The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 523 The Second Soul

"How is your father doing now?"

.......Father...very lost and in pain..."

"But it doesn't matter. Mother is here. I secretly saw my father crying in my mother's arms..."

—By the way, is it okay for you to take a peek like this?

Ottilia really wanted to complain.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine in a while."

"Also...thank you, Lily-chan, if you and Mio weren't here today..."

"Why are we so polite... I've said it several times before, don't call me Lily-chan, let alone Jiajiang - really, none of them..." Otiya said dissatisfied.

"I'm's not enough, I think it's so kind..."

"Hmph! If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first. The nightmare world will open soon."

"Well, have a nice evening."

"You don't need to tell me!"

" performed very handsomely today~~For the first time, I thought the second grader was so handsome (so capable of showing off)!" Felicia seemed to have remembered something.

09 "!! That, forget it quickly——" Otilia blushed and couldn't help shouting.

"Hey, I can't forget it——"

"If you can't forget, just forget it. If not, I'll help you. Is a big hammer enough?" Ottilia said immediately.

"Really, he is obviously very handsome..."

"Humph, stop talking, I'm done!"

"By the way, there is one last thing."

"Well, what's the last thing?"

"Thank you Xingying for me..."


"That's it, goodbye.

"Hey, wait————"

Otilia was shocked and was about to ask, but Felicia had already hung up.

"Hmm... Could it be that Felicia knows that she can see you?" Otilia scratched her head and asked.

"Definitely not." Zhang Xingyu said.

"But why... She has never seen you in the real world..." Ottilia said with a frown.

"Maybe she discovered something from some clues..."

"Is that so..."

"You see, Mio discovered my existence for the first time... even though she couldn't see it.

"Well——that's true, but ninjas are different..." Otilia smiled and said: "Indeed, Felicia is actually very smart..."

"I don't know how much she knows, but she doesn't seem to want to expose it, so let's leave it at that for now.

"Then, just wait for the server of Nightmare World to open..."

"Humph——" Otilia suddenly stared at Zhang Xingyu.

"What are you doing?"

"Hmph, don't say you forgot, please be careful in the dream world!" Ottilia said angrily.

Oops, it turns out this little loli hasn’t forgotten it yet!

It’s so scary——

At 9.30, Zhang Xingyu, Otilia, and Mio entered the nightmare world on time.

Then, less than a second after arriving in his home, he received a system message.

[Your friend "Empress of the Night" wants to visit your home, do you agree? 】

"Wow - are you trying to regain your position as soon as you go online? It's terrible, terrible -"

Zhang Xingyu still agreed.

Then, as soon as he entered the door, Otilia rushed in and grabbed Zhang Xingyu's clothes.

"Look at what you've done!" Otilia said angrily.

"Calm down, calm down, it's all over~" Zhang Xingyu said.

"Go over there P——!" Otilia yelled, swearing: "We agreed before, when you are possessed this time, don't be possessed by two, don't be possessed by two. Why?"


"Why...because he's handsome."

"No matter how handsome you are, you have a death wish!"

At that time, Zhang Xingyu was possessed, posing with a gorgeous middle-level pose, and talking about the second-level words. Felicia and others were okay, after all, they had seen it, but what about those who hadn't seen it before: Lieyan, even And the enemy cardinal was shocked!

Otilia really wanted to close her eyes and be like an ostrich at that time——I can’t see, I can’t see, I can’t see!

"Hey, hey - when I was in the Shadow Wings Guild, I would hit two or two from time to time, and recently in the Dream Team, I would sometimes hit two or one..."

"That...because, because I acquaintance, I doesn't matter..."

"Why not strangers?"

"Because I'm shy!"

"I can't do it even if I possess Ottilia, I can't even hit two or two!" Zhang Xingyu said.

"Work hard!"

"Impossible, can you pass the second grade in public?"

"Well? Of course you can. In fact, I have done it twice..."

"Eh - twice?" Otilia was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, jumped up angrily, and shouted: "That's because you are using my body to hit someone who is not your own!"

"Okay, okay, you'll get used to it from now on -"

"And in the future?" Otilia is about to explode!

"Besides, I do this for a very, very deep... reason.

"What is it?"

"Uh............Well, that's...Oh, by the way, that's it, Otilia, why are you able to burst out with such powerful power at a critical moment? This must be There must be a reason, this is the reason, the second spirit bursts out!"

"The burst of the Second Soul is so powerful? Who are you fooling?"

"Don't underestimate Chuuni Soul. Haven't you seen in the anime that the ones who save the world are all Chuuni boys and girls?"

"That's anime!"

"The reality is the same!"

"It's completely different. Moreover, the reason just now was probably something you just came up with! And [uh-um, that's right, something like that], you obviously hesitated. It was obviously something you thought of on the spur of the moment!" cried Delia.

"...⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯...Oh, did you see it?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu""The little lolita in middle school began to draw circles in the corner: "Curse this damn untrustworthy, cool-loving, and philandering stinky ghost, curse this...

Zhang Xingyu broke into a cold sweat when he heard the little Loli's curse.

————It seems that it is better to comfort the little Loli.

Then, Zhang Xingyu tried his best, but got betrayed in the middle...

Zhang Xingyu swore at the beginning that he had also been in the second grade before, even more so than Otilia... What, he had no memory? Well, he really didn't have any memory, but damn, that's how I felt!

So I joined the gang.

Keep coaxing!

I say that I don’t hate middle school students. As the saying goes, it’s useless for teenagers and girls if they don’t have middle school students. Moreover, the little middle school girl is very cute and I like it!

After talking for a while, I found that the middle school girl was blushing.

Well, what's going on?

Anyway, I finally coaxed the little Lolita.

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