The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 423 Xiao Y Appears

The much-anticipated new product launch conference of Aiya Group, the conference of old friends after two years of absence in the Miracle Tower Technology Report Hall, has begun!

The lights at the venue dimmed, and the audience was waiting for the host to appear.

The one that the audience and media are most looking forward to is Naturally Field, the CEO of Aiya Group. Judging from the scale and venue of this press conference, CEO Field is likely to appear, but it is unlikely that he will come out from the beginning.

Judging from past experience, there is a high probability that a beautiful host will appear.

"Who is that beauty? I'm really looking forward to the appearance of Lele Cat from Aiya Group, or Jingjing Rabbit~~"

"I still like Lele Cat."

Some audience members whispered.

Lele Cat and Jingjing Rabbit are employees of Aiya Group. Among them, Lele Cat belongs to the sales department. She loves live broadcasting and is very popular. She also live broadcasts to bring goods to her company. It is said that she has a live broadcast record of sales exceeding 100 million. Now Lelemao is already the deputy manager of the sales department and has a large number of fans. Aiya Group naturally knows this, and Lelemao is the host of some new product launches. 09

Jingjingtu's situation is different. She is a highly educated beauty who graduated from Shengwu Academy. She does not do live broadcasts to increase her fans. She just relies on her sweet, indifferent, elegant and beautiful temperament. At a press conference of Aiya Group Gained a large number of fans.

At this time, the lights at the press conference came on. To everyone's surprise, the person who walked out was not the Aiya Group's signature beauties Lele Cat or Jingjing Rabbit. In fact, it was not even a person who walked out!

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff

With the sound of the tracks rolling, a robot appeared at the venue!

Yes, robots.

A human-like robot, except that the lower body has tracks similar to a tank, with a head, neck, body, arms, and hands!

The head has eyes, nose, ears, mouth and other mechanical parts, but they are all made of metal. The eyes are very large and use two round monitors, which occasionally emit a faint blue light.

This humanoid robot is painted with light yellow paint all over its body and looks very cute.

The robot drove to the center of the venue on crawlers, raised its right hand, spread out its mechanical fingers and greeted everyone:

"Hallo, hello everyone, welcome to the new world product launch conference of Aiya Group. I am Y, the number one robot belonging to the robot department of Aiya Group, code-named Y00001. You can call me Little Y."

The voice has an obvious mechanical sound, and it is easy to tell that it is not a human voice. However, what is surprising is that the voice spoken by the robot has a cadence, and is not a complete mechanical stick reading.

Seeing such a unique "host" appear, the audience naturally made a sound of surprise.

“So this time Aiya Group’s new product is a robot?”

"Although the voice has an obvious mechanical sound, it also has cadence and speed. Is there someone speaking in the background and then converting it into electronic sound through technology?"

Little Y, the robot in front of the stage, continued:

"I believe everyone must be very curious about what the new product released by Aiya Group this time is, and how the confidentiality measures are so good. There was no news at all before the press conference. What are the media doing~~"

When they heard the robot Y started teasing the media, especially the robot's mouth-like Y, many people at the scene laughed, even the media reporters laughed.

However, on the other hand, because of this ridicule, many people believed that someone must be talking in the background and then said it through the mouth of the robot, or it could be more simple and boring-it had been set long ago.

Robots are not that smart!

"So, now, it's finally time to reveal the answer to the mystery. Yes, that's right. The new product this time is me... no, it's this robot, Little Y!" The robot patted in a very humane manner. He patted his chest and said.

"Next, is the introduction of the very powerful little Y...y - Although I really want to introduce my greatness directly, but doing so always feels like bragging, so for now, Please bring out our other host, Jingjing Rabbit~~"

There was another spotlight at the front desk. A woman wearing a black uniform, long black hair, and glasses came out. She showed a faint smile and came to the side of the robot.

"It's Jingjing Rabbit, haha, I like this kind of temperamental beauty the most~~"

"Eh————It's not Lele Cat... Sigh——" The arrival of Jingjing Rabbit made some people's emotions rise.

"Hello everyone, my name is Jingjingtu. Welcome to the new product launch conference of Aiya Group." Jingjingtu's voice is unhurried and unhurried, just like a classical beauty speaking softly beside you, which makes People feel happy.

"I don't know if Xiao Y's appearance has brought you any surprises. He is right. The new products this time are mainly robots. Some people may ask, there are already many robots on the market, so, we What is the difference between this little Y and some 703 robots on the market? Now, please listen to me."

"YYYY, little Y is a very powerful YY~~" Little Y on the other side interrupted.

"Little Y, please don't spoil anything~~" Jingjing Tu said with a smile, and then said: "First of all, you can tell by looking at Little Y's appearance that this is a human-like robot - oh, except for the legs , someone in the development department called it a tank leg."

"You can move forward, backward, left and right, and your body can also rotate 1080 degrees -" Little Y on one side used the crawler belt to move forward, backward, left and right a few times, and also rotated his body three times... The body that was not moved by the crawler belt rotated. : "Hmph————much more powerful than a tank!"

"Little Y has human-like organs - mechanical eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. It also has vision, hearing, and smell... Well, it also has a sense of taste, but it can't eat~*

"Give me something to eat and I don't want to eat it~~ If you want to give me energy, charge me up YY——" Little Y turned his body and said.

"Of course, a high-end robot on the market can also have these, but I would say that our Little Y is more advanced... Next, let me tell you the biggest difference of our Little Y."

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