The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 336 Why Is This Black Horned Dragon So Terrifying? !

Zhang Xingyu quietly took a step back.

"??Master Xingying?" Mengmeng Yue asked.

"Um...I think the guy in front may be a bit powerful, so be careful." Zhang Xingyu said.

Mengmeng Yue looked at the Black Horned Dragon in front of her, stared at it for a while, then turned around and said, "I think what Master Xingying said makes sense, we should be careful.

Elegance Bing and others in front were ready to start attacking monsters, but for the sake of caution, Elegance Bing still implemented the "sacrifice tactic" with "tears in her eyes".

"Come on, Lei Lei and Dian Dian, only you can take on the important task of creating monsters!"

"Got it, hahahaha - do you think it will become more powerful when the color becomes darker? Denden who has transformed into a demon is invincible!"

"Look at Lei Lei's strongest flying sword style————————die, you black monster!"

It doesn't mean that it will become more powerful when it turns black, but it will become very powerful, so powerful that it will explode. From a certain perspective, it will even be more awesome than the Kirin!

The self-destruction warriors went up to "commit suicide". Elegant Ice and others took a few steps back with a tacit understanding, and stopped after seeing that they were almost there - it was very safe at this distance, at least as far as the horned dragon.

Then, in less than half a minute, Lei Lei and Dian Dian died.

"Oops - I thought Lei Lei and Dian Dian's skills had improved, but I didn't expect they were still the same..." Blue Girl Meng sighed.

"Hey, the black horned dragon is looking at us!"

"What, such a long distance... It doesn't matter, we have already won once, and this time too -!"

“Hoo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Black horned dragon car!

A sprint speed far faster than that of a ceratopsian!

At least 6 players flew into the air, and their health dropped directly to less than 20!

"This horned dragon is so fast!"

"It hurts - I could have escaped before, why can't I escape now!" shouted the player flying in the air.

"What, why is it still charging? Well, it didn't rush over, wow."

After Black Horned Dragon sent all the players who dared to stand in front of her into the sky with a dragon cart, she made a 180-degree turn to face the players again, and then rubbed her feet to make another sprint.

However, after two or three seconds, the horned dragon did not sprint. Just when the player was wondering what the horned dragon was doing.

An extremely fast and super fast charge, faster than the previous charge!

It was so fast that even Otilia didn't react!

At the end of the sprint, the ceratopsian topped the ball twice!

The collision range is wider than that of the Ceratopsian!

"What kind of attack is this?!"

"Sudden delayed collision?"

"Seamless succession?"


Boom boom

Otilia, Elegant Ice, Mio, etc. all flew up.

A minute later, the ceratopsian looked at the corpse of the judge and went home.

"Meow meow meow—this horned dragon is really terrifying!" Meow-chan jumped out of the sand, her legs shaking, and she said with lingering fear.

- Meow-chan, when did you learn the ostrich skill? If you want to hide it, just bury it in the sand. What does it mean to show half of your butt?

"Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Lulu followed her master's example and lay on the sand watching the destruction of her team. Compared to Meow-chan, Lulu had a higher sense of justice. She was originally going to help the team, but Seeing the power of the horned dragon, and seeing the owner Meng Meng Yue hiding in fear, he also became scared.

You can’t blame Lulu, but blame the owner for being more cowardly than others!

"Fortunately, Mr. Xingying had foresight, otherwise I would have died with them!" The only survivors were Zhang Xingyu, Mengmeng Yue and two frightened Elu cats. Meng Meng Yue said softly, She was afraid that if she spoke loudly, the cruel and unusual horned dragon would hear her!

——No, I think Mengmeng Yue’s life-preserving skills can still survive.

Zhang Xingyu said in his heart.

"The color of the monster's body will not change for no reason. Maybe the monster has undergone some mutation. No matter what the reason or change is, it is much more likely to be more powerful than before."

"Yes, and this black color is obviously scarier than the previous one..."

"Let's go back."

Almost 10 minutes later, the two cried together with the resurrected group.

"You're actually not dead?"

"How did you survive?" Elegance Bing and others were shocked.

0......Please give me flowers......

To survive such a powerful ceratopsian attack...this, this!

It’s really incredible!

"I, I saw these two guys running backwards as soon as the battle started!" Ottilia said through gritted teeth. If it hadn't been for being beaten into the air by the black horned dragon, Ottilia would not have noticed these two guys. This wretched guy wanted to escape from the very beginning!

It’s simply unforgivable to flee without a fight!

"Escape directly?"

"Did you know you couldn't beat him from the beginning?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu——Why didn't you tell me? [The place where the black horned dragon hit me still feels a dull pain!"

"Um... Well, I feel like this monster is not easy to deal with..."

"Hey, you are too stupid. This monster is not simple at first glance. I am smarter. I watched a good show with Master Xingying~~"

Mengmeng Moon, please don’t add fuel to the fire at this time!

After a while, everyone embarked on a hunting trip again.

But instead of looking for the Black Horned Dragon, he was preparing to find trouble with the Horned Dragon.

Judging from the current situation, the traces of the previous fight were the fight between Ceratopsaurus and Blackhorned Dragon. It was obvious that Ceratopsaurus was defeated and even one of its horns was broken. It should be easier to hunt than yesterday.

As for Blackhorned Dragon…

This one is so awesome!

Just lie down as soon as you get up!

Ottilia felt that this black horned dragon would definitely not be able to defeat it at the moment!

The Dream Team doesn't even think it can beat the Shadow Team, so it's better to give up.

The Black Horned Dragon is so scary, it feels even more embarrassing than the Kirin!

I don’t know who is more attractive between Blackhorned Dragon and Kirin, but the sense of oppression caused by Blackhorned Dragon’s terrifying size is definitely much stronger than that of Kirin!

That is the innate fear that humans feel when facing monsters that are far bigger than themselves!

"Then, self-destruct... ahem, the task of destroying monsters is left to the four of you."

The sacrifice stream starts as always, but this time there are two more players playing monsters - Lei Lei, Dian Dian, Zhang Xingyu and Meng Meng Yue!

Who told you that you dared to run away from the battlefield before?

Make it up for me this time!


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