The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 417 Cute Moon Battle

It was the first time I encountered such a strange thing in the nightmare world. I couldn't find any information about the nightmare world on the Internet. Meng Meng Yue, who was at a low point in her life and didn't know how to increase her attention, simply wrote about what happened in the nightmare world. Posted the nightmare diary.

At first, my fans naturally scolded Mengmeng Moon for starting to do some "fancy" things——What are you doing? If you want to increase your attention, just update more or just take some "cool" pictures!

Meng Meng Yue was very angry. She felt that she was an idol who relied on her "strength" to make a living, not her looks... Of course, she was indeed cute, but she was born with it at that time and there was nothing she could do.


The things Mengmeng Moon wrote were so bizarre that most people didn't believe them. Some fans even suggested that Mengmeng Moon simply go to an online novel website to code words. It has a much better future than becoming an idol.

However, Mengmeng Moon still insists on updating the nightmare diary in "One Zero Seven".

Mengmeng Moon still has a certain writing style. Although the things she writes are "absurd", they are quite interesting. For example, Mengmeng Moon self-destructed at the beginning and knelt down for 5 consecutive times and was kicked out of the game world...and then became as lucky as the protagonist. Possessed by the goddess, he passed the prologue inexplicably, gained the friendship of an NPC girl, and even recruited a funny Biel cat!

Mengmeng Moon's attention has increased.

Well, many people read Meng Meng Moon’s Diary as a novel!

Then, something interesting happened.

A student from Shengwu Academy discovered the diary of Meng Meng Moon. By coincidence, this student was also a player in the Nightmare World!

The surprised player immediately left a message, saying that he wanted to be friends with Meng Meng Moon in the game and play games together. Although his own game level is not that good, he also chose bows and arrows for cup players. Form a team!

Well, what's going on? Meng Meng Moon has changed her career from an idol to a novelist. Why would anyone want to play games with Meng Meng Moon in that "absurd" nightmare world?

——This must be a promise!

Then, as time went by, more and more players noticed Mengmeng Moon's diary, especially after Mengmeng Moon joined the strongest shadow team!

Follow most of them to complete the main mission - Revenge of the Sky King. In the "Storm Disaster" on Miracle Island, together with the Shadow Team, they obtained the key prop to save the entire Miracle Island - the Heart of the Storm.

Members of the Shadow Team rarely speak on the forum, so Meng Meng Moon's diary has become an important channel for players to learn about the most powerful Shadow Wings team in the nightmare world.

For example, Invincible Fatty followed Meng Meng Yue’s idol account and obtained important in-game information from Meng Meng Yue’s diary.

Of course, Mengmeng Moon also knows how to measure. Mengmeng Moon will not disclose information that the team does not want to disclose in the diary. Mengmeng Moon will not write down some important mission information in the diary unless it is after the mission is completed. This mission information has lost its value, so Mengmeng Moon will write it in the diary.

As the "core competitor" of Mengmeng Moon, Otilia also paid attention to Little Vixen's idol account and found that the idol diary on it did not reveal any important information, so she didn't say anything.

As the number of players in the Nightmare World increases, the messages on Mengmeng Moon's idol account have also seen subtle changes. Some people are paying attention to Mengmeng Moon's deeds in the game, some hope to get the strategy of Shadow Wings, and some I hope Meng Meng Moon will reveal some game strategy tips, and some people will ask Meng Meng Moon to buy home coins and nightmare marks.

People who are not from the Island of Miracles are very confused. Could it be that everything that happened in the nightmare world is true?


When Meng Meng Moon updated Wings of Shadow and completed the horned dragon hunt with the Dream Team, established a union, and then killed Qilin together, the attention of Meng Meng Moon's idol account ushered in a big increase!

Players finally knew how Shadow Wings and the Dream Group hunted Ceratops and Qilin, and lamented that Qilin was so powerful that even the strongest Shadow Wings union was willing to die!

Some players also asked why there is a male among the two beauties?! Pull him out and beat him to death——!

After the successful hunt, Mengmeng Moon also updated the key points of the hunting strategy for horned dragons and unicorns. Most of them are hunting strategies summarized by Zhang Xingyu and Otilia. The way for the ninja Mio to see through the phantom of the unicorn is to obtain Mio's consent. Later, it was also announced on the Nightmare Diary (although this method is difficult to learn to explode).

Mengmeng Moon's attention has skyrocketed, attracting the attention of the website. The website is already in contact with Mengmeng Moon to discuss signing a contract. It is still in the stage of online contact.

Some advertising companies have also noticed Mengmeng Moon, and several small idol companies have expressed that they can directly sign Mengmeng Moon to fulfill her dream of becoming an idol.

Mengmeng Yuelai was naturally very happy when she saw that an idol company wanted to sign her, but she hesitated and did not agree, saying that she needed some time to think.0

Life is so interesting. Meng Meng Yue, who was at a low point in her life, came into contact with the nightmare world, and everything changed.

Not only that, Meng Mengliang also met the prince charming in her life."

Zhang Xingyu's amusement park is in trouble and needs tourists.

As a member of the Shadow Wings Guild, Mengmeng Yue naturally would not just write about her companions’ amusement park situation and the [Battle to Trap 800,000 Players] directly.

However, after noticing that [Battle of 800,000 Players] on the external Internet did not seem to have much effect, Mengmeng Yue had another idea.

——Why not use your fan power to help Zhang Xingyu?

Through fans’ messages, Mengmeng Moon discovered that she had a decent number of fans on Miracle Island.

So, Mengmeng Moon wrote about the Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park in her diary. She also said that she would go to the amusement park for a few days in the near future, but she would dress up in disguise. If any fans knew her, they could take a group photo together... Uh. , it’s a small gift, well, the nightmare world doesn’t have a photo taking function yet!

Such a crude game system!

Mengmeng Yue is also an action person and does what she says.

However, Mengmeng Yue did not tell Zhang Xingyu because it was of her own free will and there was no need to say it.

Of course, if Zhang Xingyu can secretly discover it by himself, 3.4 will be even better!

"The plan for hanging out in the amusement park is over. Mengmeng Yue will go hunting with the Shadow Wings Guild next. You don't need to come to Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park to find me. You can't find me, and I'm not here." My home coins are almost gone and I have no money to buy gifts! That’s it, thank you for your support~~Cute~~”

Mengmeng Yue wrote down today's nightmare diary, and after checking it was correct, she sent it out.

After all, Amusement Park World is just a casual game. The main game target for Zhang Xingyu, Otilia and other Shadow Wings guilds is Monster Hunter World!

A brand new main quest——ancient memory!

Kill the most powerful enemy in Monster Hunter World - the ancient dragon!

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