The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 100: It’s time to cry soon!

 Chapter 100 It’s time to cry soon!

“Captain Zhu, you are finally here.” Krupp saw Zhu Maoqin with the rank of colonel and hurriedly stepped forward and said enthusiastically.

Zhu Maoqin, who was drooling at the heavy artillery, saw Krupp. He was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, looked at Krupp and said.

“Are you the Krupp that Captain Cun said?”

"Yes, I am Krupp." Krupp did not want to introduce his original name, and immediately began to introduce the heavy artillery to Zhu Maoqin.

Since both men are men of science and engineering, the two of them didn't have to go around so much and focused on discussing artillery.

“So, my task is to shoot these shells today?” Zhu Maoqin pointed to the mountains of shells in the distance and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, these artillery shells have been here for three days. The regiment asked me to find a way to shoot them all three days ago, but I have so much money in my hands that I can only operate one artillery. I can't finish them at all. I have to do it every day. Bring a lot of shells."

"Oh, yes, today's cannonballs haven't arrived yet. It may have been delayed on the road." Krupp said with a painful look on his face.

 In the past, he wished he could have one more shot every day.

 Now he just wants to play one less shot every day.

 He was really about to vomit.

 My arms are so sore every day that I can’t lift them up.

But he had to endure the pain and continued to fire.

 So, Krupp is having a very painful life every day now.

  When you hear people from the Fifth Army Artillery Regiment coming, it's like seeing your relatives.

 Finally, someone came to help share the pain.

The key point is that Zhu Maoqin doesn’t understand Krupp’s pain at all.

He only has one thought now, I can finally have a good fight today.

 There is no need to count on your fingers how many shells are left.

On one mission, that is Boom!

“I’ll just finish it in one day, no problem, leave it to me.” Zhu Maoqin promised, patting his chest.

 “Send my order and all artillery troops will enter their positions immediately.”

“Yes.” The adjutant waiting next to him immediately turned around to convey the order.

 The artillerymen, who had been waiting impatiently, received the order and ran towards the cannon one after another.

 Everyone has an excited expression on their face.

“Company commander, how many rounds can we fire today?” a gunner asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. The Sichuan Army Corps is rich and wealthy. It should not be petty. There should be two bases." The company commander didn't know how many artillery shells it could fire, but he thought that the Sichuan Army Corps was backed by the Allied Forces Headquarters, so there must be no shortage of artillery shells. , so there is still the possibility of using two bases.

"Hiss, two base shells? At least twenty or thirty shells, more than twenty artillery pieces, my God, so many shells." The gunner obviously did not realize the crux of the problem, and was still complacent, feeling I can have a hearty fight today.

“Four to five hundred artillery shells is indeed a lot. I will tell the brothers later to behave well and don’t act like you have never seen the world.” The company commander emphasized again.


 At the forward position, the soldiers of the Sichuan Army who were very happy to watch the Japanese bombings before can only suffer from the Japanese bombings with a sad face now.

At first, everyone looked like dogs, but now they are all ashen and ashamed, just like beggars.

 “The dog-hearted Zhuuchi Lianshan, if he has the ability to cross the river, let’s see how I kill him.” Bu La shook the dirt on his head and cursed unceremoniously.

“What on earth is that **** Krupp doing? Why don’t you fight back? Dozens of my soldiers have been killed.”

“The **** Krupp, who brags about studying in Germany all day long, is a bastard, and now he is silent.”

Bu La also knew that they really had no choice in the face of the Japanese 150mm cannon.

 But the grievance in my heart cannot be found, and I can curse it out. It is too grievance.

 So Krupp became the target of everyone's anger.

As long as their own artillery competes for air, they will not be so miserable.

In the nearby camp, Ma Dazhi was also cursing.

“Is Krupp reliable? He’s just watched us get bombed in the past three days?”

“Sir Ayi, ask the regiment commander what the artillery battery is doing?”

Looking at the silent Lin Yi, Ma Dazhi asked angrily.

Lin Yi was assigned to the forward position by Cun Yunsheng as a combat staff officer. According to Cun Yunsheng's explanation, he needed to be trained well.

"The few artillery pieces in our artillery battery, the 120mm heavy mortar, cannot reach the Japanese cannons at all. Once the artillery fire is fired, there is a risk of being bombed. Then the artillery battery that was finally formed will be gone." Lin Yi knew that the artillery battery was Lian said helplessly about the real situation.

“Sir Ayi, don’t blame the snake butt. He also knows that the artillery battery is not easy. He just feels a little aggrieved, so he can’t hold back his words.” Li Liansheng said with a smile.

"Well, I know, but there's nothing I can do about it. Who let the little devil have heavy artillery?" Lin Yi shook his head. In fact, he was also very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who let the heavy artillery be inferior to others, so he could only endure it.

At this moment, a sharp whistling sound came from behind.

 The soldiers of the Sichuan Army on the position subconsciously raised their heads, and then burst into warm cheers.

 “The wretched Krupp finally fired his cannon.”

 “Stop it, Krupp, if you don’t fire, I’m going to send my regards to your whole family.”

“Finally, our artillery battery has shown its power.”

The first thing to appear was the 105mm howitzer. There were twelve 105mm howitzers, firing in a row, which was extremely shocking.




 The shells landed on the Japanese positions that had been calibrated long ago.

  A violent noise broke out immediately.

Over the past three days, the Japanese army gradually lowered their vigilance. After all, the Sichuan Army Corps on the opposite side only received beatings without fighting back, which made them very happy. Who knows, the other party will attack suddenly.

 The moment the shells fell, the Japanese soldiers who had no time to escape were blown into the sky.

 Some of them even lost their complete bodies and were broken into countless pieces.

 More Japanese troops were shocked by the huge shock wave and vomited blood.

 Every Japanese soldier looked at the other side in disbelief.

 Why are there so many cannonballs.

 Before they could react, a second round of shells struck again.




The position that had just been bombed suffered another explosion.

 The eyes of the remaining Japanese soldiers were full of despair.

They couldn’t figure out why the situation had undergone a shocking reversal in just three days.

Takeuchi Mountain at the rear wing headquarters was also stunned by this artillery bombardment.

"Nani, has the Sichuan Army dispatched 105mm howitzers?" Distinguishing the type of artillery shells by listening to the sound is the ability of every veteran, especially for senior officers like Takeuchi Renshan, it is a basic requirement.

"Wait, at least ten doors..." Takeuchi Renshan took a breath.

He was very curious. How did the Sichuan Army Corps on the opposite side possess so many artillery pieces and artillerymen capable of operating them in just three days?

“Inform Colonel Souji Tomomi and tell him that the Sichuan Army has dispatched at least 10 or more 105mm howitzers. I hope he can find the opponent’s artillery position as soon as possible and completely destroy it.” Takeuchi Renshan immediately ordered.

His infantry regiment simply cannot intervene in this kind of heavy artillery duel.

We can only wait for the heavy artillery from both sides to determine the winner before we can take the next step.

 When Colonel Souji Tomei in the rear received the telegram, a cruel smile appeared on his lips.

 “Can you finally bear it no longer?”

“Order: Calibrate the artillery position of the Sichuan Army Corps and dispatch the 150mm cannon.”

 “Hai.” The adjutant who had been waiting for a long time responded immediately.

“Your Excellency, Colonel, could this be a conspiracy?” The chief of staff, who had been silent, expressed his inner doubts.

 After all, the Sichuan Army has not fired artillery in the past three days. It should be fully prepared to fire artillery at this time.

“Huh, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trick will be smashed to pieces by heavy artillery.” Colonel Tomei Souji was not moved at all.


 In the face of truth, everything is in vain.

 Calibrating coordinates is not an easy task. It requires professional staff to infer the opponent's range based on the impact point.

  Normally, based on the range of the artillery shell and the point of impact, an interval is drawn and the counterattack is carried out within this interval.

 If the enemy stops firing, it means that the opponent has been destroyed.

On the contrary, continue to narrow the range and eventually completely destroy the opponent's artillery position.

The kind that can kill the opponent's artillery position with one shot is either due to bad luck, or the scouts discovered the artillery coordinates and guided the artillery fire through radio.

 Or dispatch fighter planes to search.

However, the Sichuan Corps chose the time to fire the artillery very well, that is, the fighter planes had just returned and would not bomb again for a while.

After all, after three consecutive days of bombing, not only the pilots needed to rest, but the aircraft also needed to be overhauled, and even the bombs had to be transported from the rear.

"Report, find the artillery position of the Sichuan Army." It must be said that the Japanese artillery staff are still very professional. In less than half an hour, they can estimate a rough range.

"Yoshi, let the 150mm cannon counterattack immediately." Colonel Souji Tomomi showed a satisfied smile on his face.


 After receiving the order, the 150mm cannon immediately took off its camouflage, and with the help of the artillery, loaded the shells and explosive charges.


Following the order, the artillery shells hit the Sichuan Army's position in the distance with huge thrust.

“You little devil has such a keen sense of smell. Did you find the artillery position so quickly?” Feeling the explosion not far behind him, Zhu Maoqin couldn’t help cursing.

“Tell the brothers, don’t be afraid and keep firing. Their task today is to shoot out the shells behind them.”


At this time, Krupp and the US military instructors kept gesturing on the map.

“No, no, it should be here.” The US military instructor shook his head in denial.

"No, it should be here. The maximum range of the Japanese 150mm cannon should be about 26,000 meters. Excluding the elevation angle required for launch and terrain factors, it should be here." Krupp said in very professional terms.

 It is enough to see that Krupp is definitely a very good artilleryman.

"Okay, you convinced me. I forgot to consider the terrain here, but there is only one 150mm cannon firing now. Should we fight back now?" the US military instructor asked doubtfully.

“First use the BL 140mm howitzer to confuse the Japanese army, and wait until all their 150mm cannons are found before using other heavy artillery.” Krupp shook his head and said.

Zhu Maoqin nodded in agreement with Krupp's judgment. He didn't realize that the Sichuan Army was full of talents.

"Okay, I will send out the 140mm howitzer. To be honest, I haven't fired such a large-caliber heavy artillery for a long time." Zhu Maoqin's words are really not an exaggeration. After the Battle of Songhu, all decent heavy artillery was basically lost.

Even if the Soviet army later assisted with a batch of heavy artillery, the artillery shells were in very short supply and it was impossible for you to fire as you pleased.

 So, his artillery regiment has indeed not fired a large-caliber heavy artillery for a long time.

“Hehe, I’ve just given you a lot of fun today.” Krupp chuckled, and just now the regiment called him and told him that five more trucks of artillery shells had been transported, and today’s task was to shoot them all.

 So Krupp will wait for a while to see Zhu Maoqin’s joke.

It has one hundred chapters. It has been on the shelves for nine days, and it has nearly 150,000 words! The military zone is absolutely unique, even if it is the entire website, it is only a handful! There is one more update, try to get it done before ten o'clock!



 (End of this chapter)

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