The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 524 Version 0.95 Updated!

While coaxing the second little lolita, Zhang Xingyu had an idea in his mind. If Otilia used the nightmare mark to strengthen herself in reality in the future, he would give her a set of powerful skills. However, it would require To activate this skill, you must have a prerequisite—a second explosion before you can use this set of skills!

By the way, I just have to say the same words and actions that I used to show off when I was possessed, and the names of my skills are also changed to names that are full of chuuniu aura.

Just like that, I am simply a genius!

Zhang Xingyu was planning excitedly.

Otilia didn't know that from now on, she would never be able to get rid of the second grade thing!

"Danye, new content has been updated today. Wow, a new game is here! It seems to be a very important update." Zhang Xingyu reminded the little Lolita.

Little Loli didn't pay attention to the system at all today, and only now did she finally notice the system prompts.

"What, a new game, an important update, is it finally version 1.0?"

Otilia immediately opened the update prompt excitedly.

[Nightmare World version 0.95 update announcement. 】

It still has not reached the official version of 1.0, and it has been updated so many times. Ottilia even wonders if this nightmare world plans to never update to 1.0!

【Important update:】

[01: A new important system "Homeland Achievement System" has been added. Achievements are divided into 10 types, including PVP, dungeon, skills, tasks, activities, world exploration, reputation, business, extreme challenges, and construction. Each achievement can be completed Obtain Homeland Achievement Points and Achievement Points. For some challenges, you can also obtain Homeland Achievement Honor Medals; Achievement Points cannot be used. The higher the points, the more Achievement Points products that can be redeemed. Achievement Points can be used to exchange for Achievement Points products, Achievement Honors Medals are used to redeem some special achievement point products.】

[02: The store interface of the home system has been updated with an achievement system-specific product page. Players can check it out by themselves. The content of the achievement products includes home construction-specific products, home system point fossils, home special skills, home special buildings, home system upgrade orders, etc. 】

[03: Because the home system has launched an achievement system, each game world has been updated. Players can challenge home achievements starting from today. Currently, all achievements are set to be hidden. As long as one player succeeds in the challenge, the achievement will be visible to all players. One person who completes the home challenge can get 200% achievement points reward and 120% achievement point reward, the second one will get 150% points (achievement points remain unchanged), the third one will get 120% points, and thereafter it will be the normal 100% . 】

[04: The "Achievement System Historical Completion List" is launched simultaneously to record the names of the first three players who completed the achievement. At the same time, even if the first achievement is achieved, the system will not notify you. Players can query it in the achievement system history query interface. Historical achievements achieved]

[05: Most achievements require players to complete them again. For example, the achievement of exploring a certain area. Even if the player has already explored it, he still needs to explore it again. However, some achievements, including first kill achievements and first pass rewards of dungeons, etc., will be changed according to the nightmare. World history records are settled and distributed to players]

[06: The new game world has been completed, but players need to unlock a certain achievement to enter the new game world in advance, or wait 10 days before the new game world will be open to all Nightmare World players]

[07: The new game world is very hardcore, please be prepared to be "more healthy", timid players please enter by mistake]

The system update of Nightmare World can be said to be a major event in the game. Almost all players will not miss the shiny update prompt. Except for a certain middle school girl who is eager to "revenge", almost all players will not miss it. For all players, the first thing to do when entering the nightmare world is to take a look at the system interface. If you find the system update prompt, click on it!

Then, the nightmare world became lively.

Today’s updated version is 0.95... Well, who knows when the official version of 1.0 will appear, but the majority of players in the nightmare world no longer care. Even if they see the 0.** version, they also say that they will be very Calm down - I'm afraid I'll go to the grave without waiting for the 1.0 version update!

I really burst into tears!

Today’s updated content is all from [Important Content], which shows that things are still very important.

The new game world that players are most concerned about is naturally the new game world. This new game world has been previewed in the previous version 0.85 update. After the 0.1 version upgrade, it finally appeared.

The previous 0.85 suggested that the new game world is a dark hard-core action game. Many action players said that their swords have long been thirsty and ready to enter the new world.

Then, I finally saw the new world update today, but...

||Wucao——————Why can’t you go in directly?”

"You still have to achieve an achievement to unlock it, otherwise you have to wait 10 days?"

"Come on, developers of Nightmare World. Are you as good at fishing as you are? You've been waiting for two full versions of the update and still haven't released it. Are you trying to starve us to death?"

"My sword will still be hungry and thirsty for a while...I'm really afraid that it won't be able to help but eat me!"

"Look at the last tip... Damn it, [please be prepared to be "more healthy", timid players please enter by mistake] What the hell is this?"

"Oh, this is a mockery!" a player said.


"It has to be. Now that the Endless Amusement Park World has been launched, you may not know that some players regard it as the main play world and have not even been to the other two worlds!

"Holy crap, how could there be such a softie in the hardcore dream library world?" (Nuo's) "There are also timid players, please enter this article by mistake... You know, there are many student players in the nightmare world. ....."

"Is this new game about elementary school students retreating?"

"Yes, Nightmare World developers are mocking those timid players!"

"No, no, elementary school students are very fierce. The elementary school student next door to my house is better at playing games than me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, can anyone tell me how to get to the new world?"

The new world has yet to be unlocked by anyone.

The new world can't be reached yet, so what players are paying attention to is another very, very important update.

Among the 7 updated contents, 5 are directly related to it, and 1 is also related to this update.

There is no doubt that this [Homeland Achievement System] is the focus of this system update!

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