The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 334 Research On The Nightmare Mark 2

A director of the research office received executives in suits.

"How was yesterday's research?" the suit executive asked.

"Oh, oh——————Well, yesterday we tried a new method..." The research director looked very excited, and it seemed that he was very interested in studying such mysterious things. interest.

"Stop, stop - I don't want to know what new method you used, how much money you spent to introduce a useless device from where, I just want to know if there are any small results."


The two stared at each other in silence for a long time.

In the end, the research director couldn't help it and said: "Um...more than 10 nightmare marks were used up yesterday...need to add some new ones...well... ....

"This is the new nightmare mark."

"Oh, oh, new research materials have arrived again, and now the research can continue~~" the research director said excitedly.

The man in the suit held back his anger, took a deep breath, and asked, "Where's the other study?"

"Another study... Oh, you mean the study on people."

"This is it."

It seems difficult to succeed simply by researching the nightmare mark. It seems that the creator of the nightmare world has done a very good job in protecting the nightmare world. Later, the research director put forward another point of view, that is, people who study the use of nightmare marks will have What a change.

This is a good research direction, because using the nightmare mark will indeed cause certain changes in people. The simplest evidence is that before using the nightmare mark, humans cannot see the nightmare mark, but after possessing the nightmare mark , humans can see the nightmare mark.

Therefore, researchers use various methods to study the changes in people who use nightmare marks.

For example, before using the Nightmare Mark, a person's blood was extracted, and after use, the blood was extracted again for analysis and comparison. The analysis result change!

Of course, in addition to blood, there are other things that can be studied, such as urine, feces, etc... Well, no need to be surprised, when there is no progress in the research, anything that can be studied can be Try it out, and these studies are very common in the "medical field" and special equipment is easy to buy.

However, various studies have not achieved any good results. In the end, the research focused on two key points, which also seemed to be the most promising: one is the change of the nightmare mark when it dissipates. An advanced machine in the research laboratory The machine recorded a weak signal change when the nightmare mark dissipated. This was the first change recorded by the machine, which made the researchers very excited.

Researchers speculate that although the protection measures of the nightmare mark are very good, there may be "loopholes" in the protection when it dissipates. For example, the protection measures dissipate first when it dissipates. The researchers are trying to find ways to conduct more records. analyze.

Because the focus of the research is on the changes when it "dissipates", the consumption of nightmare marks is very large.

The other is to record the changes when players play games. Through various analysis records, researchers have found that when humans enter the nightmare world, some human body signals such as brain waves will change.

However, the player in the study is a volunteer in the research laboratory. The researchers hope to recruit several "high players" in the game to record the different signals of the "masters" for analysis and comparison.

However, no matter they are members of the second team, they are not willing to be treated as guinea pigs - when they sleep at night, their bodies are filled with various tubes, and they are not sick!

Currently, Tianxing Company is still negotiating with people from the Gaowan Group. Tianxing Company feels that as long as enough money is given, someone will agree sooner or later.

However, Tianxing Company is not taken advantage of. They are a listed company. Although Tianxing Company is in charge, it needs to report to the board of directors every quarter and needs performance. Tianxing Company cannot invest unlimited money in the Nightmare World project, especially It’s a time when you can’t see the results of a project.

The students of Holy Dance Academy don't know that as they continue to sell nightmare marks, there are more and more players in the nightmare world. The Miracle Island has also changed due to the emergence of the nightmare world, although the current impact is not It's obvious, but as the number of players increases, sooner or later the entire Miracle Island will know about the Dream World.

At night, the nightmare world was opened again, and Ottilia and others naturally entered the nightmare world again.

Today's activity is still to hunt ceratopsians with the dream group and obtain the second union establishment qualification certificate.

About half an hour later, the Shadow Team and the Dream Team came to the depths of the Big Ant Mound Wasteland again, but it was not the place that everyone was familiar with yesterday, but a place that they had never been to before.

Although I am not afraid of marauders, after all, we defeated a marauder yesterday. It would be disturbing enough if we were disrupted by marauders' revenge during the most critical moment of hunting ceratopsians.

The map of the nightmare world is large enough. Even now, there are many maps that have not been entered by players. It is very easy to find an uninhabited place. The only thing to note is that if you enter the map too deep, you need to find a new flying point for the pterosaur. Otherwise, just running away would be exhausting to death!

No one wants to die and then run for more than an hour back to the place of death!

The little ninja Night Ninja took on the responsibility of "|| cutting off the back" of the team. After confirming that there were no players following him, everyone decided to explore this untouched map.

The first step is naturally to find the flying point of the pterosaur. Once you have the flying point, you have a foothold.

Soon, with everyone's concerted exploration, they discovered the flying point of the pterosaur, and everyone decided to explore around the flying point.

In the world of Monster Hunter, hunting is not all, exploration and collection are also important parts of the game, and the unknown areas for exploration (Nuo's questions) give players enough freshness.

The world environment of Nightmare World is particularly well done. Exploring unknown areas and just looking at the scenery is enough for players to enjoy.

"Look, touch this cactus - it's so big, bigger than me!"

"Wow - the water in this cactus must be delicious!"

"What kind of plant is this? I have never seen it before. Can I collect it?"

"Come here and take a look. There are bones here. They are shining. There must be rare bones! The collectors come here and collect them!"

The collector has a greater chance of collecting rare vegetables.

"I dug up a rare herb——Haha, Lei Lei, you can use this vegetable to make a good road~"

There are often precious materials in undiscovered places, and everyone begins to turn into a collecting maniac.

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