The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 335 Blackened Monster

If you go to bed early every day, you will have enough time to play the Nightmare game every day, nearly 10 hours, which is enough for Otilia and others to fight several ceratopsians. The only worry is that there are not enough deaths - every day in the game Die up to 5 times!

With enough time, coupled with the strange and beautiful scenery of the unexplored area, and various rare materials to collect, everyone instantly transformed into a tourist party and a collecting maniac. Of course, the tracker players still have a task, which is to find clues to the ceratopsian. .

The horned dragon was not found, but everyone accidentally discovered an elite-level daimyo shield crab hidden in a desert. At first glance, they thought it was a pile of bones!

Well, Homura from the Dream Team ran over to collect it, and actually collected something. He took out the mining pickaxe, and then nothing happened, because the elite-level Daimyo Shield Crab came out!

Homura was so frightened that she ran away——she was almost killed by the Daimyo Shield Crab. The elite Daimyo Shield Crab’s flying attack was obviously faster and more deadly than the ordinary Daimyo Shield Crab. Fortunately, she had mastered the Dragon Dragon Car The ability to escape in an emergency.

Looking at the elite-level Daimyo Shield Crab, everyone was a little confused, because the equipment made by elite-level monsters is better than ordinary ones, and there are elite-level unique suit skills, and the suit of the Daimyo Shield Crab is very cute (players here again A complaint against the game developer 493, why is the female version of the Daimyo Shield Crab suit so cute, while the male version is dressed like a fool playing rugby?), the skills are also practical, and now Otilia is wearing a Daimyo Shield Crab suit , "Seeing this elite level daimyo shield crab is a little bit ready to move.

You know, before Otilia and Zhang Xingyu wore the fierce jackal elite suit, the rare suit skill "Big Stomach King" can drink two bottles of medicine at a time. I don't know how much she saved herself... .

But in the end, everyone gave up hunting the elite shield crab. After all, today's mission was to kill the horned dragon. It would be fine if it killed ordinary monsters, but the elite level would be easily killed, which would be detrimental to the subsequent dragons.

However, Otilia still asked Zhang Xingyu to mark the famous shield crab, and prepared to come over and mark it when he had time.

"I found out, there are traces of the ceratopsian here!" Zhang Xingyu first discovered the traces of the ceratopsian and used the tracker's skills to extract the traces. However, the target of the ceratopsian was not shown on the map. Zhang Xingyu needed to find more traces. Just fine.

"I also discovered... Hey, there seems to be traces of a fight here... Is it a ceratopsian... fighting with some monster? An unknown monster? But there are traces of both. It looks a bit like... could it be that two horned dragons are fighting?" Li Jie, a violent sledgehammer player from the Dream Team, also discovered traces, and they were special traces - traces of monsters fighting.

The tracker skill shows that one of the monsters being fought for is a horned dragon and the other is an unknown monster.

"Unknown monster? Are there any unknown monsters in the Big Ant Mound Wasteland?" Mengmeng Yue asked with her eyes widened.

"There should be no more... In the last update, the Great Ant Mound Wasteland seemed to have updated 4 new monsters, Mud Fish Dragon, Earth Sand Dragon, Daiming Shield Crab and Horned Dragon. There are no other monsters... ...Well, these are the four." Otilia called up the system, looked at the system update record, and said.

"Is it some elite-level monster?"

There is an elite-level daimyo shield crab nearby. This assumption is very natural.

"Let's go, continue following the clues."

"I saw traces of a horned dragon... Wow, this, this is?!" Li Jie looked at something and said in surprise.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Everyone ran over.

"This, this thing is!"

"Yes, this is the horned fish!"

"The severed horn of a ceratopsian?"

"There are still traces of a fight here. It seems to be a fight between the ceratopsian and the unknown monster!"

"Even one of the horns of the ceratopsian was knocked off. Is this elite monster so powerful?"

"I'm curious about this elite monster. Let's go and continue tracking!"

Ottilia and others became curious and urged Li Jie to continue following the clues.

Zhang Xingyu, on the other hand, guessed what the unknown monster was from the current clues.

"The horns of the Ceratopsaurus were broken... This is simply not something that the Mud Fish Dragon, the Earth Sand Dragon or the Daimyo Shield Crab can do, not even the elite level. The only thing that can do it is...

Zhang Xingyu quickly opened the God Vision map, and then he saw a familiar figure.

...Well, be prepared to run away..." Zhang Xingyu murmured, his steps suddenly slowed down a lot, and he fell behind.

"Well? Master Xingying, what's wrong? Do you want to chat with Meng Meng Yue?"

Meng Meng Yue, who was at the back of the team, noticed that Zhang Xingyu, who had been in front before, slowed down and said.

"Well, that's about right."

"Hehe~~ Master Xingying, I'm telling you, yesterday...well, today during the day to be precise, I discovered something very interesting in the school, do you want to know~, I want to know ?"

"Tell me about it~" Zhang Xingyu said with a smile.

At this time, there was an exclamation from the front.

"I saw it, it's a ceratopsian!"

"Wow - it looks bigger than the ceratopsian I saw yesterday... Hey, why is it black?"

"This is... Blackhorned Dragon?!"

"Blackhorned Dragon?! What the hell?"

"I'm just saying casually, isn't this color different from ordinary Ceratopsians... It's black, so Black Ceratopsians.

"It's also a type of just changed color..."

"It doesn't matter whether it's yellow, white or black, as long as it's a ceratopsian, give our union a qualification certificate and we'll join!" Otilia said.

There are no subspecies of monsters in the Monster Hunter game of Nightmare World, so it is normal for people to be unfamiliar with the Blackhorned Dragon.

Of course, to be precise, Black Ceratops is not a subspecies, but a change in the female Ceratops body before and after laying eggs. This change is considered a warning to other species. In the black state, its aggressiveness It is more intense, and its physical strength, attack power and agility are far better than usual.

Black horned dragon (pregnant woman) is a very scary monster.

Once upon a time, when Zhang Xingyu played Monster Hunter for the first time, he struggled to pass the Horned Dragon, and then passed the Ancient Dragon. Then the Black Horned Dragon appeared in the game. Zhang felt that his skills were strong enough. Xingyu confidently went to fight the Black Horned Dragon... then, he was beaten to the point of diarrhea!

It’s not just Zhang Xingyu, many players have been slapped in the crotch by the Black Horned Dragon. Some people even think that the Black Horned Dragon is more difficult than the Ancient Dragon!

After listening to the discussion of the previous friends, are you ready to go directly to fight?

Zhang Xingyu quietly took a step back again.

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