The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 424 Really Intelligent Robot

"Next, what I want to say is the biggest difference between Xiao Y and others on the market. This is also a major feature developed by our first development department after countless failures!" After a slight pause, Jing Jing Jingtu continued: "As the leader of primates, what do humans rely on? First of all, it is naturally our brains, and secondly, our hands."

Jingjing Rabbit stretched out his hand and said: "Through these hands, humans have created countless things. The hands can be said to be the most familiar part of the human body to us, and they are also the parts that are used the most and have the most activities. "

"Our goal is to make robots have hands like ours... However, human hands are really too dexterous. It is too difficult to make robot hands reach the level of human hands, but ,Now.........Xiao Y, make a fist——scissor hand——wrench finger————"


Following Jingjing Rabbit's words, Little Y next to him actually made the same action with the robot hand, which was magnified by the camera and displayed on the large LCD screen, making it very clear to see.

"Really, what a flexible manipulator!"

"It's just like a human being, it has many joints and can move!"

"The manipulator has many joints, and the most important thing is that the speed of movement is not busy at all. What an exquisite mechanical structure it is!" Everyone at the scene made a sound of surprise.

"Of course, because it's a robotic hand, it can also do things that humans can't do, such as -"

"For example, Super Spin Y——" Little Y's hands began to spin rapidly, and finally they were so fast that they could not be seen clearly.

"Ahaha - this is the rhythm of the spinning wave fist -" someone at the scene said with a smile.

Seeing the atmosphere at the scene, Jingjing Rabbit spoke again.

"Some people may ask, what is the use of making such an exquisite robot hand? The answer is actually very simple, what can human beings do with these hands?" During the conversation, a staff member rolled out a table with a table on it. A piece of paper and pen.

For example, our little Y can write with a pen. Come on, little Y, try to write the four words "Gong Xi Fa Cai" with a pen ||. "

"I understand~~ Look at Xiao Y, my handwriting is pretty good~~"

While everyone was watching, Xiao Y came to the table, picked up the pen with his dexterous robotic hand, pulled out the pen cover, made a human gesture of holding the pen, and then wrote the words "Gong Xi Fa Cai" squarely. !

There were voices of surprise at the scene - it can even write with a pen. It feels like this robotic hand is amazing. Could it be that it can do everything that human hands can do?

Some people envied and said that the words written by this robot were a hundred times more beautiful than their own, and they would soon buy one and use it as a professional coding tool for themselves!

"Thanks to the efforts of the First Development Department, they developed a dexterous manipulator that is similar to humans. It is said that this manipulator uses a large number of mechanical parts and is very sophisticated and complex. It can do almost anything that humans can do with their hands. Things...but do you think this is the biggest feature of Xiao Y? No." Jingjing Tu said with a smile.

"Little Y is a very powerful Y~~" Little Y next to him raised his hand and said with a smile.

"Is there anything more powerful?" The audience at the scene was also surprised.

"Perhaps, many viewers have already felt that the little Y next to me can talk to me and will react accordingly based on what I say... Maybe some people will say that this has been set long ago. A good program, some people may think that what little Y said is actually someone talking in the background... However, what I want to tell you is that it is not, all of this is based on the result of little Y's operation, it is the result of little Y's operation. The embodiment of Y's wisdom... In other words, it is Xiao Y's AI. What I want to tell you is that Xiao Y has passed the Turing test and can be called true intelligence. Robot!" Jingjing Rabbit said the shocking facts in a calm tone.

"What? A real intelligent robot?"

"Little Y's conversation just now was the result of calculations by the robot AI. It wasn't someone talking in the background. This is impossible!" Many people couldn't believe it.

In fact, because the conversation between Xiao Y and Jingjing Rabbit was so natural, many people habitually thought that this must be because someone was controlling the robot.

Isn’t it like this? Many so-called AI programs on the market today are actually, to put it bluntly, “mentally retarded” AI. Let alone talking to AI, even a few simple questions may be answered incorrectly by a mentally retarded AI!

As for chatting with AI? Just think about it and go to sleep!

Therefore, the audience naturally thinks that it is the result of someone controlling it backstage, and everything that happens on stage is preset, which is very natural.

That must be it!

This is the thought of almost everyone present.

However, the next moment, Jingjing Rabbit directly overturned everyone's almost certain guesses, which naturally shocked everyone.

"This is really a machine that has passed the Turing test. The highlight of Aiya Group today is actually not robots, but intelligent AI?"

The Turing test, which was invented by Alan Mathison Turing, is a scientific research test used to test whether a machine possesses human intelligence. The method is very simple. The tester and the testee (a person and a machine Machines) are separated from each other, and random questions are asked to the test subjects through some devices (such as keyboards). After multiple tests, if the machine allows each participant to make more than 30% misjudgments on average, then this machine will Passed the test and was deemed to have human intelligence.

Allen once predicted that in 2000, 30% of AI could pass the Turing test, but the fact is that the development of AI is far behind this prediction. Basically, humans can easily see through the invisible through some simple questions. Is the `||other party” a human or a machine?

"Our first development department is working on two important projects at the same time, one is a robot project, and the other is intelligent AI. Relatively speaking, the development of robots is smoother. As for intelligent AI, we have actually had the opportunity to develop it before. However, the progress has been delayed due to some technical reasons... But it doesn't matter, after the efforts of the developers, we finally have something that can be used."

"Some people think that our first development department has not produced any heavyweight works in two years. What are we doing... In fact, the robot and AI projects were already established when the Aiya Group was founded. Two important projects have been studied since the establishment of Aiya Group. However, because the research funds were too huge, the progress was never very satisfactory. Later, after sufficient funds were available, heavy investment in research and development was made. These two years are also the most critical. two years."

"Hard work pays off, and a truly intelligent robot is born!"

"That's Little Y and his robot friend Y~~" Little Y turned his body and looked very happy.

Intelligent robot creation?

Is mankind about to enter the era of AI intelligent robots?

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