The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 479 Nightmare Transformation Skill!

[You have opened the Nightmare Level I treasure chest. Congratulations, you have drawn the Nightmare Water Drop Level I]

A prompt came from the system, but it seemed that because the treasure chest was not obtained through a lottery, no server-wide announcement was made.

"Nightmare Drops, what is this?"

Seeing Tulu Xinghe looking at it with surprised eyes, Jiuxing Jianlin couldn't help but ask.

"Take a look." Treading the Galaxy sent him the item description.

[Nightmare Water Drop Level I:

Explanation: No one knows how it was formed, no one knows where it will appear, and no one knows how to get it. The only thing that is known is that it is the most special drop of water formed in the deepest part of the nightmare world.

If you get her, please cherish it and use it with caution.

Use: You can use nightmare drops on any item in the nightmare world, including but not limited to props, equipment, skills, environmental creatures, etc. After using nightmare drops, the item will be transformed into a nightmare-level item!

The effect of level 1 nightmare water drops is relatively weak. If you use nightmare water drops on green rare items or below, there is a high probability that the transformation can be successful. If you use them on blue or above blue items, there is a high probability that they will fail.

Disposable props that disappear after use.

PS: It is said that there is a way to increase the level of nightmare drops, but no one knows the specific method yet]

"This, this is?" Looking at the description of this item, Jiuxing Jianlin was undoubtedly shocked.

"It can be used on any item in the nightmare world. Any item can be transformed into a nightmare-level item? I remember that nightmare-level items are said to be able to bring out the nightmare world!" Nine Star Sword Lin said.

"Yes." Tasha Xinghe said slowly. He had been staring at the nightmare water drop. This was a magical water drop that had been floating in the center of the crystal bottle. No matter how much it was shaken, it would not touch the crystal bottle!

"What a magical water drop..." Jiuxing Jianlin also looked at the water drop in the bottle, suddenly remembered something, and said: "Xinghe, tell me, the Shadow Wings Guild did not announce this water drop, is it because of this explanation~"

The Shadow Wings Guild once had a great character and drew a nightmare-level treasure chest and opened a nightmare drop. According to past practice, everyone will post the good things opened in the lottery on the Nightmare World Forum on the campus network, but the Shadow Wings The union didn't pay.

However, the Shadow Wings Guild couldn't do anything about the first draw, so everyone didn't pay much attention to it.

As for this nightmare-level item, the Nightmare Water Drop...well, it's just a water droplet, what else can it be used for?

Exchange it for a drop of water in the real world?

Drink a drop of water?

However, who would have thought that the real function of nightmare water droplets is to turn other things into nightmare-level items!

What's even more shocking is that this water drop can actually be used on any object in the nightmare world... Is this possible?

"How about giving it a try?" Jiuxing Jianlin asked.

"Yeah, but the level of this thing is too low at the moment. It's best to try something low-level... What should I try?" Treading the Galaxy looked at the equipment on his body... basically all purple. , only one or two pieces are blue. It seems that the success rate of nightmare water drop transformation is very low.

"The most common white item..." Tulu Xinghe looked around and saw one on the table.

[Wooden wine glass: A wine glass made of the most common wood of the Nola tribe. The craftsmanship is average, but it is strong enough, white quality]

"If we use water droplets on this, it seems to have a very high success rate, but..."

But this piece of shit is of little use when redeemed!

Tell others that this is something exchanged from the game world... Well, let’s not say whether others will believe it or not. Even if they believe it, what will happen?

Of course, if the transformation is successful, the dream world will have extraordinary significance to the players.

But I still can't deny the fact that I "abused my baby".

"Would you like to try other things? The instructions indicate not only items, but also skills, environmental creatures, etc. How about trying skills?"

"By the way, there are still skills you can use!" Trampling Galaxy reacted and began to check his own skills.

There are a large number of talents in the Horizon world, and when many talents are tapped, they will become their own skills, either active skills or passive skills.

The first thing that comes to mind when stepping on the galaxy is the most famous skill in Horizon World - Mechanical Eyes.

[Mechanical Eye: Your unique understanding of machinery allows you to understand the Mechanical Eye. Now, you can see special consultations by turning on the Mechanical Eye. 】

But unfortunately, this skill is of purple quality.

Treading the Galaxy thought for a while, and touched this skill of his with the Nightmare Water Drop.

[System prompt: Whether to use nightmare water droplets on the "Mechanical Eye" skill, this skill is of purple quality and has a very low conversion probability]

Choosing to crush the galaxy or not.

"Choose one with a higher probability...well...skills are almost all of blue quality, and the probability of enlightenment is also very low." Treading the Galaxy said with a frown.

For example, among the Rogue talents, the talents can enhance the player's concealment ability. The most basic talent [Low Stance: Increases the stealth ability in low stance and reduces the probability of being discovered]. This most basic skill is of blue quality, and The advanced talent [Stealth Master] is a purple quality skill.

"`||How about trying to strengthen your physique? I think this skill is of green quality, and your body..." Jiuxing Jianlin said.

"Hmm? I think it is of blue quality... Um, what level is your physical enhancement?"

"The lowest level."

"Mine is at level 2...Does it become blue quality at level 2...Well, it's troublesome to clean up the talent. You can try the skill of enlightenment to strengthen the body."

"Shall I come..."

"Seems a little nervous..."

"Haha, I'm not the kid I used to be... It doesn't matter, this thing is just based on the introduction, no matter what the enlightenment is, there is a probability. It's normal if it fails, don't worry too much." Treading the Galaxy smiled, and traded the water droplets in the dreamland to Has the Nine-Star Sword arrived? Zhao.

"Well, then I'll start... The system prompts that the skill level is in line with the level of nightmare water droplets, and the success rate of attunement is average."

"Looks okay, let's get started.

Jiuxing Jianlin chose him.

Suddenly, the bottle cap of Nightmare Water Drops opened automatically, and the water droplets inside flew out and flew into Jiuxing Jianlin's body!

Then, Jiuxing Jianlin's body emitted a lavender light, trembling and trembling, and finally emitted a strong light!

Finally, in the light, a small bottle of green liquid was born!

[You used "Nightmare Drops" to successfully transform into a nightmare with the skill "Physique Strengthening Level I"]

[You have obtained the "Physique Strengthening Level I Potion" (Colorful Nightmare Level Item)]

[You have lost a talent skill "Physical Strengthening Level I"]

"Successful!" Jiuxing Jianlin said excitedly.

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