The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 218 Writing The Protagonist, Reading As Thigh

Standing in front of Zhang Xingyu was a beautiful girl.

The long red hair is naturally her biggest feature. The girl is wearing a set of Nola ethnic costumes, with wooden beads made from the characteristic trees of the Nola "support land" hanging in front of her chest, similar to Regarding Buddha beads, the size and color of these beads may be different due to craftsmanship issues. However, as a special product of the Nola tribe, people can tell at a glance that they are women of the Nola tribe.

The girl has a delicate oval face, exquisite facial features, especially her eyes, which are bright and lively, showing a strength that is different from the girl at her age.

This is a beauty with characteristics of both East and West!

In the game in the original world, Eloy prefers Western beauties. Although her face is also very good-looking, she prefers a "wild beauty" (Westerners are stronger and thicker than Easterners, and women are the same).

In the nightmare world, Zhang Xingyu added more oriental beauty to Eloy.

However, the completely oriental "delicate and delicate" beauty is not in line with the theme of this era, so Zhang Xingyu chose a balance - both the soft beauty of the East and the rigid beauty of the West.

Zhang Xingyu liked the protagonist Eloy of the original work very much, so in this world he created, 09 Zhang Xingyu also gave Eloy a lot of "love".

One of the manifestations is Eloy's powerful skills and various template expertise that players do not have.

For example, the most important template expertise.

[Daughter of Destiny (the only one in the world): A girl favored by the world, whose basic attributes such as strength, agility, structure, perception, and charm are superior to those of ordinary people.

The Daughter of Destiny can learn various skills more quickly, even some skills that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. The Daughter of Destiny can also understand and learn them, and at the same time, it is easy to gain access to the advanced techniques of various skills.

The girl of destiny is born with extraordinary charm and is more likely to gain the trust of others. 】

[The Lucky Girl: She is born with high luck, and it is difficult to be reduced below the average. If a random event has two outcomes, good and bad, the Lucky Girl has a high probability of triggering a favorable outcome. 】

In addition to these two protagonist-type talents, Eloy naturally has other talents related to combat. A large part of them are acquired through learning, and through the talents of the Destiny Girl, he has also mastered many advanced skills. Techniques such as:

[Super strong sixth sense: Have an extraordinary sixth sense warning of danger. People with a super strong sixth sense cannot be attacked under any circumstances. They also have strong perceptions of traps, hidden passages, and hidden props. Ability] (acquired, passively strengthened by Destiny's Daughter)

[Vital point avoidance: The powerful body intuition allows the body to directly avoid thinking and avoiding vital attacks. Even if the vital point is hit, there is a 50% chance of it becoming normal damage 1

[Crisis Potential: When a character is injured, the character's attributes will increase instead]

[Epic Toughness: Even if you suffer an attack that may lead to death, the character will not die immediately, but will continue to fight with residual health]

In addition, there are talents related to machinery.

It can be said that if there are players with advanced detection skills who can detect Eloy's talent, they will be surprised and their eyes will widen.

————Damn it, this NPC is so outrageous——!!!

No, she is just unbelievably strong!

In short, this NPC is a super guy!

"Do you know me?" Eloi asked with his eyes widened, looking quite surprised.

As a woman who was adopted by an exile, Eloy was shunned by everyone. She never expected that someone would stop her and even call her by her name!

"Well...exiles are rare...the guard at the door also told us not to have any relationship with the exiles."

Eloy frowned, his eyes a little disappointed, but as an exile, Eloy was used to this situation.

"Don't have anything to do with me, but you still say hello to me?"

"I can't stand that guard... In addition, my situation is only slightly better than yours. I am an adventurer, and my name is Xingying [Hello"

Zhang Xingyu extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"Adventurers?" Eloy was a little confused, but he suddenly realized: "You are a tribe specially designed to deal with machines..."

The Nora clan has many clan rules, and most of them are very strict. For example, they cannot enter metal ruins, cannot leave the territory, etc. Eloy's father became an exile because of violating clan rules. Although he was doing it for the sake of the clan, the rules Just the rules.

Later, as the threat of machinery became more and more serious, even the Nora tribe had to consider dealing with mechanical disasters, so adventurers were born (in fact, to put it bluntly, they are character backgrounds specially set for players). Adventurers in order to kill Mechanical creatures can theoretically ignore some of the "unreasonable" regulations of the Nora tribe.

However, adventurers themselves are a profession that breaks the rules of the Nora tribe. Therefore, quite a few people in the Nora tribe do not like adventurers very much, because in the eyes of the local Nora tribe, these adventurers are often unscrupulous. ,ignoring the rules.


The status of adventurers in the Nora tribe is only slightly better than that of the exiles. For example, the exiles cannot enter the village, but the adventurers can. The Nora tribe cannot communicate with the exiles, but the adventurers can (although the attitude is not very good).

Perhaps knowing that the adventurer's situation was closely related to his own, Eloy shook hands with Zhang Xingyu.

"Are you here to participate in the trial meeting too?" Eloy asked.

"Yes... challenge yourself, and the title of Warrior is not bad. What about you 97B?"

"I'm also here to participate in the trial meeting."

"It looks like we will be competitors tomorrow, so work hard."

"Yes." Eloy smiled.

After that, the two chatted for a while about the trial conference, but halfway through the conversation, Eloy discovered something. To be precise, Eloy's holographic glasses device discovered something. After she apologized to Zhang Xingyu, she Left the place.

Eloy finds Orin, a man who also wears holographic glasses.

Orin was shocked that a Nora man also wore holographic glasses, but there seemed to be something wrong with Orin's holographic glasses. He left without saying a few words to Eloy. Instead, Elend took the initiative to find Eloy. Yi chat.

As the daughter of destiny, even if she is not looking for trouble, something will find her.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Xingyu walked towards the registration area for the trial conference, but suddenly he saw Otilia, Mengmeng Yue, Felicia and the cat maid together. There were a lot of people gathered there.

"Xingying~~ I was just looking for you. There seems to be a grand blessing ceremony here and we are also one of the participants~~"

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