The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 545 The Poor Tai Sword Man

"It's impossible, it's impossible. Do you really want me to go through that ruin with bare hands?"

If we say that the first three enemies can still be avoided by running away, it is impossible on the other side of the ruins. The enemies there are equipped for long-range and melee combat, and the archers are still on the high platform with a wide field of vision. Once the enemy is discovered, The alarm will sound, and then the enemies will rush over in a swarm.……………………How to fight when you are unarmed?

"No matter how hard-core the game is, it cannot have an unsolvable start!"

A generally accepted guideline in the gaming industry is that the start should not be too difficult to prevent players from being too frustrated (even refunding their money). Even some extreme games, such as various mobile games, start with "Dragon Slaying Sword, click Just give it away”!

Although the nightmare world is a hard-core game, and this new game world of "Dark Soul" is even more a hard-core action game, it does not mean that it is completely unsolvable at the beginning.

"I must have missed something at the beginning!"

The fat man looked towards the ashes grave.

"The weapons must be in these tombs, they must be!"

Although digging graves is a bit...well, in reality, fat people will definitely not do this, but after all, this is just a game world, and this game is also a "dark action game", a dark type, with digging graves and so on. , not too surprising. 443

So, the fat man started to open the boxes in the ashes cemetery with his bare hands... Wrong, it was a grave!

Open those exposed graves, fat man... and find a few pairs of smelly clothes, and then... they're gone!


Not to mention any weapons, not even equipment!

The smelly clothes I found were not wearable—they had no attributes at all!

"Are we going to dig those underground graves? How can I dig them with my bare hands?" The fat man was about to cry!

"Is this game really starting with no weapons, and you are faced with a direct encounter: fighting monsters with bare hands? But you will definitely not be able to defeat them, even if those special forces come. Or you can just run away, but how can you run away when there are so many enemies surrounding the ruins? ....." Fatty felt that this game trapped him to death in the "Newbie Village"!

Even after rushing out, the fat man sat down and began to "doubt life."

"The most critical issue is that we need to have a weapon at the beginning. The weapon...but we can't find it in the game. Do we need another way to get the weapons in this game?...Another way. .....Hmm? Another way?!" Thinking of another way, Fatty was suddenly startled.

"By the way, the home system! Version 0.95 has updated the achievement system. The biggest use of the achievement system is to make home points fossils popular. Unlike at the beginning, only a few players had home skills and home props. Now everyone has home skills and home props. Is it possible? Could it be said that the clearance of this game requires the support of the home system?

The more Fatty thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

"Why does this new game have to be fully opened after 10 days? 10 days is enough time for players to obtain many achievements and have enough achievement points and points to purchase homeland fossils, so that they can bring different things into this new game! "

"Damn it, it turns out I opened the game wrong!"

The fat man shouted sadly and indignantly, but he did not regret his initial choice. Although he was wrongfully hanged twice, he also got useful information. For reporters, valuable information is the most important.

Fatty chose to return to his home world first and began to select suitable home props.

As a well-known player, Fatty is quite popular in the game. Some teams will even take the initiative to invite Fatty to bring him to spawn monsters when they meet him. Therefore, Fatty's achievements are not bad and he is in the middle rank among the players in the nightmare world.

The first is the selection of props, which include equipment, usable props, recovery items, etc. In the world of Dark Souls, natural equipment is the most important.

"What equipment should I bring... Well, just bring an awesome melee weapon... As the saying goes, strength is temporary, but handsomeness lasts a lifetime, so naturally I will bring (ajeh) one. Too sharp!"

So, Fatty chose a weapon derived from the fire dragon series - Feilong Dao [Red Leaf] (green and rare). Of course, this weapon can continue to be strengthened, but the rarity will also increase accordingly, and if it is strengthened, it will become It's blue, and the highest rarity that can be initially selected is only green, so the Flying Dragon Blade [Red Leaf] is quite suitable, and the enemy looks like a living dead monster. Judging from common sense, it should be weak fire or weak light, but Monster Hunter Weapons in this world do not have light attributes.

Now that you have weapons, the most important thing is naturally your skills!

As one of the first players in the Nightmare World, Fatty still remembers the early days of Monster Hunter when he had no skills, because without the relevant operating skills of weapons, it was all kinds of cheats, especially the archers, who were the worst, and couldn't even shoot TM. Yes, he will even shoot his own people!

However, Fatty has not yet enlightened the Tai Sword skills, so he returned to Monster Hunter World and enlightened the Intermediate Tai Sword operation skills (green rare quality).

After selecting Tai Sword and Tai Sword skills, apart from the options that need to be manually unlocked, there are still two white props and one white skill left in the home system that can be carried. Fatty thought for a while.

I feel that choosing a piece of white rarity equipment is a bit of a disadvantage. It would be better to find a piece of equipment in the game.

So, with Tai Sword and Tai Sword skills, Fatty entered the game world again.

Once again getting up from the grave in the Ashes Cemetery, Fatty found that there was a tachi in the grave where he was lying - naturally it was the tachi Feilong Sword in Monster Hunter World [Red!

"It turns out that this is the real way to open the game!" Fatty burst into tears!

Clicking on the character attributes, Fatty was surprised to find that the title of "Nothing Owner" at the beginning turned into the title of the poor Tai Swordsman!

"I won't complain about Tai Dao Xia. Why do I have the prefix "poor"? Is it because I carry too few home props?" The fat man couldn't help complaining.

"And what the hell is [Xia]? Does he also visit the forum in the nightmare world?"

The history cannot be verified. I don’t know when it started. Players who carry Tai Swords are called "Tachi Heroes".

"If you unlock the last two carrying props and bring several legendary level props, the title will not become [Rich Taishou Man], haha ​​-" Fatty laughed. However, the change of this title was confirmed. One of Fatty’s guesses is that the real way to open this game is to bring home props and skills!

Of course, there is no denying that some high-level players can pass unarmed, but Fatty feels that it will definitely not be him.

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