter the game on the first day, and are now frustrated and depressed...

Didn't you see that Otilia has completely turned into a salted fish because she didn't have to play Nightmare World?

You must know that just three days ago, she showed great power, defeated the steel dragon in the nightmare world, obtained the heart of the storm, and saved the world" (Island of Miracles)!

When entering the nightmare world, the players became excited, and some players even looked up to the sky.

"Finally, the world of succubus is back—long live!!!"

"I once had a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I didn't regret it until I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is nothing more than this. If God gave me a chance, I would love that world. Say I love you, if you want to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be 10,000 years——Nightmare World, I love you!!"

"Since I played Nightmare World, I feel| feel boring when I play other games——Silly NPCs only repeat that sentence, boring game world, only a few come and go The model, (Qian Zhaozhao) has already seen it, and as for the battle system, how many games can be like Nightmare World, let me charge forward with a weapon on my shoulders?"

"Game developer, did you hear that? We love you, so hurry up and get a customer service system!"

Just after the players scrambled to express their "love" for the nightmare world, causing the Nightmare Master to reap a wave of "love energy" in a daze, the players discovered a huge notification prompt on the system interface.

"Is this... a system update prompt?"

[Nightmare World 0.50 Major Version Update Announcement. 】

"Wow, the system has been updated, skipped 0.40 directly, and came to the 0.50 system update, and it's a major version update!" The players exclaimed.

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