The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 546 The Dark Soul Of Tai Dao Xia

With the sword in hand, I have the world!

Compared with being unarmed and frightened at the beginning, with Tai Dao, the fat man suddenly felt that I was damn capable again!

I'm standing up again!

"Haha, monsters, here I come——!" Fatty rushed out of the initial fog: "First, I'll take action on you who killed the three little ones!"

The fat man rushed forward and aimed at the nearest one with a vertical slash. The living dead was beaten back a step. The fat man was overjoyed. He used two vertical cuts, a stabbing, and an air blade slash - the wandering soul had already lost its health. Got it!

I wanted to follow up with the second air blade slash, but two other enemies rushed over.

"Kasaya beheads!"

The fat man used a tachi kasaya slash to retreat and distance himself. The angle was very good. The enemies were standing in a row in front of them. The fat man felt that he could hit three of them at once with the air blade slash!

I can fight three of them!


Qi-receiving blade——

But the fat man couldn't cut it out!


The air blade value is there, and Tachi's air blade slash can be used, but...

Endurance is gone!

"Wucao——Every cut consumes stamina?!" The fat man was shocked.

In Monster Hunter World, although there are stamina points, most attacks do not consume stamina points. As long as some specific actions are performed, such as running, rolling, ghost transformation, shield defense, etc., such as Tai Sword attacks, as long as the rhythm is well controlled. , if you are not attacked by monsters, you can keep attacking.

However, Dark Souls is not Monster Hunter World!

"Brother, wait until I take a breath—"

Three living dead pounced on the fat man!

After a while, the fat man climbed out of the ashes cemetery again!

"Fuck-" The fat man looked up to the sky and yelled.

With the sword in hand, the world...I don't have it!

Fatty forgot that different worlds have different rules, and the home props and skills they bring to different worlds will have some changes according to the rules of each world.

For example, Tachi's air blade slash will not only consume the accumulated air blade value of Tai Sword, but also consume some concentration, but the consumption is relatively small - each air blade slash consumes 2 points of concentration.

If it is a big move such as the Air Blade Swinging Slash, Iai Slash, or Climbing Dragon Slash, the concentration consumed will naturally be higher. Of course, the current intermediate sword skills carried by Fatty cannot use advanced combat skills such as Climbing Dragon Slash. .

This death made Fatty start to pay attention to his endurance and concentration.

"It seems that in this world, endurance and concentration are also very critical attributes..." Fatty began to experiment with endurance and concentration. He found that if he used Tai Sword

Basically, if you cut 4-5 times, your stamina will be used up. If you use powerful skills such as air blade slashing, your stamina will be consumed even more.

Although the stamina recovery speed is faster than that of Monster Hunter World, considering that rolling also requires stamina points, once the stamina points are used up, you cannot perform any actions such as attack or defense... This game seems to be very necessary Control the endurance value. There should be a way to increase the endurance value in the future, and this should also be improved as soon as possible. "The fat man muttered as he slashed into the air.

Then, Fatty discovered a huge problem.

" can I regain my concentration?"

Stamina will recover quickly as long as you don't take any action, but concentration... no matter how much you use it, there will be no recovery!

After studying for a while, Fatty still couldn't find a way to restore his concentration, so he had no choice but to give up.

This time, Fatty was careful, paid attention to his endurance, and finally killed three monsters with his sword!

"Damn, I didn't expect that a change in endurance would make it so difficult to fight monsters!" Fatty said breathlessly after beating three monsters.

Monster Hunter World and Horizon World also have stamina settings, but they are completely different from Dark Souls World.

Relatively speaking, the endurance value of Dark Soul is closer to the endurance setting in the real world. After all, a person cannot attack continuously and must always take a breather and rest.

After the rest, Fatty started a battle in the ruins.

Five minutes later, the fat man died.

Continue to challenge, Fatty failed again!


Fatty didn't believe it. He was a swordsman and couldn't even pass the second battle of "Novice Village"!

Then, the fat man died beautifully again!

"The enemy's configuration is simply poisonous!" The fat man burst into tears after his resurrection.

In the battle in the ruins, after several battles, Fatty finally figured it out. There were 7 enemies in total, and it was these damn 7 that tortured Fatty to the point of death!

0…………Please give me flowers 00

Totally unbeatable!

Fatty discovered that facing multiple enemies in the Dark Souls game is extremely dangerous!

The biggest reason is the setting of endurance - endurance is very limited, and your attacks will be interrupted by the enemy, which makes blood exchange tactics difficult!

Once surrounded by enemies, the player cannot draw his sword - even if he draws his sword, the player's attack will be interrupted as long as he is attacked by the enemy!

In fact, the three monsters behind the fog were already a bit dangerous at the beginning, but those three monsters only held short daggers and moved a little slowly, so they were still able to deal with them.


However, the ruins are different. These enemies have long-range and melee weapons. Melee weapons include daggers, shields, daggers, wooden sticks, etc. The fat man really can't deal with them!

"Could it be that I, the majestic swordsman, can't even pass the novice village?!" The fat man did not believe in evil and continued to challenge.

Soon, Fatty died twice in a row, and the number of deaths in Dark Souls reached 7 times!

"Damn it, I might not be able to beat him!"

Fatty tried many methods, such as going around...but it didn't work, because if he went around, he would definitely be discovered by the archers standing on the high platform. Then the enemies would rush over in a swarm, and after going around, the battle would begin. The location turned into a narrow cliff, which was even more dangerous!

The fat man wanted to try to kill the archer occupying the highest point, the archer who would sound the warning sound, but he would always be discovered when he was halfway forward, and then the archer would sound the alarm, and the enemies would rush in swarm Come here...hang up!

"Is there no solution here?" The fat man was filled with grief and anger, and finally admitted that he really had no solution!

"Although my gaming skills may not be as good as those of Absoluteism or Shadow Wings Guild, I, Fatty, have one of the strongest weapons--that is, my brain!"

"Playing games requires using your brain, so... I decided to open the golden finger - I can't beat it in melee, so I'll play remote headquarters!"

"Bow and arrow? No, I think Tututu suits me better!"

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