The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 369: An Unprecedented Pit, Too Delicious? !

[~~~Thanks to "158XXXX3564" classmate for the 588VIP points, thank you very much~~]

Do you think it’s OK to get a mechanical baby? No, everything has just begun!

Because, after having a mechanical baby, there are more things to brush!

First is the maintenance of the mechanical baby!

Naturally, the mechanical baby is not used to be cute, but to fight. Then there will be damage in the battle, and if there is damage, it needs to be repaired. Maintenance requires not only money, but also materials...

Mechanical babies are very useful when fighting against players. If one side has a mechanical baby and the other does not have a mechanical baby, then the side with the mechanical baby has a winning rate of up to 80%!

This shows the role of the mechanical baby!

However, at the end of the PK, I was actually scared of having a baby!

Because, seeing that some players can't beat you, they try their best to beat your mechanical baby!

If your mechanical baby is only injured, it's okay. At most, you can spend some money on repairs. If it's killed...

Well, unless you are really attached to this mechanical baby, or you have spent a lot of money to modify it, it is better to control one again, which saves money...

Maintenance is obviously a big pitfall, but compared to another big pitfall, it seems "not something to be afraid of".

Another huge pitfall is called mechanical transformation!

Mechanical creatures are also divided into levels. It is not easy to find a rare mechanical creature. Most players catch ordinary mechanical creatures. If you want to improve the capabilities of the mechanical creatures, you need to modify the mechanical creatures.

The transformation system of mechanical creatures is extremely large, from replacing the parts of mechanical creatures to installing parts of other mechanical creatures, to the final self-created mechanical parts!

This not only involves killing monsters and buying parts, but also considering the adaptability of mechanical creatures to various mechanical parts, as well as the player's mechanical transformation level...

In the horizon world, there is such a saying.

————No matter how rich you are in the Horizon World, once you fall into the pit of mechanical babies, you will become a pauper in an instant!

It is really as deep as the sea once you enter the "mechanical" "door"!

Repair, resurrection, modification, deep modification, custom will find that your wallet is drying up at an unprecedented speed!

Some foresighted players quickly discovered the big pitfalls of the mechanical baby, and then, and then two

——Wucao, the mechanical baby is so delicious!

Although the mechanical baby is a huge prehistoric pit, the players are willing to be pitted, just like a kitten opening its belly to you and calling out - Come on, I can handle it

It's really delicious. Can you imagine that an originally weak destroyer, under your transformation, can even challenge a saw-toothed beast?

You know, in the early days of the game, many players were killed by the sawtooth beast, but now, your mechanical baby can kill it!

Not to mention, this game also has a painting function - use mechanical modification to create a powerful mechanical creature, and then use the painting function to add your own personality to the baby.

Then, a personalized mechanical baby that only belongs to you is born!

It smells so good! It smells so damn good!

Not only is it fragrant, it’s also practical!

It is said that large-scale ruins were discovered for the first time in Horizon World. Judging from previous experience, the team that first passes the large-scale ruins can gain great benefits - including more food materials, over-control components, and mechanical talent points!

More importantly, players can also enhance the control commands!

Each ruin in the Horizon World corresponds to an override command for a mechanical creature. Once you obtain the override command, you can use the override component to control that type of mechanical creature in the wild. This is the most basic method of controlling mechanical creatures.

The gameplay of the ruins in Horizon World is very interesting. The most interesting point is the "first pass" - the ruins that have not been cleared by players. The game will not limit the number of players. Everyone competes for the first pass of the ruins and engages in a big melee.

This is similar to a "battlefield" gameplay. The difference is that the forces on the battlefield are basically red and blue, or at most three, but in the ruins, there will be countless teams fighting for it!

Not only will there be competition between players, but there will also be resistance in the ruins themselves - there are a large number of traps and mechanical creatures in the ruins that kill everyone on sight.

It should be noted that the mechanical creatures in the ruins are far more powerful than those in the wild!

In the battle for the ruins, players not only need to find ways to pass the test of the ruins themselves, but also need to deal with challenges from players - including frontal fights, sneak attacks, traps, etc.

Originally, players didn’t feel much about the first pass of the ruins. They thought it was just a matter of giving them more materials and mechanical talent points. But you can get these things in other ways, so why do you have to go to all the trouble to fight for the ruins? What about the first pass?

The first kill in the ruins is too difficult and strenuous. In order to obtain more materials and mechanical talent points, or to receive honorary notices such as server-wide announcements, and God knows what kind of first pass rewards you will get, the investment is not proportional to the output!

Why bother!

If it's for the override command, you can wait until the ruins are first cleared to get it.

After the ruins are cleared for the first time, the ruins will become similar to a dungeon. Each team can enter the ruins, but players will not touch each other.

Without the interference of other players, it would undoubtedly be much easier to just fight the traps and mechanical creatures in the ruins.

However, a player who passed through the game later revealed a shocking fact.

Players who clear the ruins for the first time can obtain the only "`||Enhanced Version" override command!

This enhanced version of the over-control command can not only increase the player's success rate in capturing this type of mechanical creature, but more importantly, after capturing this type of mechanical baby, there is an additional over-control command - over-hanging awakening!

This super-control awakening skill has two effects. One is a passive effect. This effect is a permanent effect, which increases your baby's basic vitality, attack power and defense power, but the increase is not much.

The point is not this, but the active skill effect of Super Control Awakening.

The skill effect is an awakening skill that can awaken the mechanical creature!

This active skill is very powerful. Although the CD time is very long and the use consumes blood, it is a skill that can turn the situation around!

The enhanced version of the override command shocked and (Li Hao)... excited countless players!

————It turns out that my mechanical baby can be even stronger!

Since then, every discovery of ruins will become the focus of competition among players.

Recently, another ruin was discovered. This is the first large-scale ruin discovered in Horizon World!

Large ruins generally correspond to override commands for large mechanical creatures!

For mechanical creatures, big often means being small!

The bigger, the stronger, the thicker, the stronger!

The mechanical creatures in Horizon are like this. You can know whether you can beat the mechanical monster from the size of the mechanical monster. For example, the weakest Watcher is about the size of a Erha. In addition, the Watcher looks cute and stupid. There is no A player is scared, but when he encounters giant mechanical creatures such as Thunder Fang and Storm Bird, he is immediately frightened by their huge size!

Then, around this large ruins, the most brutal player "war" in the Horizon world began!

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