The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 219 She Looks So Good... She Must Be An Important Npc!

This is a blessing ceremony that is only held on the night of the festival. Not everyone can participate. Zhang Xingyu and the five hunted Thunder Fangs and avoided a mechanical disaster from the Nora tribe, so they were qualified to participate in the ceremony. Ordinary players, including those who have passed the main mission and handed in mission props, are not eligible to participate.

Of course, Eloi is also one of the participants, but her position was left to her by an elder.

This ceremony has a different meaning to the Nora tribe. Otilia originally came just to watch the excitement, but she didn't expect that she was one of the participants, so she was naturally very excited.

Today, Otilia and others are playing in this festival. Although they have a lot of fun, for them, they are playing more as a bystander, or as a player. Attend this festival.

But now, Ottilia truly feels that she is participating in this celebration as a Nora adventurer.

The five people came to the five cylindrical lanterns and knelt down on one leg like other Nora tribesmen.

"Pursuers, each of you has a prayer lamp made by your mother in front of you. In order to show respect to the Mother Goddess, please light it!"

Zhang Xingyu took out the tools on his side and lit the prayer lamp.

Next comes time for prayer.

"I hope that I can become stronger immediately, obtain a divine weapon, kill people when others stand in my way, and kill Buddha when I stand in the way of Buddha, and become the real Empress of the Night... By the way, the change will make that guy Mengmeng Yue unlucky for a few days..." No, a few days are too few, at least a month!" The second middle school girl next to her began to pray in a spirited voice.

Hey, you have too many prayers!

However, the way she prayed reminded Zhang Xingyu of the days when the little Loli burned incense and worshiped Buddha for herself.

"I hope you have a bright future." Zhang Xingyu prayed.

"Mother God, please listen to our prayers." Following the elder's words, the prayer seekers picked up the prayer lamps and released them into the air.

"If the Mother Goddess has a hope park, where should the people go? The flickering flames rise into the sky, and they regain their freedom with the wind`||.'

Countless bright prayer lamps flew towards the sky. The picture was so beautiful that Ottilia and others were stunned.

After a while, everyone arrived at the registration office for the trial conference. After confirming their qualifications to participate, they were informed of various matters related to participating in the trial conference tomorrow, including competition rules, precautions, etc.

Mother's Heart provides accommodation for all contestants. Players can choose to go to the hotel now, or they can choose to continue participating in festival activities. After all, such a grand festival like this

Activities continue late into the night.

As participants in the trial competition, the NPC suggested that the players go to bed early and be energetic for tomorrow.


Do players still need to be energetic?

Of course I’m going to continue my wandering. It’s so boring to sleep in the game world!

So everyone went back to continue their wandering.

There are more people in Mother's Heart, because... other players have been let in!

"Nima, we're finally allowed in. I feel like I've been waiting outside for more than an hour, and I almost couldn't help but fight monsters.

"I feel like I have been waiting for a whole day. I have never waited for such a long time. This is the first time that the nightmare world has you!"

"I fucking feel like I've been waiting for a whole month! There are so many gongs and drums inside that I want to come and see it!"

The arrival of a large number of players made the entire festival more lively. Of course, players belonging to the "chaos" camp also brought some minor chaos to the festival.

In the evening, the five tired people gathered together again and prepared to sleep in the place prepared by the Nora tribe.

According to the system task prompts, they need to sleep in a designated hotel (offline) before they can participate in tomorrow's trial meeting, otherwise they will be deemed to have given up.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, Zhang Xingyu found that Eloy was also walking towards the hotel.

"Hey————Eloy, by chance, you are here too?"

"Star Shadow?"

"Huh? Who do you know? No, this is... an NPC?" Otilia's eyes widened: "It's such a beautiful NPC. When did you know each other? How can we have no idea?"

"Just when we were free activities before..." Seeing Eloy looking at his companions, Zhang Xingyu quickly explained, and then said to Eloy: "These are my companions. .....Some noisy little guys, but very kind."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xingyu was kicked by Ottilia.

——Telling you to pretend to be mature!

Zhang Xingyu read these five words from Otilia's glare at him.

However, Otilia did not interrupt Zhang Xingyu's communication with the NPC, because the world of the nightmare world is too real, and the AI ​​level is also very high. If you yell in front of the NPC, be careful how the NPC treats you. Sensitivity decreased!

One of the key points of Fatty’s Nightmare World guide: Be careful when talking to NPCs, don’t yell, let alone threaten others, unless you plan to really fight NPCs, especially in the city (be careful that the guards arrest you and put you in jail). The AI ​​level of NPCs in this game is very high. How high is it? Just talk to NPCs just like you would interact with other people in the real world. (I highly suspect that the NPC is a player pretending to be too real!)

Companion..." Eloi looked at Otilia and others with envy. It was really difficult for an exile to make a friend.

"Let me introduce to you, this is... the Empress of the Dark Night. Well, don't worry about her name being a bit weird. This is a nickname she gave herself. If she likes others to call her that, you can just call her Dark Night. .........or.........cough..." Zhang Xingyu was kicked a few more times during the introduction.

After introducing everyone one by one, Eloy shook hands with everyone.

"Hey, who is this person called Eloy?" Otilia asked secretly.

"Didn't the guard say before that we should contact the Exile? She is the Exile. With such a good look, she must not be an ordinary NPC. It would be good to get to know her."

"(Li Qianhao) Not bad!" Otilia looked at Eloy's face: "It really doesn't look like an ordinary NPC."

Not only is he good-looking, his appearance is incredible in front of a bunch of NPCs with thick eyebrows and big eyes! He must be a special NPC, maybe a protagonist-type NPC.

"Well, you did a good job, Xingying, keep building a good relationship with her, maybe we can get benefits!" Ottilia said happily.

Not only can you get benefits, but they are huge benefits!

Why Meng Meng Moon is so popular in Monster Hunter World is not because she has established a good relationship with an important NPC!

And this Eloi is a key figure in the entire world!

At this moment, an inappropriate voice came over.

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