The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 368 New Career And Energy Acquisition

The new sub-profession - the various clothes made by the tailor, gives players the ability to compete with the cologne... well, it can be said to be a very small amount of capital.

Although the difficulty of the ancient dragon battle is still very high, the existence of clothes allows players to see a little hope in despair, at least they will not be as helpless against the ancient dragon as before!

Of course, as a large-scale online game, the clothes made by tailors are also very different from those in computer games. First of all, clothes are not permanent equipment that can be worn after the CD is converted, but a consumable item!

Yes, as a large-scale online game, if the items made by a tailor are permanently usable equipment, how can the tailor make money?

When all players have bought a set of clothes, the tailor can retire!

Therefore, in the nightmare world, clothes were set by Zhang Xingyu to become consumable and tradable props!

Each piece of clothing made is divided into several levels according to the different materials used and the level of the tailor. The better the clothing, the more times it is used, the better the effect will naturally be!

In the nightmare world, various materials collected by players are graded, and the clothes produced in 09 are naturally graded, just like alchemy, cooking and other sub-professions.

For example, heat-resistant clothing, in the settings, the lowest-level heat-resistant clothing can be used 3 times, with a CD of 5 minutes, each time lasting 60 seconds, which can reduce fire damage by about 15%, and high-level heat-resistant clothing can be used 10 times. , CD4 minutes, each time lasting 90 seconds, can reduce fire damage by 30%, and can also reduce explosion damage!

There is a big difference in effect, and it is clear at a glance which one is better.

Of course, good clothes also mean that they require higher-end materials and tailor levels. The sales price is naturally more expensive and the profit is higher.

Different levels of clothing should be used for different monsters. If high-level clothing is used for monsters like the Barbarian Dragon, the player may lose money, but the difficulty of the battle will also be greatly reduced.

Basically, Zhang Xingyu added all types of clothing from the original world of Monster Hunter World to the nightmare world, and then set the levels and tailoring levels required to make the clothes based on the original ones. For example, low-level tailors can only make physical clothes. Clothes, invisibility clothes, and clothes with four major resistances to lightning, fire, ice, and water, and can only make green rare-level clothes at most. However, turning clothes and immobile clothes require advanced tailors to make them, and Advanced transformation clothes can also create purple epic clothes.

In the future, tailoring may become a very profitable sub-profession like other production professions.

Currently, transactions between players are very frequent in Monster Hunter World. Thanks to the relatively complete business system and sub-career system, business in the game is booming. The player trading area in Rongchen Base is full every day, even if you are a minute late. There may be no place to set up a stall to sell things!

Zhang Xingyu has already considered making the player trading area in the Star Base larger - with the increase in players in the Nightmare World, the trading area may not be enough!

Currently, Monster Hunter World has formed a relatively complete production-transaction business chain: Players hunting powerful monsters need to make various pre-war preparations-including weapons and equipment created by the production sub-professional, cooking, alchemy items, etc. , after successful hunting, various materials obtained by combat-type players can be sold to production-type players. Simply put, combat-type players need equipment and props produced by production-type players to hunt, and production-type players need combat-type players to produce them. Various materials to make materials.

The addition of tailors will inject more vitality into this booming business system.

For Zhang Xingyu, the injection of new elements can mobilize the enthusiasm of players, and more transactions will allow the nightmare world to gain more energy - including the sense of accomplishment of upgrading the sub-career and making a good item. , the satisfaction you get after selling at a high price and making a lot of money, these are excellent nightmare fodder.

In fact, if the AI ​​assistant created by Zhang Xingyu has more functions and makes a detailed classification and statistics of the types of nightmare energy obtained, it will be found that in Monster Hunter World, the energy obtained due to production and commercial activities is gradually Although it is still far from the energy brought by killing monsters, it is also a stock with great potential.

Because Horizon World does not have a sub-career system like Monster Hunter World, the energy generated from production and commercial activities is not that much. However, Horizon World has advantages that Monster Hunter World does not have. The first is upgrading!

Each upgrade will have an upgrade sound effect, and there is also a special effect that makes the player's body glow with golden light... Although there is no increase in the character's blood volume, basic attributes, etc. when Horizon is upgraded, the upgrade special effects alone are enough to make players excited. Got it!

Moreover, with new attribute points and new skills, players will truly feel that they have become stronger.

In terms of upgrading and becoming stronger, Horizon World gains a lot of energy. On the contrary, in Monster Hunter World, because there is no upgrade system, players do not have a deep feeling of becoming stronger. Only when they update their equipment and see their attack power Only when your defense power increases, or when you find it easier to fight the same monster, will you feel that you have really become stronger!

The energy obtained by the two is different, but generally speaking, Horizon World obtains more energy due to upgrading and becoming stronger - the upgrade system has always stood up in the gaming industry, and there is a reason.

In addition, another major advantage of Horizon World is the mechanical babies.

At present, the mechanical baby system has become another "magic weapon" for harvesting energy in Horizon World!

Some time has passed since the mechanical talents of the Horizon 777 world, especially the mechanical baby talents, were revealed. After digging by players, players have discovered

No, he is awakened - the talent of the mechanical baby in Horizon World is a big pit, no, it is an unprecedented prehistoric pit!

If you need a mechanical baby, you must first develop your mechanical talent, and the place where you can get your mechanical talent is not an easy place!

Then, with the mechanical baby talent, in order to catch the mechanical baby, you have to go to major ruins to unlock the super control talent of the corresponding machine. The more powerful the mechanical creature is, the harder it is to unlock the corresponding ruins, such as the most powerful thunder. Tooth and Storm Bird, no player has found the corresponding ruins yet!

Then, after unlocking the super control talent corresponding to the mechanical creature, you still have to farm the super control components. Although ordinary monsters will also drop super control components, the probability is too low. To obtain the super control components stably, you still have to farm highly difficult relics. ..........Then, there is a chance that Nima's super-control over Tang Ran will fail!

And finally, with your incomparable perseverance, you successfully controlled a mechanical creature. Congratulations, you finally successfully stepped into the pit of mechanical babies...the first step!

Yes, that’s the first step!

Compared to what you will do in the future, your exhausting work before will feel like a walk!

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