The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 478 Nightmare Level Treasure Chest!

Looking at this treasure chest, Trashing Galaxy narrowed his eyes.

Previously, the Shadow Wings Guild in Monster Hunter World defeated the ancient dragon for the first time and opened this nightmare-level treasure chest. However, the Shadow Wings Guild did not release any information about this treasure box, nor did it announce what was opened from the treasure box. thing.

Now, it's finally the horizon world's turn, and this treasure chest also appears.

Moreover, unlike Horizon World, which is obtained through probability lottery, it is obtained through point redemption.

Tashaixinghe looked at his PTS - 36582pts, which can be exchanged for one.

There is almost no need for any hesitation, Shattering Galaxy will definitely redeem this... Of course, the current authority is not enough, so it cannot be redeemed.

I also looked at the points of the first place Lie Yan...68942pts...a score that can be looked up to, and can actually be exchanged for two nightmare-level treasure chests!

"Anyway, if you want to know what's in this treasure chest, you won't know until it's replaced." Thinking of the nightmare-level 09 reward, Stepping Galaxy was a little excited.

That's an urban legend - in that mysterious nightmare world, there is the most special reward: seven-color nightmare grade, and nightmare grade items can be exchanged from the nightmare world!

It is said that the unprecedented tornado that hit the Miracle Island was caused by the things exchanged in the nightmare world!

If the tornado had not disappeared, I don’t know what disaster the Miracle Island would have suffered!

In fact, various natural disasters occur frequently around the world and cause heavy losses. When the storm disaster occurred on the Miracle Island, people from all over the world expressed that even the "Miracle Island" would finally suffer.

Once Miracle Island suffers heavy losses, its glory may be over.

But, finally, a miracle happened!

When the disaster happened, Treading the Galaxy was in the City of Miracles. Because the disaster happened suddenly, he followed the flow of people and hid in the Tower of Miracles, but he didn't expect to encounter that terrifying tornado...

Then, I saw with my own eyes the huge tornado that was raging!

I survived a horrific natural disaster!

Looking at the bright sunshine, it seems as if the disaster just a moment ago was all an illusion!

After that, I would like to know what happened at that time!

Two days passed.

In the past two days, the forum has naturally been very lively. The hottest topic, or the most hyped topic, is Monster Hunter World VS Horizon World: Who is the true son of the Nightmare World?

The final results are out, Horizon World wins!

Two consecutive main missions, the first legendary quality equipment to appear!

There has been constant action in Horizon World these days. On the contrary, Monster Hunter World over there seems to have lost its voice...

Well, it’s not that they lost their voices, it’s that the players were beaten stupid by the ancient dragon!

No matter how glorious of a past Monster Hunter World has, the present is what matters, so Horizon World is the winner now.

This can also be seen from the rapid increase in Horizon World players in the past two days - many Monster Hunter World players have come to play Olai.

As for how the main mission of "Guarding the Nora Tribe" went this time...

Well, it’s very difficult and miserable!

Difficult naturally means that the task is very difficult - the mechanical creatures that attacked the Nora tribe are all fallen mechanical creatures. The difficulty of these fallen mechanical creatures is far more difficult than the normal state, not to mention that there are also Many large fallen mechanical life forms and even giant fallen mechanical life forms!

Yes, the giant fallen mechanical life forms - Thunderfang and Stormbird are also here!

These two mechanical beings are simply super bosses in the wild, killing people when they are blocked, and killing people when they are blocked by Buddhas. Horizon players organized several collective attacks, but they all failed.

Currently, Thunderfang and Stormbird are still wreaking havoc on the Nora tribe.

Thunderfang is okay, it walks after all, but the damn Stormbird flies! Damn this guy can fly!

No one knows if a storm bird will come out of the sky and give you a shot!

As for it being miserable, that’s because many new players have come to Horizon World recently, and the new players are collectively confused!

Now the Nora tribe's territory in the Novice Village area has become a hell-level difficulty!

There is no "plane system" in the nightmare world yet. Everyone is on the same server and in the same time period. Therefore, novice players now have to face powerful fallen monsters from the beginning. No wonder they are collectively confused - they are beaten to death. of!

That’s miserable!

It’s simply the tragedy of the century!

"Didn't we agree to come to Horizon World to control a large group of mechanical babies to fight monsters? Why are the mechanical monsters so powerful and can't be caught!"

—Sorry, corrupted monsters cannot be turned into pets!

To describe Horizon World in one sentence, it is the best time (for old players) and the worst time (for new players)!

On the other side, after two days of frantically spawning monsters and completing tasks, the Black Legion finally raised their authority to level 7.

After upgrading to the seventh level, you can redeem all the rewards of [Secret of Machinery]. Treading the Galaxy can't wait to redeem the rewards with your points.

Nightmare level treasure chest level 1!

After returning to the hotel, he took out the nightmare treasure chest and put it on the table.

"This is...a nightmare-level treasure chest..." There was another person in the room, 677. That was the vice president of the union, Jiu Xing Sword Lin, who was a good student in Junior High School and High School of Breaking the Galaxy. Friends, we were both spotted by a gaming club because of our high ranking in playing games in high school. After graduating from high school, we joined the same club together.

After that, the level of Shattering Galaxy increased rapidly, and he soon became the top player in the country, and was rated as the most valuable and powerful professional player in the country. Jiuxing Jianlin felt that his ability had reached the limit, and in the international competition After the defeat, he gave up his career as a professional player and started to become an anchor.

Later, due to physical reasons, Taoshaixinghe also chose to retire and became a host. With the help of Jiuxing Jianlin, he became a big brother in the live broadcast industry.

As they got older, the two reduced their number of anchors and opened a studio.

The studio was opened by four anchors who were once professional gamers, but the ones that accounted for most of the funds were Treading the Galaxy and Nine Star Sword.

The relationship between the two has been very good since junior high school, and they can be said to be iron buddies.

Treading the Galaxy looked at the treasure box, was silent for a moment, and said: "Yes, the nightmare-level treasure chest should be able to unlock nightmare-level items... Our studio's future policy depends on whether this treasure box can unlock Something."

"Yes." Jiuxing Jianlin nodded.

Stepping on the Galaxy opens the treasure chest.

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