The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 525 Fatty’S Experience

The Invincible Fatty also entered the dream world on time today.

Invincible Fatty has been living a very "moist" life recently. Ever since Invincible Fatty entered the nightmare world, he discovered the mystery and topicality of the nightmare world at first glance. He established a nightmare world forum on the campus network and published many first-hand nightmares. World information and strategies. Now, the Invincible Fatty is already a man of the hour in the nightmare world.

It is said that if you have anything you don’t understand in the nightmare world, and if you want any strategies, hidden tasks, etc., you can go to the Invincible Fatty. In fact, the news is getting more and more outrageous. Many people think that the Invincible Fatty has something to do with the nightmare world. What kind of relationship is there? I even know some news about the developer of Nightmare World or have been in contact with the developer of Nightmare World.

However, the invincible fat man smashed his chest and said that he really didn’t know who the developer of Nightmare World was!

I want to know too!

The invincible fat man said with tears streaming down his face.

He didn't know how many times he had been asked this question by people from the student union, and it almost made him swear in the most vicious language!

Invincible Fatty belongs to the News Department, but it is not a formal news department. It is a news department created by Invincible Fatty himself... Well, it is actually due to lack of staff, so he did not apply for the department, so he had to transform it himself. A small corner of a small warehouse, the price is that the invincible fat man needs to clean and tidy up the warehouse regularly.

It should be noted that even before the emergence of the nightmare world, the Invincible Fatty was still a "popular figure" among some students of Shengwu Academy. Even some students in the Higher Education Department knew about the Invincible Fatty!

The reason is a news column created by the Invincible Fatty himself - the absolute scenery of Shengwu Academy.

The name seems normal, don’t be too normal, but the content...

There are indeed many landscape pictures in it, but the scenery is just the background. The theme is the beautiful holy light pictures of the female students of Holy Dance Academy!

I don’t know why, but Fatty can take some wonderful pictures of girls’ scenery.

However, the pictures published on public websites do not show faces, and there are no colorful fruit plates with white or blue strawberries. However, the more this happens, the easier it is to attract people's imagination.

It is said that there is a very "mysterious" event in Shengwu Academy. Many people don't even know the name. Some people heard about this event by chance, but they can't find the time and place of the event...

This event is called "Yutie Feast"

It is said that the gluttonous feast is a secret event that only boys can participate in.

It is said that it is not allowed to refuse anyone with a girlfriend to participate in the gluttonous feast, unless he is willing to provide "delicious food".

It is said that......

In short, this is a very magical event that only a few people know about, but it is said that Fatty is a frequent visitor to the gluttonous feast and often provides delicious food there.


There are many female players in the nightmare world now, but there is a big difference between girls playing games and boys playing games. Although most girls often play games, many of them play casual mobile games. Their impression of games is that of mobile phones. Rub it a few times, if you can't beat it, recharge...

Then, the nightmare world...

This is a hardcore game that cannot be played in hardcore games!

Therefore, the guide written by Fatty on the forum has saved many female players.

Currently, the popular ranking of Dream World games is Monster Hunting World, Horizon World, Endless Amusement Park World.

However, if only female players are counted, the ranking is Endless Amusement Park World Monster Hunter World Horizon World.

Nowadays, many amusement parks built by female players are already well-established. There is also the "Endless Amusement Park Players Mutual Aid Association" on the forum. The members are almost all girls. They help each other and go to the mutual aid meeting every day to contribute to the amusement parks of other players. Population and economy, learn how to operate an endless amusement park together. In this case, the amusement park economy takes off very quickly, and some of the well-constructed amusement (ajai) parks have become popular local amusement parks (players in the game The area to which the park belongs), and there are even players who have developed unique brands.

Fatty, this guy, has also done in-depth research on Endless Amusement Park. He is also a game fan himself and has been exposed to various games. Therefore, he wrote a detailed guide based on his previous simulation management game experience and the situation of Endless Amusement Park in Nightmare World. There are also predictions and response methods for various situations that may be encountered later.

Fatty's guide is a must-read guide for female players of the Endless Amusement Park Players' Mutual Aid Association. Therefore, Fatty's popularity is still very high, which is why Fatty's beatings have obviously decreased recently.

However, what makes Fatty "sad and angry" is that although Fatty's popularity has increased, and he has advertised that his news department is recruiting people, girls are given priority... But why doesn't a beautiful girl join? Come in?

This unscientific!

Even if there were boys who wanted to apply to join the club later, they would immediately be scared off when they saw the condition of this activity room (a computer and a printer in one corner, all kinds of sundries from the city nearby, and a weird smell)!

Later, the student union saw him as pitiful, and because of Fatty's contribution to the investigation, they allowed him to monopolize the small warehouse and even recognized him as the department he had established by himself.

Fatty is very excited. The Fatty News Department finally has a "regular" activity room and is finally about to get up...

Wait, the real reason is that because the small warehouse is a bit remote and it is inconvenient to come and go, a new large warehouse has been built to store things. The small warehouse was originally intended to be demolished.

Later, when the fat man got the news... he became angry and started killing monsters like crazy in the nightmare world... Unfortunately, he failed to achieve the goal of Wushuang and was tortured into a dog by the monster. He later hid in the Endless Amusement Park to lick his wounds.

Invincible Fatty clicked on the 0.95 version update. After reading it quickly, Fatty’s first reaction was to unlock the news of the new world as soon as possible. It would be best to be the first to enter and write down the strategy!

The main content of version 0.95 is actually only 2 pieces. Although it seems that the achievement system has more explanations, there is no doubt that this new world is more newsworthy!

It's not easy to remain the "number one news person in the nightmare world".

Fatty has a dream. Not only does he want to establish the first news department in the real world (it seems impossible to accomplish it at present), he also wants to establish the tenth news department in the Mengku world!

It is a pity that the nightmare world has not opened the functions of taking pictures, recording and networking...

"When will the nightmare world be able to connect to the Internet and take photos and record videos..." Fatty sighed.

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