The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 265 A Difficult Battle

(PC version of "Monster Hunter World" Iceborne DLC is out, you can continue your hunting journey~~ I have to say that the DLC is very sincere, there are many new monsters, even the subspecies of old monsters, the attack modes are very different, completely I can fight as a new monster. I didn’t make MASTER-level equipment. A certain author who wore high-level equipment and a looting suit to fight water demon birds was taught how to be a human being, so he chose the turning suit...)

Facing the BOSS Degenerator and Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast at the same time is no joke. If Otilia hadn't brought the big sword from Monster Hunter World, she wouldn't have made such a reckless move.

However, the risky move of the two people achieved results. Because they contained the two strongest enemies in the camp, the front was able to be maintained.

However, Zhang Xingyu and Otilia are in danger.

Zhang Xingyu is a little better. The Tai Sword moves flexibly and has magical skills to cut. Otilia is very dangerous - she moves slowly after drawing the big sword. When she encounters two BOSSes with ADHD, she can't move anymore. Bits cannot avoid being attacked.

The only advantage is that Otilia is petite and can easily dodge certain BOSS attacks, or there is no need to dodge at all!

Meng Meng Yue finally found an excellent position and fired wildly at the Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast, shooting out flame arrows desperately.

270 Although the Degenerate seems to have a high defense against various attribute attacks, the mechanical monsters that are degraded by the Degenerate will have some metal pipes in their bodies exposed outside the armor after degradation, which will improve their physical abilities, but they are relatively fire-resistant. The defensive ability is not high.

There were so many players trying it on the scene, and they quickly discovered the shortcomings of the degraded machinery.

Deteriorated machinery is afraid of fire!

Mengmeng Yue summoned the flame arrows she carried, and even the flame arrows made on the spot using materials, to the Deteriorated Sawtooth Beast. Finally, after several rounds of explosion output, "The Degenerated Sawtooth Beast fell!"

"Kill Meimei!" Zhang Xingyu shouted.

"Hey, thanks, I'll wait until I hit the BOSS... Wow -" Mengmeng Yue didn't finish her words when she saw a cracking destroyer rushing over, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly swooped down -!

"Wait for me to finish what I said -" The angry Mengmeng Yue took out a short spear and attacked, stabbing me.


It was bounced away directly.

The saboteur hit it with his head, and Mengmeng Moon flew up directly.

The saboteur continued to pursue, but after getting up, Mengmeng Yue was so frightened that she ran away.

"Remember this for me——!"

"Pfft, Otilia on the other side seemed to have seen what happened to Mengmeng Yue, and she laughed directly, and then...


The guy who was gloating about his misfortune was directly hit by the tail of the Degenerate.

Fortunately, Ottilia reacted quickly and used her big sword to block the tail at the last moment, but the huge impact caused Ottilia to fly up.

Otilia, whose health was at the bottom, hurriedly moved away from the BOSS to replenish her health.

Alas, two people connected by the same fate!

Although some accidents occurred, the death of the Deteriorated Sawtooth greatly reduced the pressure on Zhang Xingyu and Ottilia, and the two began to fight against the powerful Divider.

On the other side, the players and NPCs in the camp relied on the terrain advantage to continuously kill the degraded machines that rushed in. Among them, Eloy performed outstandingly. She almost destroyed the several threatening saboteurs by herself. of!

The situation in the camp is becoming optimistic, but...


There was a loud sound, and a black mechanical monster fell from the sky!

Another degrader!

The second Degenerate has entered!

"Fuck, another BOSS jumps in!"

"The one just now hasn't been killed yet!"

"Nima, it's too hard, I can't kill you!"

The second Degenerate, who was thick-skinned and powerful in attack, immediately activated the unparalleled mode. Coupled with the continuous stream of Deteriorated Machines rushing in, it caused huge damage to players and NPCs, and players and NPCs continued to die.

A degraded machine is equivalent to a mini-BOSS, plus another BOSS - this is impossible to defeat!

"Damn it, I should have used all my strength to attack the BOSS just now, otherwise I wouldn't have..."

"There is a BOSS outside, won't he jump in too..." A player said worriedly (ajcj).

"Then our mission will simply fail!"

"I've run out of fire arrows!"

"Me too... Why did the machinery deteriorate so much? What's the situation?"

There are many corpses of deteriorated machinery left in the camp, at least more than 30, but why are they still rushing in?

"Look...the watchers outside...this posture...isn't this the action of calling a mechanical creature?"


Some players looked over, and sure enough, outside, several watchers raised their heads, and the monitor's light kept changing, making strange sounds. Players were familiar with this posture, and the watchers would definitely do it before they died. Make an action similar to "crying for help"!

There is no way to interrupt the Watcher's cry for help, except to directly kill the Watcher when he is above half health!

Players in the camp saw that new mechanical creatures were arriving outside one after another, and then they were assimilated by the degraders and rushed towards the camp.

"I'm so fooled——there is such an operation!"

"We can't finish this fight. Someone has to rush over and kill the darkness over there... No, just the watcher will do!"

"How to kill? Holding the camp is already our limit. We can't send extra people to rush over.

There is one thing that this player did not say, that is, even if they are sent out, it will be difficult to kill the Watchers among so many mechanical legions!

Even the Shadow Team can't do it, because there are at least 40 or more degraded machines outside the camp. No matter how powerful the Shadow Team is, it is impossible to face so many enemies at the same time!

"The good news is that it seems unlikely that the third Degenerator will jump in...because it will have to transform the new machine..."

"What the hell is good news? This means that there will be a steady stream of degraded machinery!"

The battle has reached the most difficult stage. Zhang Xingyu and Otilia have reached their limit in containing one degenerate monster. Facing two at the same time is simply impossible. The second degenerate monster has already activated Wushuang in the camp, and there are constant enemies outside the camp. New enemies.

Players can be resurrected if they die and continue to come back, but NPCs will not be resurrected if they die, and ammunition continues to be consumed, so sooner or later the game will bottom out.

After shooting the bow and arrow, use a short spear?

Die faster!

"We can't go on like this..."

Eloy has been fighting at the gate of the camp. She has restrained many degraded machines that rushed in. If it weren't for her, there would have been even more degraded machines in the camp, and the entire defense line might have collapsed long ago.

However, the addition of the second degrader made the situation fall into an uncontrollable abyss.

Eloy must make a choice: continue to block the endless stream of degraded machines at the gate, or go find trouble with the second degrader.

"Master Xingying, be careful, behind you——!" Mengmeng Yue suddenly shouted.

But the scene no longer allowed Eloi to think, because the second Degenerate set its sights on Zhang Xingyu and Otilia who were fighting the first Degenerate!

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